Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

Which then makes Obama far less than the LightWorker you claim.
And you can quote me calling him a "lightworker" or whatever the hell a light worker is; can't you?

Ahh, name calling. The only recourse to those who have lost the argument and know it.

You're mistaken that the disapproval is due to his agenda being stalled; it's due to the results of his agenda.

Yet he was re-elected by landslide 332-206...332-206...332-206.
Maybe you should call more people haven't seemed to offend everyone in the country yet.

And yet, his disapproval levels are very high.

There must be a lot of former Obama supporters wallowing in depression right now. I can see why you remain in denial. It's a lot "happier" to ignore reality...until is smacks you in the back of the head.

And again: You Are A Moron. Just the type of voter Obama plays.
How depressed were righties then when Bush's JAR dropped into the teens? :eek:

I don't recall "righties" worshiping Bush as a Messiah.

That's because they're nearly smart enough to realize that President Bush was dumber than dog shit.

To bad the Democrats aren't that smart.
When has to throw up three consecutive posts whist trying to remember what said person intended to say it strongly suggests lingering damage from the concussion sustained when dropped on the kitchen floor after being bathed.
Wow, you can't even count to 3. :eek:

Only 2 of those posts were about Antares failed attempt to redeem Stephanie's ridiculous comment.

Three (3, libs). Count stands even tho one of the trio was so completely off the mark as to make no sense in context.
And you can quote me calling him a "lightworker" or whatever the hell a light worker is; can't you?

Ahh, name calling. The only recourse to those who have lost the argument and know it.

Yet he was re-elected by landslide 332-206...332-206...332-206.
Maybe you should call more people haven't seemed to offend everyone in the country yet.

And yet, his disapproval levels are very high.

There must be a lot of former Obama supporters wallowing in depression right now. I can see why you remain in denial. It's a lot "happier" to ignore reality...until is smacks you in the back of the head.

And again: You Are A Moron. Just the type of voter Obama plays.
How depressed were righties then when Bush's JAR dropped into the teens? :eek:

I don't recall "righties" worshiping Bush as a Messiah.

That's because they're nearly smart enough to realize that President Bush was dumber than dog shit.

To bad the Democrats aren't that smart.
Yeah, to bad.

The Angel Moroni?

Aren't your kid's ALL getting their OWN planets?

Do you wear your magic underwear?
Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

Fitch affirms Triple-A rating for U.S. - MarketWatch

Sept 19, 2014

Fitch Ratings Inc. affirmed its Triple-A rating for the U.S., citing the nation’s “unparalleled financing flexibility as the issuer of the world’s pre-eminent reserve currency and benchmark fixed-income asset, and as home to the world’s deepest and most liquid capital markets.

not only curtailing the 07-09 Republican Depression - the Administration does so while maintaining the National Standard of a "Triple-A rating" ...

the optimal word, Deserve is the least the republicans should use in their praise for the work well done by President Obama.

Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

Fitch affirms Triple-A rating for U.S. - MarketWatch

Sept 19, 2014

Fitch Ratings Inc. affirmed its Triple-A rating for the U.S., citing the nation’s “unparalleled financing flexibility as the issuer of the world’s pre-eminent reserve currency and benchmark fixed-income asset, and as home to the world’s deepest and most liquid capital markets.

not only curtailing the 07-09 Republican Depression - the Administration does so while maintaining the National Standard of a "Triple-A rating" ...

the optimal word, Deserve is the least the republicans should use in their praise for the work well done by President Obama.

BFD. We have 6% unemployment too.:dance::muahaha:
Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

Fitch affirms Triple-A rating for U.S. - MarketWatch

Sept 19, 2014

Fitch Ratings Inc. affirmed its Triple-A rating for the U.S., citing the nation’s “unparalleled financing flexibility as the issuer of the world’s pre-eminent reserve currency and benchmark fixed-income asset, and as home to the world’s deepest and most liquid capital markets.

not only curtailing the 07-09 Republican Depression - the Administration does so while maintaining the National Standard of a "Triple-A rating" ...

the optimal word, Deserve is the least the republicans should use in their praise for the work well done by President Obama.

BFD. We have 6% unemployment too.:dance::muahaha:

Don't forget instead of needing one job to make ends meet, we now need two. Whoopie!

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
When has to throw up three consecutive posts whist trying to remember what said person intended to say it strongly suggests lingering damage from the concussion sustained when dropped on the kitchen floor after being bathed.
Wow, you can't even count to 3. :eek:

Only 2 of those posts were about Antares failed attempt to redeem Stephanie's ridiculous comment.

dear gawd, you have a weird obsession and some need to prove you're right and I was wrong. Let me clarify for you what I should of said. Billy boy put Hillary in charge (a first lady) to get something similar to obamaCare passed. Hope that helps so you can get a good nights sleep... I think I need to keep an eye on you, you're stalker like scary
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When has to throw up three consecutive posts whist trying to remember what said person intended to say it strongly suggests lingering damage from the concussion sustained when dropped on the kitchen floor after being bathed.
Wow, you can't even count to 3. :eek:

Only 2 of those posts were about Antares failed attempt to redeem Stephanie's ridiculous comment.

Three (3, libs). Count stands even tho one of the trio was so completely off the mark as to make no sense in context.
That's because it wasn't in context with the other two. It was in context with another poster about a different topic.
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To try go get back on topic.

Here's the thing.

ANY president is going to make all his important changes in this first two years. Obama. Bush. Clinton. Reagan. What they did that was important all happened in the first two years, and the rest is just maintaining whatever they accomplished against increasingly hostile congresses.

I htink the 22nd Amendment is a good idea, because, frankly, if these guys could run for unlimited terms, they would. And they'd probably win because ousting incumbent presidents is never an easy thing. It's why since WWII, 8 incumbents got re-elected and only two got voted out.
whatever. I'll be glad when he's GONE and still maintain he didn't deserve anything. And it looks like the majority of the people agrees with me.

What's sad is watching you lib/Dems march in complete lockstep with every law he signed and then changed and sidestepped at every turn. cheering him on to be some dicktator and steamroll over the people who were Republican and their representation in Congress, watched him overstep his boundaries with his hate speech and ugliness. watched as he let loose every government agency on the people of this country (IRS) as if we now a bunch of little mini governments,(EPA,) who make their OWN LAWS. AND watched him put a new entitlement on our backs when you claimed we were in A GREAT DEPRESSION.
The party not in power have always called Presidents's difficult to take people seriously when they say things like that.
Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

Fitch affirms Triple-A rating for U.S. - MarketWatch

Sept 19, 2014

Fitch Ratings Inc. affirmed its Triple-A rating for the U.S., citing the nation’s “unparalleled financing flexibility as the issuer of the world’s pre-eminent reserve currency and benchmark fixed-income asset, and as home to the world’s deepest and most liquid capital markets.

not only curtailing the 07-09 Republican Depression - the Administration does so while maintaining the National Standard of a "Triple-A rating" ...

the optimal word, Deserve is the least the republicans should use in their praise for the work well done by President Obama.

BFD. We have 6% unemployment too.:dance::muahaha:
That's not too far from full employment.
Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

Fitch affirms Triple-A rating for U.S. - MarketWatch

Sept 19, 2014

Fitch Ratings Inc. affirmed its Triple-A rating for the U.S., citing the nation’s “unparalleled financing flexibility as the issuer of the world’s pre-eminent reserve currency and benchmark fixed-income asset, and as home to the world’s deepest and most liquid capital markets.

not only curtailing the 07-09 Republican Depression - the Administration does so while maintaining the National Standard of a "Triple-A rating" ...

the optimal word, Deserve is the least the republicans should use in their praise for the work well done by President Obama.

BFD. We have 6% unemployment too.:dance::muahaha:
That's not too far from full employment.

LMAO, as defined by who you idiot?
Ours is swallow everything they throw at you.

You are a disgusting Bammy Jizz swallower.
The party not in power have always called Presidents's difficult to take people seriously when they say things like that.

Is someone forcing you to take someone serious?
and the libs were so sane and never called Bush any names whatsoever. if you take that serious I have some swampland for sale
Obama has come the closest to a wannabe dictator I've live under and that goes ALL the way back to Carter
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Sure there's a constitutional prohibition against it. But first such things have never stopped Obama before. And second Congres can vote to amend or suspend the Constitution if it wants.
But shouldn't Obama get at least a third term to finish what he's started. Look at all he's done. He saved us from total economic collapse. He made us the strong world leaders we are. He faced down Iran, Russia, China, ISIS, and Assad. He insured health care for every American, North or South. He caused the ice cap at the Arctic to grow. ANd he fundamentally changed the tone in Washington.
Imagine what he could do in a third term. Truly world peace and nirvana are at hand. If only.
What Obama, Bush and the rest of the political trolls deserve is to be extradited to Israel with a big big fence around it to ensure that no one can enter or leave that place after all the decent people are evacuated from it.
Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

Fitch affirms Triple-A rating for U.S. - MarketWatch

Sept 19, 2014

Fitch Ratings Inc. affirmed its Triple-A rating for the U.S., citing the nation’s “unparalleled financing flexibility as the issuer of the world’s pre-eminent reserve currency and benchmark fixed-income asset, and as home to the world’s deepest and most liquid capital markets.

not only curtailing the 07-09 Republican Depression - the Administration does so while maintaining the National Standard of a "Triple-A rating" ...

the optimal word, Deserve is the least the republicans should use in their praise for the work well done by President Obama.

BFD. We have 6% unemployment too.:dance::muahaha:
That's not too far from full employment.
I was being facetious, Dude. It's actually over 14%.

Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think
Sure there's a constitutional prohibition against it. But first such things have never stopped Obama before. And second Congres can vote to amend or suspend the Constitution if it wants.
But shouldn't Obama get at least a third term to finish what he's started. Look at all he's done. He saved us from total economic collapse. He made us the strong world leaders we are. He faced down Iran, Russia, China, ISIS, and Assad. He insured health care for every American, North or South. He caused the ice cap at the Arctic to grow. ANd he fundamentally changed the tone in Washington.
Imagine what he could do in a third term. Truly world peace and nirvana are at hand. If only.
What Obama, Bush and the rest of the political trolls deserve is to be extradited to Israel with a big big fence around it to ensure that no one can enter or leave that place after all the decent people are evacuated from it.
The party not in power have always called Presidents's difficult to take people seriously when they say things like that.

Is someone forcing you to take someone serious?
and the libs were so sane and never called Bush any names whatsoever. if you take that serious I have some swampland for sale
Obama was the closed to a wannabe dictator I've live under and that goes ALL the way back to Carter

I'd have to be forced to take you seriously. Water boarding might do it, but only if you agree to use methods approved by the Bush Administration......because that wouldn't be torture.

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