Does Barack Obama Deserve A Third Term?

I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.

A Good President Like Obama?

Jeebus. How utterly clueless.

Light Years better than GWB, not as good as Clinton (Bill), several miles better than Papa Bush. Not in Reagan's class;

I suppose you're going to tell us that GWB who lied us into a needless war in Iraq and costs 4,000 lives of American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths was better? It is you who is clueless.

You think Obama is a paragon of truth?
Not sure where you got that idea. He's been more "hope" than "change". Politifact has him as keeping 70% of his promises counting his compromises. I'm sure that puts him up there with most other Presidents.

You poor little thing.
Happy to debate the merits of Obama's presidency. Having won it twice with a plurality of the popular vote and landslides in the's an easy argument.

He does still have his cult followers. some 30% rabid fools still out there

332-206 I hope that pisses you off.
I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.

A Good President Like Obama?

Jeebus. How utterly clueless.

Light Years better than GWB, not as good as Clinton (Bill), several miles better than Papa Bush. Not in Reagan's class;

I suppose you're going to tell us that GWB who lied us into a needless war in Iraq and costs 4,000 lives of American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths was better? It is you who is clueless.

You think Obama is a paragon of truth?

You poor little thing.

He does still have his cult followers. some 30% rabid fools still out there

...thus proving that one really can full Some of the People All of the Time.


OMFG...learn English; you're fooling nobody.

I'm happy to debate the merits of Obama's Presidency...PV wins and electoral landslides; it's an easy argument to make.
I never did like that amendment. When you get a good President like Obama, it forces the nation to pick someone else for no reason.

A Good President Like Obama?

Jeebus. How utterly clueless.

Light Years better than GWB, not as good as Clinton (Bill), several miles better than Papa Bush. Not in Reagan's class;

I suppose you're going to tell us that GWB who lied us into a needless war in Iraq and costs 4,000 lives of American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths was better? It is you who is clueless.

You think Obama is a paragon of truth?
Not sure where you got that idea. He's been more "hope" than "change". Politifact has him as keeping 70% of his promises counting his compromises. I'm sure that puts him up there with most other Presidents.

You poor little thing.
Happy to debate the merits of Obama's presidency. Having won it twice with a plurality of the popular vote and landslides in the's an easy argument.

He does still have his cult followers. some 30% rabid fools still out there

332-206 I hope that pisses you off.
Uninformed voters and others.
A Good President Like Obama?

Jeebus. How utterly clueless.

Light Years better than GWB, not as good as Clinton (Bill), several miles better than Papa Bush. Not in Reagan's class;

I suppose you're going to tell us that GWB who lied us into a needless war in Iraq and costs 4,000 lives of American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths was better? It is you who is clueless.

You think Obama is a paragon of truth?
Not sure where you got that idea. He's been more "hope" than "change". Politifact has him as keeping 70% of his promises counting his compromises. I'm sure that puts him up there with most other Presidents.

You poor little thing.
Happy to debate the merits of Obama's presidency. Having won it twice with a plurality of the popular vote and landslides in the's an easy argument.

He does still have his cult followers. some 30% rabid fools still out there

332-206 I hope that pisses you off.
Uninformed voters and others.

candycornmushforabrain is one of the dwindling numbers who still approve of Obama.

The majority are quite unhappy with his Presidency.

obama approval copy.jpg
Light Years better than GWB, not as good as Clinton (Bill), several miles better than Papa Bush. Not in Reagan's class;

I suppose you're going to tell us that GWB who lied us into a needless war in Iraq and costs 4,000 lives of American soldiers and tens of thousands of Iraqi deaths was better? It is you who is clueless.

You think Obama is a paragon of truth?
Not sure where you got that idea. He's been more "hope" than "change". Politifact has him as keeping 70% of his promises counting his compromises. I'm sure that puts him up there with most other Presidents.

You poor little thing.
Happy to debate the merits of Obama's presidency. Having won it twice with a plurality of the popular vote and landslides in the's an easy argument.

He does still have his cult followers. some 30% rabid fools still out there

332-206 I hope that pisses you off.
Uninformed voters and others.

candycornmushforabrain is one of the dwindling numbers who still approve of Obama.

The majority are quite unhappy with his Presidency.

View attachment 32162

Pretty standard for a 2nd term President whose agenda is stalled.
You think Obama is a paragon of truth?
Not sure where you got that idea. He's been more "hope" than "change". Politifact has him as keeping 70% of his promises counting his compromises. I'm sure that puts him up there with most other Presidents.

You poor little thing.
Happy to debate the merits of Obama's presidency. Having won it twice with a plurality of the popular vote and landslides in the's an easy argument.

He does still have his cult followers. some 30% rabid fools still out there

332-206 I hope that pisses you off.
Uninformed voters and others.

candycornmushforabrain is one of the dwindling numbers who still approve of Obama.

The majority are quite unhappy with his Presidency.

View attachment 32162

Pretty standard for a 2nd term President whose agenda is stalled.

Which then makes Obama far less than the LightWorker you claim.


You're mistaken that the disapproval is due to his agenda being stalled; it's due to the results of his agenda.
Not sure where you got that idea. He's been more "hope" than "change". Politifact has him as keeping 70% of his promises counting his compromises. I'm sure that puts him up there with most other Presidents.
Happy to debate the merits of Obama's presidency. Having won it twice with a plurality of the popular vote and landslides in the's an easy argument.

He does still have his cult followers. some 30% rabid fools still out there

332-206 I hope that pisses you off.
Uninformed voters and others.

candycornmushforabrain is one of the dwindling numbers who still approve of Obama.

The majority are quite unhappy with his Presidency.

View attachment 32162

Pretty standard for a 2nd term President whose agenda is stalled.

Which then makes Obama far less than the LightWorker you claim.
And you can quote me calling him a "lightworker" or whatever the hell a light worker is; can't you?

Ahh, name calling. The only recourse to those who have lost the argument and know it.

You're mistaken that the disapproval is due to his agenda being stalled; it's due to the results of his agenda.

Yet he was re-elected by landslide 332-206...332-206...332-206.
Maybe you should call more people haven't seemed to offend everyone in the country yet.
And the last THING that man is DESERVING of is OUR RESPECT. I don't he has the title of President

He's been the most disrespectful, hateful, divisive, ugly hearted person I've lived under for a President. I didn't even dislike Clinton like this man. Even he was another lying snake in grass Democrat/progressive. He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down. Obama just lied and used EVERY dirty snake trick in the book to pass OScamCare on us. I could care less what happens to him when he's out of office. he can leave the country for all I care just take that wifey with him
Your dementia aside, "HillaryCare" was not ObamaCare. The closest thing to ObamaCare back in those days was the individual mandate suggested by Conservatives and Republicans as a viable alternative to HillaryCare.

"Let's roll," Steph! Before it's too late!!! :rofl:

LOL......reread the post...

Bill tried to stick us whit her version of Ocare.
Her HC Bill was slapped down 98-0 by the Senate.
The word I highlighted in your post does not actually appear in her post. Despite your valiant efforts to redeem a fellow rightie's ignorance, she actually wrote, "He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down."

And again, the closest thing to ObamaCare back than was a plan put forth by Conservatives and Republicans, which was based on the model of an individual mandate. Later adopted by the Republican governor of Massachusetts but with the employee mandate added.

Seems Conservatives and Republicans loved ObamaCare until Obama passed it. :lol:

"He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down"

The word "version" is not needed, but then perhaps your ability to comprehend what you read is lacking?
The word, "version," completely changes her ridiculous claim. But then, you knew that; otherwise you wouldn't have added it.

Thanks for tryin', though.
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And the last THING that man is DESERVING of is OUR RESPECT. I don't he has the title of President

He's been the most disrespectful, hateful, divisive, ugly hearted person I've lived under for a President. I didn't even dislike Clinton like this man. Even he was another lying snake in grass Democrat/progressive. He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down. Obama just lied and used EVERY dirty snake trick in the book to pass OScamCare on us. I could care less what happens to him when he's out of office. he can leave the country for all I care just take that wifey with him
Your dementia aside, "HillaryCare" was not ObamaCare. The closest thing to ObamaCare back in those days was the individual mandate suggested by Conservatives and Republicans as a viable alternative to HillaryCare.

"Let's roll," Steph! Before it's too late!!! :rofl:

LOL......reread the post...

Bill tried to stick us whit her version of Ocare.
Her HC Bill was slapped down 98-0 by the Senate.
The word I highlighted in your post does not actually appear in her post. Despite your valiant efforts to redeem a fellow rightie's ignorance, she actually wrote, "He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down."

And again, the closest thing to ObamaCare back than was a plan put forth by Conservatives and Republicans, which was based on the model of an individual mandate. Later adopted by the Republican governor of Massachusetts but with the employee mandate added.

Seems Conservatives and Republicans loved ObamaCare until Obama passed it. :lol:

"He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down"

The word "version" is not needed, but then perhaps your ability to comprehend what you read is lacking?
The word, "version," completely changes are ridiculous claim. But then, you knew that; otherwise you wouldn't have added it.

Thanks for tryin', though.

It saddens me that Antares is so dishonest.
Your dementia aside, "HillaryCare" was not ObamaCare. The closest thing to ObamaCare back in those days was the individual mandate suggested by Conservatives and Republicans as a viable alternative to HillaryCare.

"Let's roll," Steph! Before it's too late!!! :rofl:

LOL......reread the post...

Bill tried to stick us whit her version of Ocare.
Her HC Bill was slapped down 98-0 by the Senate.
The word I highlighted in your post does not actually appear in her post. Despite your valiant efforts to redeem a fellow rightie's ignorance, she actually wrote, "He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down."

And again, the closest thing to ObamaCare back than was a plan put forth by Conservatives and Republicans, which was based on the model of an individual mandate. Later adopted by the Republican governor of Massachusetts but with the employee mandate added.

Seems Conservatives and Republicans loved ObamaCare until Obama passed it. :lol:

Too funny, your attempt to denigrate ANYONE who disagrees with you makes you appear laughable.

FACT Bill and Hillary ATTEMPTED to shove HC down our throats, it was slapped away by EVERYONE.
I point out righties' flaw with the hopes they will learn and better themselves. My herculean efforts aside, I never said Hillary didn't try to establish a national health care plan. I never said it wasn't affectionately called "HillaryCare." I am correcting the idiocy that Hillary tried to pass "ObamaCare." She didn't. Again (hopefully it will sink in this time), ObamaCare was modeled after RomneyCare. RomneyCare was modeled after the Heritage Foundation's plan, which was being pitched by Republicans as an alternative to HillaryCare.

How could ObamaCare be HillaryCare if the right was pitching it as an alternative to HillaryCare?? :dunno:

Honey I am actually starting to feel sorry for you here.

She was making an allusion between the two men, do you know what that word means sweetie?
I sure do. What I don't know is why you're calling me "honey" and "sweetie?" I hope you're not a guy, otherwise, that's pretty gay. :eek:
Happy to debate the merits of Obama's presidency. Having won it twice with a plurality of the popular vote and landslides in the's an easy argument.

332-206 I hope that pisses you off.
Uninformed voters and others.

candycornmushforabrain is one of the dwindling numbers who still approve of Obama.

The majority are quite unhappy with his Presidency.

View attachment 32162

Pretty standard for a 2nd term President whose agenda is stalled.

Which then makes Obama far less than the LightWorker you claim.
And you can quote me calling him a "lightworker" or whatever the hell a light worker is; can't you?

Ahh, name calling. The only recourse to those who have lost the argument and know it.

You're mistaken that the disapproval is due to his agenda being stalled; it's due to the results of his agenda.

Yet he was re-elected by landslide 332-206...332-206...332-206.
Maybe you should call more people haven't seemed to offend everyone in the country yet.

And yet, his disapproval levels are very high.

There must be a lot of former Obama supporters wallowing in depression right now. I can see why you remain in denial. It's a lot "happier" to ignore reality...until is smacks you in the back of the head.

And again: You Are A Moron. Just the type of voter Obama plays.
Righties are desperately trying to drag Obama's approval rating down to Bush level. Presidential historians will have the last word.
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Uninformed voters and others.

candycornmushforabrain is one of the dwindling numbers who still approve of Obama.

The majority are quite unhappy with his Presidency.

View attachment 32162

Pretty standard for a 2nd term President whose agenda is stalled.

Which then makes Obama far less than the LightWorker you claim.
And you can quote me calling him a "lightworker" or whatever the hell a light worker is; can't you?

Ahh, name calling. The only recourse to those who have lost the argument and know it.

You're mistaken that the disapproval is due to his agenda being stalled; it's due to the results of his agenda.

Yet he was re-elected by landslide 332-206...332-206...332-206.
Maybe you should call more people haven't seemed to offend everyone in the country yet.

And yet, his disapproval levels are very high.
Again, pretty standard stuff for a 2nd term President whose agenda is stalled.

There must be a lot of former Obama supporters wallowing in depression right now. I can see why you remain in denial. It's a lot "happier" to ignore reality...until is smacks you in the back of the head.
Doubtful. Hence both of the GOP contenders he beat have pretty much given up any aspirations for President meaning that Obama was the best choice available.

He'd likely win a 3rd term and the presumptive front-runner was a member of his cabinet.

And again: You Are A Moron. Just the type of voter Obama plays.
332-206; we play to win. And do.
And the last THING that man is DESERVING of is OUR RESPECT. I don't he has the title of President

He's been the most disrespectful, hateful, divisive, ugly hearted person I've lived under for a President. I didn't even dislike Clinton like this man. Even he was another lying snake in grass Democrat/progressive. He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down. Obama just lied and used EVERY dirty snake trick in the book to pass OScamCare on us. I could care less what happens to him when he's out of office. he can leave the country for all I care just take that wifey with him
Your dementia aside, "HillaryCare" was not ObamaCare. The closest thing to ObamaCare back in those days was the individual mandate suggested by Conservatives and Republicans as a viable alternative to HillaryCare.

"Let's roll," Steph! Before it's too late!!! :rofl:

LOL......reread the post...

Bill tried to stick us whit her version of Ocare.
Her HC Bill was slapped down 98-0 by the Senate.
The word I highlighted in your post does not actually appear in her post. Despite your valiant efforts to redeem a fellow rightie's ignorance, she actually wrote, "He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down."

And again, the closest thing to ObamaCare back than was a plan put forth by Conservatives and Republicans, which was based on the model of an individual mandate. Later adopted by the Republican governor of Massachusetts but with the employee mandate added.

Seems Conservatives and Republicans loved ObamaCare until Obama passed it. :lol:

"He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down"

The word "version" is not needed, but then perhaps your ability to comprehend what you read is lacking?
The word, "version," completely changes her ridiculous claim. But then, you knew that; otherwise you wouldn't have added it.

Thanks for tryin', though.

You are dismissed as unworthy honey, I have an aversion to people who "choose" to be stupid.

The word "changes" nothing, you are simply looking to deflect.
Uninformed voters and others.

candycornmushforabrain is one of the dwindling numbers who still approve of Obama.

The majority are quite unhappy with his Presidency.

View attachment 32162

Pretty standard for a 2nd term President whose agenda is stalled.

Which then makes Obama far less than the LightWorker you claim.
And you can quote me calling him a "lightworker" or whatever the hell a light worker is; can't you?

Ahh, name calling. The only recourse to those who have lost the argument and know it.

You're mistaken that the disapproval is due to his agenda being stalled; it's due to the results of his agenda.

Yet he was re-elected by landslide 332-206...332-206...332-206.
Maybe you should call more people haven't seemed to offend everyone in the country yet.

And yet, his disapproval levels are very high.

There must be a lot of former Obama supporters wallowing in depression right now. I can see why you remain in denial. It's a lot "happier" to ignore reality...until is smacks you in the back of the head.

And again: You Are A Moron. Just the type of voter Obama plays.
How depressed were righties then when Bush's JAR dropped into the teens? :eek:
Your dementia aside, "HillaryCare" was not ObamaCare. The closest thing to ObamaCare back in those days was the individual mandate suggested by Conservatives and Republicans as a viable alternative to HillaryCare.

"Let's roll," Steph! Before it's too late!!! :rofl:

LOL......reread the post...

Bill tried to stick us whit her version of Ocare.
Her HC Bill was slapped down 98-0 by the Senate.
The word I highlighted in your post does not actually appear in her post. Despite your valiant efforts to redeem a fellow rightie's ignorance, she actually wrote, "He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down."

And again, the closest thing to ObamaCare back than was a plan put forth by Conservatives and Republicans, which was based on the model of an individual mandate. Later adopted by the Republican governor of Massachusetts but with the employee mandate added.

Seems Conservatives and Republicans loved ObamaCare until Obama passed it. :lol:

"He tried to stick us with ObamaCare back then with Hillary at the reins but he got slapped down"

The word "version" is not needed, but then perhaps your ability to comprehend what you read is lacking?
The word, "version," completely changes her ridiculous claim. But then, you knew that; otherwise you wouldn't have added it.

Thanks for tryin', though.

You are dismissed as unworthy honey, I have an aversion to people who "choose" to be stupid.

The word "changes" nothing, you are simply looking to deflect.
Then why did you add it?

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