Does Biden and the Democrats know what harm they are doing?

Old electric car Joe. Everything is a lie. In future dictionaries and encyclopedias, there will be pages on lies. And they will show Joe's image as one of the worst. A unifier he is. Once elected the peasants are forgotten from these crooks.
You're taking your Teflon Don's primary characteristic and projecting his character flaws upon others again...

Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is a professional bull$hitter... but your Orange Baboon-God makes Old Joe look like a poster boy for Truth Telling by comparison.
"If you mean to have a war, then let it begin here."

You MAGA pu$$ie$ would $hit your pants at the first sign of trouble.

Nobody except a few of you crazies are talking civil war.

But if you're bound-and-determined to try...

"In your hands, my dissatisfied countrymen, and not mine, is the momentous issue of civil war."

Any time you feel froggy... go ahead and jump...

Oh honey no.

Trump might well win again. Then what do you think will happen--with YOUR OWN people?

It wouldn't do shit for "healing the divide" and you know it!

You'll say the same for the next person to run as a repub...who ever it may be.

If you thunk "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" is a controversial statement...then we have no middle-ground we can possibly find!
Its not a controversial statement...its a statement that is 180 degrees opposite of conservative principles in this day and age.
Leftist? Hardly. You conflate vigorous opposition to Trump with Leftism. Your IFF transponder needs work.

Dismissing history? Perhaps you'll be so kind as to elaborate?

Non-Trumpians would not be the ones to fire the first shot... but we would be the ones to fire the LAST shot... believe it.
Screw you, road kill consumer!
You ARE a brainwashed zombie Marxist asshole.
No, that seems to be murder by overzealous fbi stooges of Biden's.
Your complete ignorance of the communist track record is noted.
Ohh boy, another note taker!!! How very studious of you. Those conspiracy diaries must really be stacking up by now.

Trump may be needing a pen pal soon. Good thing he has you!
Ohh boy, another note taker!!! How very studious of you. Those conspiracy diaries must really be stacking up by now.

Trump may be needing a pen pal soon. Good thing he has you!
What will you have when the silent majority knocks? Heheh lol
I don't know... why don't you expand upon that? ...why don't you tell us what will happen with "MY OWN" people?

Despite everything--the indictments, the impeachments--Trump is elected.

You cannot imagine what happens on election night and after? Really?
I'm going to laugh my ass off when you choke on your words. Even if it isn't Trump in 2024, I can guarantee you it won't be a Democrat. And don't count on the next President being so nice.
MAGA ---- the petty revenge party. It's all you are.
You are tearing the country apart idiot!
To make omelettes ya gotta break a few eggs... it's the same dilemma Lincoln faced with separatist a$$hole$ took The Law into their own hands...

Beyond the MAGA faction, few Republicans are going to want to do violence against the Republic and their countrymen over a failed, disgraced con-man.

This too shall pass...
You are tearing the country apart idiot!

Let them. Who cares? We separate and let them have the totalitarian hellhole they so clearly want

You really cannot share an America with these people--they don't want America to begin with. Look, they don't care if the people in prison for Jan 6th are actually innocent, they're just gleeful they "got 'em".

Can't. Don't want to share a nation with them.

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