Does Biden and the Democrats know what harm they are doing?

You don’t believe it because you’ve been fed lie after lie. Huge reason why Trump is being charged right now.

Can’t you make a sound argument to back up your statement that this is all political? You know for this to go through the courts there has to be evidence presented to validate the charges, right? So explain how it’s all political and not evidential
Exhibit D: Gaslighting.

I could go on.....It's funny because in all these cases, they are only trying to convince themselves that they are right, when deep down in their subverted souls they KNOW they're not.
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Elections have always been and always will be contested. What doesnt happen is parties going after the opposition with frivolous charges based on novel legal theories. If democrats succeed, you will doom the country. Right wing states will no longer have a good reason to remain in the union if the game is fixed. Trumps persecution will be the beginning of the end. Persecute Trump while protecting the most corrupt politician in US history will be crossing a line that cant be undone.

The only person with the “novel legal theories” with Donald Trump with his scheme to overturn the election.

Donald Trump went a whole lot further than “contesting the election”. He tried to overturn the results and cling to power.

Did you completely sleep through January 6? You must be completely blind and stupid to have missed it all or to equivocate Trump’s attempts to end democracy with “contesting an election”.

Trump is admitted to every single one of the crimes he’s been charged with so it’s not like he’s gonna get away with things.

No one has ever done anything like January 6 or Trump’s attempts to overthrow the government. If Trump isn’t prosecuted for his attacks on democracy, you won’t have a country.
Elections have always been and always will be contested. What doesnt happen is parties going after the opposition with frivolous charges based on novel legal theories. If democrats succeed, you will doom the country. Right wing states will no longer have a good reason to remain in the union if the game is fixed. Trumps persecution will be the beginning of the end. Persecute Trump while protecting the most corrupt politician in US history will be crossing a line that cant be undone.
You contest an election in a court. Trying to get your VP to stop the certification of the results is not that. Trying to get a governor to decertify the result is not. Asking a governor to find you votes is not that. Getting people to send a forged document to NARA is not that.

What that is, is attempting a coup.
Exhibit D: Gaslighting.

I could go on.....It's funny because in all these cases, they are only trying to convince themselves that they are right, when deep down in their subverted souls they KNOW they're not.

Gaslighting is correct. Trump has been gaslighting the American public since the 1980s when he told people he was rich, good looking and successful. Well, two out of three ain’t bad, Trump has never been successful but you believe he is.

The looks have faded. The only reason he managed to hang onto any money is that his family refused to sell the family real estate trust after his father died.

You believe every single single one of the Trump’s lies, and you’re gonna stick with that. I’ll bet you even believe that dumb Donald is a billionaire and a smart businessman.

I’m reading that Trump is bankrupting the Republican party with his “stolen election” litigation. Arizona is broke. As is Michigan. The national party isn’t doing too well either because people are donating to Trump not to the party.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.
You contest an election in a court. Trying to get your VP to stop the certification of the results is not that. Trying to get a governor to decertify the result is not. Asking a governor to find you votes is not that. Getting people to send a forged document to NARA is not that.

What that is, is attempting a coup.
He told him to postpone the election announcement until an investigation could be done. That isnt crazy at all.
Gaslighting is correct. Trump has been gaslighting the American public since the 1980s when he told people he was rich, good looking and successful. Well, two out of three ain’t bad, Trump has never been successful but you believe he is.

The looks have faded. The only reason he managed to hang onto any money is that his family refused to sell the family real estate trust after his father died.

You believe every single single one of the Trump’s lies, and you’re gonna stick with that. I’ll bet you even believe that dumb Donald is a billionaire and a smart businessman.

I’m reading that Trump is bankrupting the Republican party with his “stolen election” litigation. Arizona is broke. As is Michigan. The national party isn’t doing too well either because people are donating to Trump not to the party.

Everything Donald Trump touches, dies.
Take off, hoser.
He told him to postpone the election announcement until an investigation could be done. That isnt crazy at all.
No. He told him to stop or at least postpone the certification. That's not just what I say, but it's even what Pence said was the ask. A constitutional requirement. He did so without any legal reason. He FORGED documents to be send to NARA. He called a governor to find him votes. Asked others to decertify the results. That's all not just crazy, it is ILLEGAL.

It's funny. The same people who insist there was election fraud aren't batting an eye when the president of the United States actively tries to prevent the votes of the people being counted.
Hold on there, cupcake.
Fun FACT: Every retarded communist revolution that happened in the 20th century NEEDED MASS MURDER to come to be.

Your move...
You'll probably get to watch some idiots commit suicide by cop like that idiot in Utah, but that's it. No mass murder for you losers
Put this in your pipe and smoke it:

We no longer want to heal it.
"If you mean to have a war, then let it begin here."

You MAGA pu$$ie$ would $hit your pants at the first sign of trouble.

Nobody except a few of you crazies are talking civil war.

But if you're bound-and-determined to try...

"In your hands, my dissatisfied countrymen, and not mine, is the momentous issue of civil war."

Any time you feel froggy... go ahead and jump...
You'll probably get to watch some idiots commit suicide by cop like that idiot in Utah, but that's it. No mass murder for you losers
No, that seems to be murder by overzealous fbi stooges of Biden's.
Your complete ignorance of the communist track record is noted.
Which begs the question: 81 million people supposedly voted for Biden. I don't believe it. And here we are, Economic and societal collapse brought on by liberal democrat policies. And now, persecution of political rivals. (Trump). Democrats are doing this. How do we address this? This has to end.
Or, you have fooled by the most obvious con man this country has ever seen, a buffoon whose actions have him in a historically tenuous legal situation.

One of the two.
"If you mean to have a war, then let it begin here."

You MAGA pu$$ie$ would $hit your pants at the first sign of trouble.

Nobody except a few of you crazies are talking civil war.

But if you're bound-and-determined to try...

"In your hands, my dissatisfied countrymen, and not mine, is the momentous issue of civil war."

Any time you feel froggy... go ahead and jump...
Another demented LEFTIST that wishes to dismiss history.
Bring it mr.carrion crow!
Another demented LEFTIST that wishes to dismiss history.
Leftist? Hardly. You conflate vigorous opposition to Trump with Leftism. Your IFF transponder needs work.

Dismissing history? Perhaps you'll be so kind as to elaborate?

Bring it mr.carrion crow!
Non-Trumpians would not be the ones to fire the first shot... but we would be the ones to fire the LAST shot... believe it.

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