Does Biden want WWIII?

The problem is Chinese communism and corporate/government fascism overtaking most of the world to one extent or the other, including the US.

In the US, a Democratic more softer 'socialist' from is competing with a heavier 'fascist' Republican version. The scary thing is both forms can and may become very, very authoritarian and brutal.
Those are opinions supported by videos themed non-factually and inaccurately.

CF, no puts up with propaganda pieces;

Give us evidence,

How are those videos "themed non-factually and inaccurately"? You claim the videos are "propaganda pieces". Everyone has their propaganda pieces, including you. Propaganda isn't necessarily wrong or inaccurate, if so every piece of media presenting a particular point of view would could be flippantly dismissed as "propaganda". The fact that some of the evidence is being presented in videos is irrelevant to the veracity of the content. Are you under the delusion that videos are poor sources of evidence? I'm presenting videos from Western sources.

You claim that anyone who reads your pro-Ukrainian opinion will agree with you, but you haven't presented anything but your opinions. I at least present references and quote well-established facts. Are you denying that NATO has expanded into Eastern Europe and is now deployed on Russia's border? Are you denying that Russia considers NATO deployed on its border a threat to its national security? Are you claiming that NATO is now magically, all of a sudden, friendly towards Russia?

For 8 years Russia tried to implement the Minsk agreements, which the Ukrainian government signed and agreed to follow, in an effort to stop the conflict between Kyiv and the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, , and time and time again Kyiv either refused to implement it under Poroshenko's leadership or was unable to, due to rogue right-wing neo-Nazi militias, which continued shelling the Donbas and committing acts of terrorism. Here is footage of Zelensky in 2019 debating right-wing nationalists on the battlefront, ordering them to stop shelling the Donbas:

They refused to follow his orders!

Are you denying that Viktor Yanukovych was the democratically elected president of Ukraine in 2014 and was forced out of office through threats of violence by right-wing nationalists? Are you denying the Nuland tapes, recording her determining who would be included in the coup government leadership? It's right there for everyone to hear:

Nuland and company, organizing the new Ukrainian coup regime/NATO puppet.

American politicians fermenting civil war in Ukraine:

McCaine is spewing nothing more than cheap polemics and trash against Russia. He was against the Minsk agreements and for sending weapons to a bunch of right-wing neo-Nazis. Why should the Russo-Ukrainians accept a NATO puppet coup regime that hates them?

The above our facts. American politicians traveled to Ukraine during the coup in 2014 and continued visiting afterward, supporting the war against the Russo Ukrainians of the Donbas, failing to encourage Ukraine to implement the Minsk agreements. That's a fact, whether you like it or not.

It's pretty clear to anyone with half a brain that Russia was placed in a very precarious situation due to NATO and its Ukrainian puppet.
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Marxists and socialists have adjusted their methods of oppression. Communism didn’t work, so they adopted capitalism. They can still push their ideas through capitalism, as we see woke Marxist idiots being put in charge of billion dollar corporations.
Can you provide the names of any of these "woke Marxist idiots" who've been "put in charge of billion dollar corporations?" How many of these individuals have renounced the supremacy of private profits?

Those SOBs
Marxists and socialists have adjusted their methods of oppression. Communism didn’t work, so they adopted capitalism. They can still push their ideas through capitalism, as we see woke Marxist idiots being put in charge of billion dollar corporations. Corporations mostly built by honest capitalism that stayed clear of politics, but have now been highjacked. They have become full blown corporate-fascists that have the power to punish political enemies that the state could not do. Remember, Mussolini was a life long, failed socialist before he invented “fascism” to get power and oppress people.

But people aren’t buying their nonsense and are now boycotting them, that is the great thing about capitalism, you can hurt them where it hurts, their wallets. But the elites will still keep fighting back. They need to destroy the middle class, this will enable them to become oligarchs and control the “capitalist” economy with monopolies. This is why you see the radical left embrace and defend giant corporations, like Microsoft, Twitter (pre-Elon), Facebook, Amazon, Google, Pfizer, etc. They attack you vehemently if you dare question Big Pharma, like Pfizer and their experimental, dangerous, and ineffective mRNA vaccines.

Communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. There has never been a communist society at a national scale, be it the USSR, China, or any other nation that identifies itself as Marxist or has a communist party. The USSR i.e. Soviet Union, was officially the: UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS. Do you see the word "communist" there anywhere?

The term "soviet" is a Russian word that means "council". It denotes democratic worker-led councils. That was the original plan and design for the USSR. A government under the authority of socialist worker councils or "soviets".

Why do socialists call themselves "communists"? Because communism is the objective of socialism. Socialism is the revolutionary process that leads to a future, high-tech communist society. Socialists identify with the objective, so they sometimes call themselves "communists", even though we are still in the process of completely socializing and democratizing production or in other words, becoming actual communists. It's like when Christians identify themselves as saints, even though they still haven't been fully sanctified or made perfect. Christians are still in the process of sanctification, but they can still identify themselves or their fellow believers as "saints in Christ", Christians in the process of being sanctified.

If TheHawk knew anything about Marxism, he would know that markets are permitted in socialism until technology eliminates them, necessitating the adoption of a non-profit, socialist mode of production. When technology permits that transition then society can implement non-profit socialist production. It's that simple.

Markets don't equate to capitalism because they existed thousands of years before it.

Capitalism took centuries to replace Chattel slavery and feudalism. The mercantile class didn't become powerful industrialists, acquiring more capital and power than the kings and nobles, until the industrial revolution of the 19th century. The idea that socialism has to replace capitalism overnight is silly and unnecessary. Today most of the industrialized world has mixed economies, with a bit of capitalism along with socialist-driven government policies, regulations, programs, and institutions. Modern, industrialized democracies offer their citizens a robust social safety net and protect the rights of workers to unionize. Workers in such countries have healthcare as a human right, as well as a tuition-free education.
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Can you provide the names of any of these "woke Marxist idiots" who've been "put in charge of billion dollar corporations?" How many of these individuals have renounced the supremacy of private profits?
View attachment 788967
Those SOBs
All the idiots that run Google/FB/oldTwatter/Amazon/Microsoft/Disney/Netflix/Anheuser-Busch/Bank of America/Chase Bank/SBF/SignatureBank/pro sports/Target/Northface/and the entire mainstream media. Just to name a few.
All the idiots that run Google/FB/oldTwatter/Amazon/Microsoft/Disney/Netflix/Anheuser-Busch/Bank of America/Chase Bank/SBF/SignatureBank/pro sports/Target/Northface/and the entire mainstream media. Just to name a few.
They're big-money capitalists, not communists.
They're big-money capitalists, not communists.
They are still Marxists that hate the West. They hate white Christians in particular, which is the real hallmark of communism. The economic methods to achieve a totalitarian state is inconsequential to the greater goal of destroying Christianity.
All the idiots that run Google/FB/oldTwatter/Amazon/Microsoft/Disney/Netflix/Anheuser-Busch/Bank of America/Chase Bank/SBF/SignatureBank/pro sports/Target/Northface/and the entire mainstream media. Just to name a few.

So, all the people making money hand over fist.

Got it.
They are still Marxists that hate the West. They hate white Christians in particular, which is the real hallmark of communism. The economic methods to achieve a totalitarian state is inconsequential to the greater goal of destroying Christianity.
They're not Marxists, they're capitalists. There are Christians who are Marxists, just as there are Zionist Christians. Zionism was started by Theodore Herzl, an Atheist, back in the 19th century. There isn't one verse in the Bible, that uses the word "Zionism" or "Zionist", in Hebrew or in any other language, yet there are many Christians who identify as "Christian Zionists". That being the case, why can't Christians identify as Christian Marxists?

If the businessmen you just mentioned were actually Marxists, they would turn their companies into worker-owned cooperatives, run democratically or into publicly owned companies, managed by the state. They would be in favor of labor unions and nationalizing all of America's heavy industries and major centers of economic power. For example, the banks, the fossil fuel industry, all of the mines, the military-industrial complex, big pharma, and all utility companies, would be publicly owned by the American people, rather than a few billionaires.

If those billionaires were communists, they would be in favor of Medicare for all, tuition-free education, eliminating homelessness by housing the homeless..etc. They're not communists, they're profit-pursuing capitalists.
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Biden said last year that sending in offensive weapons like tanks and aircraft would lead to WW3:

Looks like we are headed there.

Lefties are losing their minds on Twitter because President Trump points this out:

The term "soviet" is a Russian word that means "council". It denotes democratic worker-led councils. That was the original plan and design for the USSR. A government under the authority of socialist worker councils or "soviets".
The Soviet Union Versus Socialism

"When the world’s two great propaganda systems agree on some doctrine, it requires some intellectual effort to escape its shackles.

"One such doctrine is that the society created by Lenin and Trotsky and moulded further by Stalin and his successors has some relation to socialism in some meaningful or historically accurate sense of this concept.

"In fact, if there is a relation, it is the relation of contradiction

"It is clear enough why both major propaganda systems insist upon this fantasy."
The Soviet Union Versus Socialism
View attachment 788980
"When the world’s two great propaganda systems agree on some doctrine, it requires some intellectual effort to escape its shackles.

"One such doctrine is that the society created by Lenin and Trotsky and moulded further by Stalin and his successors has some relation to socialism in some meaningful or historically accurate sense of this concept.

"In fact, if there is a relation, it is the relation of contradiction

"It is clear enough why both major propaganda systems insist upon this fantasy."

Chomsky is an Anarchist, and although his beliefs are similar to socialism, he's wrong about the Soviet Union. In many ways he was a tool of the American cold war propaganda machine against the USSR. He's against state power or the idea of the dictatorship of the proletariat, which is a Marxist idea, written about extensively by Marx and Engels. The proletariat must turn the bourgeoisie-run state into one that serves its own interests (the public good). Most of what you've read about the USSR from Western academics and the media is false.

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