Does Biden want WWIII?

As Russia's latest offensive has created a perilous salient at Bakhmud, the Ukis prepared a crushing blow for the Muscovites.
Liberals are losing their minds, not actual leftists. Most leftists recognize that Russia invaded Ukraine due to NATO expansion and the results of the 2014 Maidan coup, leading to a civil war between Kyiv and the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. The United States was poking the bear for decades in an attempt to destabilize the region to hurt Russia. That's the Marxist, leftist position.

The Liberal position is that since there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin and homosexuals can't hold their "pride parades" in the streets or adopt children, Putin should be condemned as a fascist and hung from a tree. Another complaint from American liberals is that Russian society is too socially conservative, with respect to women's roles and feminism..etc, so Putin should be hung from a tree.

Leftists aren't willing to fight WW3 over the lack of rainbow flags in Russia and there being too many stay-at-home moms in Russia. It's not worth fighting WW3 over that, destroying all life on this planet. Not good.
I think you have the two terms mixed up. Lefties are much more radical than actual “liberals”. There aren’t many liberals around anymore. You’d be hard pressed to find any Democrat that doesn’t support the fake narrative that Russia invaded without any provocation.

They do hate Russia for being a “white Christian nation”, I’ve seen lefties here actually admit that. So that is why they want a prolonged war, to just kill as many white Christians on both sides because that is how much they hate Christians and whites.
As Russia's latest offensive has created a perilous salient at Bakhmud, the Ukis prepared a crushing blow for the Muscovites.
How many Ukies died in Bakhmut for regime change in Moscow?

Scott Ritter: Artemovsk's Liberation 'Military Victory That Shows Russia is Winning'

"Indeed, Artemovsk (Bakhmut), located to the north of Gorlovka, is a key transportation hub with many crossroads for Donbass.

"It served as a vital center for supplying Ukrainian troops stationed in the region at the onset of Moscow's military operation in Ukraine over a year ago.

"The struggle for control over the embattled city was called the 'meat grinder,' because the Kiev regime kept throwing men and equipment into the fray in a desperate attempt to hold on to Artemovsk.

"However, such efforts were rendered futile by the courage and valiant determination of the advancing Russian troops. On May 20,he Wagner Group private military company (PMC), together with the Russian Armed Forces, liberated Artemovsk."
I think you have the two terms mixed up. Lefties are much more radical than actual “liberals”. There aren’t many liberals around anymore. You’d be hard pressed to find any Democrat that doesn’t support the fake narrative that Russia invaded without any provocation.

They do hate Russia for being a “white Christian nation”, I’ve seen lefties here actually admit that. So that is why they want a prolonged war, to just kill as many white Christians on both sides because that is how much they hate Christians and whites.

History's classic liberal is known as a conservative today.
You are only inciting hoping that the US will stop sending arms to Ukraine.

It will help the Republican's favorite, Russia, a lot, won't it? Trump will love it, too.

The only connection between President Trump and Russia is the one that Hillary invented to take attention from her email server felonies.
Of course Biden doesn't want WW3. He only wants to maintain America's world supremacy uncontested. He wants China and Russia to agree.

The title of this thread is inept and the discussion was already stared by Political Chicy in Zone 1.

That's a literally retarded answer, retard.
Biden and the US military see it as Russia's challenge to end America's uncontested world supremacy by Russia, in alliance with China.

He could be wrong? Russia and China could in fact have no such intentions.

What do you and America's conservatives think? I think that Russia/China are going for all the marbles, but by peaceful means.

Do you support Bidean and your military?

Are you going to get to the point or continue to bark at the moon?

At this point one of the communists dropping a small nuke on the White House while Biden is sleeping would benefit everyone.
I think you have the two terms mixed up. Lefties are much more radical than actual “liberals”. There aren’t many liberals around anymore. You’d be hard pressed to find any Democrat that doesn’t support the fake narrative that Russia invaded without any provocation.

They do hate Russia for being a “white Christian nation”, I’ve seen lefties here actually admit that. So that is why they want a prolonged war, to just kill as many white Christians on both sides because that is how much they hate Christians and whites.
Russia had no provocation to invade, for the 1991 treaty resolved the issues of the four eastern oblasts. Ukraine is sovereign and will join NATO. That is a done decision.

Russia will be out of Ukraine by the end of summer, and Putin may well be dead by then.

Anyone using SputnikGlobe is a rus bot idiot and syphilitic-stricken Muscovite.
View attachment 788767
I think you have the two terms mixed up. Lefties are much more radical than actual “liberals”. There aren’t many liberals around anymore. You’d be hard pressed to find any Democrat that doesn’t support the fake narrative that Russia invaded without any provocation.

They do hate Russia for being a “white Christian nation”, I’ve seen lefties here actually admit that. So that is why they want a prolonged war, to just kill as many white Christians on both sides because that is how much they hate Christians and whites.
Actual Marxists, aren't racists and they don't side with NATO. We know NATO is simply a cash-cow for American and Western European defense contractors. It's an imperialist tool used against Russia and its expansion into former Warsaw Pact countries, brazenly deploying itself on Russia's border, is considered by the Russian government as a threat to its national security. The tension that NATO has created on Russia's doorstep, along with the Ukrainian civil war between the Kyiv, NATO puppet government, and the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, caused this war between Russia and Ukraine. This is the Marxist position, not the American liberal one that sees Russia as the enemy and instigator of this conflict.

We're not into all of the LGBTQA+, transgender lunacy, we're not against Christians practicing their religion, and as mentioned earlier, we're not racists. So you're describing the beliefs of American "woke" liberals, not Marxist-Leftists/Socialists.
Russia had no provocation to invade, for the 1991 treaty resolved the issues of the four eastern oblasts. Ukraine is sovereign and will join NATO. That is a done decision.

Russia will be out of Ukraine by the end of summer, and Putin may well be dead by then.

Anyone using SputnikGlobe is a rus bot idiot and syphilitic-stricken Muscovite.
^^ right on queue….a leftwing nutbag is here to parrot the MSM Big War talking points.
View attachment 788767

Actual Marxists, aren't racists and they don't side with NATO. We know NATO is simply a cash-cow for American and Western European defense contractors. It's an imperialist tool used against Russia and its expansion into former Warsaw Pact countries, brazenly deploying itself on Russia's border, is considered by the Russian government as a threat to its national security. The tension that NATO has created on Russia's doorstep, along with the Ukrainian civil war between the Kyiv, NATO puppet government, and the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas, caused this war between Russia and Ukraine. This is the Marxist position, not the American liberal one that sees Russia as the enemy and instigator of this conflict.

We're not into all of the LGBTQA+, transgender lunacy, we're not against Christians practicing their religion, and as mentioned earlier, we're not racists. So you're describing the beliefs of American "woke" liberals, not Marxist-Leftists/Socialists.
NATO is full of nations run by Marxists.

That’s why they are all here pushing the war.
In your opinion, the facts support your opinion. In my opinion, the facts support mine.
The facts support the narrative not anyone's opinion. Once you learn about the idea of the relative, you will be on the road. Find that gate of entry. Let your opinion go and look at the facts.

The Hawk would benefit from the above as well.
The facts support the narrative not anyone's opinion. Once you learn about the idea of the relative, you will be on the road. Find that gate of entry. Let your opinion go and look at the facts.

The Hawk would benefit from the above as well.
Your interpretation of the "facts" is your opinion, based upon your rationale and influenced by your biases. I have my opinion, world view and biases, and you have yours.

Now tell me, what's your opinion about NATO, a cold-war dinosaur, that is inherently hostile towards Russia, historically, doctrinally, and operationally, deploying itself right on Russia's border? Do you think the US government and Americans in general, would allow Mexico, a sovereign nation, to enter into a military alliance with China or Russia, and allow them to deploy their military, on our border? We would stop Mexico from doing that, one way or another. Even I, who is generally anti-war, would be in favor of going to war with Mexico, to derail that military alliance.

Are you in favor of how the US co-opted the Maidan protests in 2014, planning it with its organizers in the American embassy? Sending American politicians to deliver speeches to the protestors (you Liberals harp about"Russian collusion" and interference in our politics, yet have no issue with America doing the exact same shit to Russia and other countries around the world). Funding the members of the Svoboda party and Right Sector, two neo-nazi, white supremacist groups, who idolize Hitler and Stepan Bandera.

You supported the American imperialist effort in Ukraine, to oust Viktor Yanukovych, the democratically elected president, and replace him with Petro Poroshenko, a right-wing fascist, who hates EVERYTHING Russian, including the Russo-Ukrainian culture (there is footage of him expressing these sentiments), and the Russian language? A man who expressed his plan to "de-Russify" Ukraine, a country where at least a quarter of its citizens, considers Russian their first language, with close ties to Russia. Leaning towards Russia historically, culturally, linguistically, politically..etc. You support that?

Do you believe that the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas and Crimea, had to accept the legitimacy and authority of the coup government in Kyiv, and its violence (terrorism) against its own citizens?

If your answer is "yes" to all of the above, you have your head so far up your rectum, that it's really a waste of time to get into a discussion with you, someone who is completely irrational and disingenuous in their view of the world. Even Jesus said not to cast pearls before swine. Let such people whine and wallow in their own deviant delusions and stupidity.
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NATO is full of nations run by Marxists.

That’s why they are all here pushing the war.
Marxists like myself are anti-imperialists/anti-NATO unless they're of the liberal type, who prioritize post-modernist social justice and the vested interests of the military-industrial complex. Western European Marxists, unfortunately, are mostly, with few exceptions of the liberal type, under the heel of capitalist interests. Here is one of the exceptions:

There are plenty of right-wing conservatives in the US and EU who are pro-NATO and anti-Russia. They love American imperialism.

John Mccaine inciting a civil war in Ukraine:

Can you imagine if Russian politicians would've been here in Washington giving speeches to Trump supporters, right before the events of January 6, 2021?
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Marxists like myself are anti-imperialists/anti-NATO unless they're of the liberal type, who prioritize post-modernist social justice and the vested interests of the military-industrial complex. Western European Marxists, unfortunately, are mostly, with few exceptions of the liberal type, under the heel of capitalist interests. Here is one of the exceptions:
Can you imagine if Russian politicians would've been here in Washington giving speeches to Trump supporters, right before the events of January 6, 2021?
What does your ghost box say about WW3?
What does your ghost box say about WW3?

Hehehe ghost box. I haven't mentioned that here in the forum for over a year or so. I don't ask the spirits those types of questions, because only the higher spirits or the angels could answer that, with accuracy. Higher spirits hardly ever come through a ghost box. All you will get through a radio sweeper are demons and human souls under their control. They don't have the power to forecast the future as higher spirits do.

How could I remain an atheist-materialist, after experiencing all of the above and more? Don't try it at home, because you will have poltergeist activity, guaranteed. I had a little poltergeist event yesterday with a bottle of dishwashing soap, that moved by itself, right in front of me. I don't experience the same intensity of poltergeists that I used to have when I was doing the "ghost box" research, but there's still a "residue" that remains. A bit of that "psychic energy" is still lurking.
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