Does Biden want WWIII?

The FBI damaged Hillary's campaign more than Trump's:
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say
"Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the Guardian, spurring a rapid series of leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election.
"Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited."
FWIW, neither Hillary nor Don the Con was fit for office in 2016; anyone who voted for either corrupt demagogue is a brainwashed. slave
"'The FBI is Trumpland,' said one current agent."
1. Prove that the FBI Gestapo damaged Hillary's campaign more than Trump's. Hillary had a 95% probability of winning in 2016. Remember these?

2. "sources?" put up real links and real names. Stop typing lies. Prove what you type.

3. Here is a legal expert's take on the Durham Report. It proves that the FBI Gestapo was anti-Trump and pro-Clinton
The report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.
Durham’s report confirmed that the FBI ignored intelligence it received from “a trusted foreign source pointing to a Clinton campaign plan to vilify Trump by tying him to Vladimir Putin so as to divert attention from her own concerns relating to her use of a private email server.”
Durham noted that “The speed and manner in which the FBI opened and investigated Crossfire Hurricane during the presidential election season based on raw, unanalyzed, and uncorroborated intelligence also reflected a noticeable departure from how it approached prior matters involving possible attempted foreign election interference plans aimed at the Clinton campaign.”
The IG and Mueller. J6 was perpetrated by Trump supporters. Trump never wanted the NG to protect the capitol. You are the liar.
1. Trump and Police Chief Sund BOTH requested the National Guard to protect the capitol for J6. You are the LIAR.
Sund told the Post that House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving was concerned with the "optics" of declaring an emergency ahead of the protests and rejected a National Guard presence.

2. The FBI Gestapo had people in all the militias. J6 was an FBI setup. The NG should have been there. Then there would have been no riot.
kyzr knows nothing.
Trump was asked three times for approval to use the NG. Not Pelosi, not the DC Mayor, no one else had that power.
Pence, of all the cowardly individuals alive, finally took his balls in hand, telephoned from basement car bays in the capitol, and ordered LGT Flynn (no not that one but HIS brother) to release the NC.
The authority Pence used was "immediate" because "Trump was out of touch."
Pence, of all the GOP floozies, was the one who saved the day.
But if I am ever on a jury trying Pence for anything, no matter how much I don't like him, it gets a 'null jury' vote from me.
I will blame Russia. Putin will be responsible for it.
Obama and Biden bear more responsibility for the Maidan Coup than Putin; take off your "good guy" blinders:

"Vice President Joseph Biden in Kyiv in 2014 with the U.S. hand-picked Prime Minister of Ukraine Arseniy Yatsenyuk."

Hoisted on His Own Petard: Biden’s Hidden Classified Documents Set to Expose U.S. Instigation of 2014 Ukraine Coup

"As I write, four days after it was revealed that classified documents had been found in the former personal office of President Joseph Biden when he was Barack Obama’s Vice President in charge of the 2014 U.S.-backed fascist-led coup in Ukraine, no one has revealed who found the secret documents, or others that were 'discovered' soon after.

"No one has reported their contents, although a combination of government agencies, now in possession of the documents, including the keepers of the National Archives and Records Administration, the FBI and no doubt Republicans who today control the House of Representatives, will sooner or latter reveal whether they are deemed useful to bring charges against Biden or, as The Times reports, his drug-addicted, most likely corrupt, rich boy son Hunter."
Biden said last year that sending in offensive weapons like tanks and aircraft would lead to WW3:

Looks like we are headed there.

Lefties are losing their minds on Twitter because President Trump points this out:

I honestly think WWIII will never happen. It is way too costly for countries involved. Biden doesn't want it, our allies don't want it, our enemies don't want it.
1. Trump and Police Chief Sund BOTH requested the National Guard to protect the capitol for J6. You are the LIAR.
Sund told the Post that House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving was concerned with the "optics" of declaring an emergency ahead of the protests and rejected a National Guard presence.

2. The FBI Gestapo had people in all the militias. J6 was an FBI setup. The NG should have been there. Then there would have been no riot.
Your link:

"May 12 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally that ended with them attacking the U.S. Capitol, leaving five dead, Trump's former Pentagon chief testified on Wednesday."

Trump wanted NG troops to defend his rioters on January 6th; how many more would have died that day in that scenario?
kyzr knows nothing.
Trump was asked three times for approval to use the NG. Not Pelosi, not the DC Mayor, no one else had that power.
Pence, of all the cowardly individuals alive, finally took his balls in hand, telephoned from basement car bays in the capitol, and ordered LGT Flynn (no not that one but HIS brother) to release the NC.
The authority Pence used was "immediate" because "Trump was out of touch."
Pence, of all the GOP floozies, was the one who saved the day.
But if I am ever on a jury trying Pence for anything, no matter how much I don't like him, it gets a 'null jury' vote from me.
1. I put up links proving my statements, you type lies. See post #144, and READ the links.
2. My points are that the TUESDAY before J6 Trump requested the NG. Your comments are regarding J6, when the NG isn't even called up yet.
3. The NG never showed, it was the SWAT Team that "saved the day".

The National Guard are called "weekend warriors" for a reason.
Your link:

"May 12 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump wanted National Guard troops in Washington to protect his supporters at a Jan. 6 rally that ended with them attacking the U.S. Capitol, leaving five dead, Trump's former Pentagon chief testified on Wednesday."
Trump wanted NG troops to defend his rioters on January 6th; how many more would have died that day in that scenario?
With 10,000 National Guard troops in DC to keep the peace there would NOT have been a riot you moron.
. Prove that the FBI Gestapo damaged Hillary's campaign more than Trump's. Hillary had a 95% probability of winning in 2016. Remember these?
Remember this guy?
He's the reason Trump won in 2016:

'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say

"Comey’s vague letter to Congress, promptly leaked by Republican congressman Jason Chaffetz, said the bureau would evaluate communications – subsequently identified as coming from a device used by disgraced ex-congressman Anthony Weiner, whose estranged wife Huma Abedin is a Clinton aide – for connections to the Clinton server."

You continually avoid the fact neither Trump nor Clinton nor Biden is qualified to be POTUS since they all serve the richest one percent of Americans.
I honestly think WWIII will never happen. It is way too costly for countries involved. Biden doesn't want it, our allies don't want it, our enemies don't want it.

The idea that Russia can launch a 'world war' is just ludicrous; they can't even whip the Ukraine, and the idea that Red China would rush to join such a war to support the likes of Putin is also ludicrous.
Remember this guy? He's the reason Trump won in 2016:
'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say
"Comey’s vague letter to Congress, promptly leaked by Republican congressman Jason Chaffetz, said the bureau would evaluate communications – subsequently identified as coming from a device used by disgraced ex-congressman Anthony Weiner, whose estranged wife Huma Abedin is a Clinton aide – for connections to the Clinton server."
You continually avoid the fact neither Trump nor Clinton nor Biden is qualified to be POTUS since they all serve the richest one percent of Americans.
You keep missing the main point, that many voters just dislike Hillary Clinton.
A second point is that voters didn't like that she had an illegal bathroom server, even if Comey gave her a pass on her "intent"
You didn't prove that the FBI had anything to do with Hillary losing. Durham proved that the FBI Gestapo hurt Trump by using Hillary's phony Steele Dossier.

To be elected to anything takes lots of money. Money has strings. That's how US politics works.
1. I put up links proving my statements, you type lies. See post #144, and READ the links.
2. My points are that the TUESDAY before J6 Trump requested the NG. Your comments are regarding J6, when the NG isn't even called up yet.
3. The NG never showed, it was the SWAT Team that "saved the day".

The National Guard are called "weekend warriors" for a reason.
kyz is blocked for deliberate fake news and direct lies.


Timeline of National Guard Deployment to Capitol​

By Robert Farley
Posted on January 13, 2021 | Updated on May 24, 2021

On the day of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, the first National Guard members arrived to assist at about 5:40 p.m. By then, most of the violence had subsided.
In the critical minutes before rioters had breached the Capitol building around 2 p.m., the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police force and the mayor of Washington, D.C., put out urgent requests for guard backup. But it took more than an hour to get formal approval for their deployment, and then nearly three more hours for the first guard reinforcements to arrive.

The D.C. National Guard reports to the president.

In a recorded video the following day, President Donald Trump claimed that he “immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders.” But Trump’s claim that he acted quickly is contradicted by news reports citing unnamed sources who say the president initially resisted efforts to bring in the National Guard at the outset of the Capitol riot.

The New York Times, citing unnamed Defense Department officials, said it was Vice President Mike Pence, not Trump, who approved deployment of the D.C. National Guard that afternoon. The Times also cited a “person with knowledge of the events” who said Trump “initially rebuffed and resisted requests to mobilize the National Guard “and that the “mobilization was initiated with the help of Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, among other officials.”
kyz is blocked for deliberate fake news and direct lies.


Timeline of National Guard Deployment to Capitol​

By Robert Farley
Posted on January 13, 2021 | Updated on May 24, 2021

On the day of the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, the first National Guard members arrived to assist at about 5:40 p.m. By then, most of the violence had subsided.
In the critical minutes before rioters had breached the Capitol building around 2 p.m., the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police force and the mayor of Washington, D.C., put out urgent requests for guard backup. But it took more than an hour to get formal approval for their deployment, and then nearly three more hours for the first guard reinforcements to arrive.

The D.C. National Guard reports to the president.

In a recorded video the following day, President Donald Trump claimed that he “immediately deployed the National Guard and federal law enforcement to secure the building and expel the intruders.” But Trump’s claim that he acted quickly is contradicted by news reports citing unnamed sources who say the president initially resisted efforts to bring in the National Guard at the outset of the Capitol riot.

The New York Times, citing unnamed Defense Department officials, said it was Vice President Mike Pence, not Trump, who approved deployment of the D.C. National Guard that afternoon. The Times also cited a “person with knowledge of the events” who said Trump “initially rebuffed and resisted requests to mobilize the National Guard “and that the “mobilization was initiated with the help of Pat A. Cipollone, the White House counsel, among other officials.”
Re-read my post #144 and the links provided.

Trump AND Capitol Police Chief Sund BOTH requested National Guard troops at least 3-days BEFORE J6. Those requests were DENIED. That's why the J6 riot happened.

Your post #156 describes what happened ON J6. That was too late, the riot already happened.
The fact is simple: Trump never requested NG troops. It was Pence that called and released them after 5-PM that day. Be assured, anyone who tells you that Trump called for the NG is lying to you, deliberately.
The fact is simple: Trump never requested NG troops. It was Pence that called and released them after 5-PM that day. Be assured, anyone who tells you that Trump called for the NG is lying to you, deliberately.
Re-read my post #144 and BOTH links. Trump and Sund BOTH requested NG troops BEFORE J6. Nancy/Irving denied the request.

There are many links proving Trump requested the NG. At the meeting was SECDEF Miller, Gen. Milley, Kash Pater, Mark Meadows, Gen Kellogg, et. al.
Google it if you don't believe me.
You keep missing the main point, that many voters just dislike Hillary Clinton.
A second point is that voters didn't like that she had an illegal bathroom server, even if Comey gave her a pass on her "intent"
You didn't prove that the FBI had anything to do with Hillary losing. Durham proved that the FBI Gestapo hurt Trump by using Hillary's phony Steele Dossier.

To be elected to anything takes lots of money. Money has strings. That's how US politics works.
I believe you are missing this:

Clinton and Trump are on the same side of the class war. Each politician has supporters and detractors within the FBI and society at large.

You can't change anything fundamental by "choosing" between Republican or Democrat in the voting booth.

If tens of millions of US voters ever decided to make their House and Senate choices from third party candidates, hundreds of incumbents (R and D alike) would be flushed from DC in a single news cycle.

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