Does Biden want WWIII?

Oh, no. Russia does not want all of Ukraine, then Poland, then Moldova and all the other neighbors back into his return to the USSR Empire dream.

And many of you are really dreaming.
Even Finland and Sweden have joined NATO.
Biden wants ice cream and 8 year olds

His masters want WW3.

What better way to usher in the great reset than decimating populations, creating chaos, perpetuating the idea that the nation-state system is unworkable , and then stepping in with the global plan?
There won't be a decimating of the population... there will be an Extinction Event... eve see "On the Beach" ?
Biden said last year that sending in offensive weapons like tanks and aircraft would lead to WW3:

Looks like we are headed there.

Lefties are losing their minds on Twitter because President Trump points this out:

Biden wants ice cream and little girls, but his handlers do want some form of war.

They're probably satisfied with the current Ukraine situation, but that could blow up in their faces real quick.
United States security assistance committed to Ukraine includes:
  • Over 1,600 Stinger anti-aircraft systems;
  • Over 10,000 Javelin anti-armor systems;
  • Over 60,000 other anti-armor systems and munitions;
  • Over 160 155mm Howitzers and over 2,000,000 155mm artillery rounds;
  • Over 7,000 precision-guided 155mm artillery rounds;
  • Over 14,000 155mm rounds of Remote Anti-Armor Mine (RAAM) Systems;
  • 100,000 rounds of 125mm tank ammunition;
  • Over 50,000 152mm artillery rounds;
  • Approximately 40,000 130mm artillery rounds;
  • 40,000 122mm artillery rounds;
  • 60,000 122mm GRAD rockets;
  • 72 105mm Howitzers and over 450,000 105mm artillery rounds;
  • Over 300 tactical vehicles to tow weapons;
  • 54 tactical vehicles to recover equipment;
  • 30 ammunition support vehicles;
  • 14 armored bridging systems;
  • 38 High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition;
  • 47 120mm mortar systems;
  • 10 82mm mortar systems;
  • 67 81mm mortar systems;
  • 58 60mm mortar systems;
  • Over 345,000 mortar rounds;
  • Over 3,000 Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles;
  • Over 1,800,000 rounds of 25mm ammunition;
  • Rocket launchers and ammunition;
  • Precision-guided rockets;
  • 10 command post vehicles;
  • One Patriot air defense battery and munitions;
  • Eight National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NASAMS) and munitions;
  • HAWK air defense systems and munitions;
  • RIM-7 missiles for air defense;
  • 12 Avenger air defense systems;
  • Nine c-UAS gun trucks;
  • 10 mobile c-UAS laser-guided rocket systems;
  • Anti-aircraft guns and ammunition;
  • Equipment to integrate Western air defense launchers, missiles, and radars with
  • Ukraine’s air defense systems;
  • Equipment to sustain Ukraine’s existing air defense capabilities;
  • High-speed Anti-radiation missiles (HARMs);
  • Precision aerial munitions;
  • 4,000 Zuni aircraft rockets;
  • Over 7,000 Hydra-70 aircraft rockets;
  • 20 Mi-17 helicopters;
  • 31 Abrams tanks;
  • 45 T-72B tanks;
  • 120mm and 105mm tank ammunition;
  • 109 Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles;
  • Four Bradley Fire Support Team vehicles;
  • Over 2,000 High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (HMMWVs);
  • Over 100 light tactical vehicles;
  • 66 trucks and 114 trailers to transport heavy equipment;
  • Eight logistics support vehicles;
  • 89 heavy fuel tankers and 105 fuel trailers;
  • 90 Stryker Armored Personnel Carriers;
  • 300 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers;
  • 250 M1117 Armored Security Vehicles;
  • Over 500 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAPs);
  • Six armored utility trucks;
  • Mine clearing equipment;
  • Over 35,000 grenade launchers and small arms;
  • Over 200,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades;
  • Over 100,000 sets of body armor and helmets;
  • Switchblade Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS);
  • Phoenix Ghost UAS;
  • CyberLux K8 UAS;
  • Altius-600 UAS;
  • Jump-20 UAS;
  • Puma UAS;
  • Scan Eagle UAS;
  • Two radars for UAS;
  • Laser-guided rocket systems and munitions;
  • Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels;
  • Over 70 counter-artillery and counter-mortar radars;
  • 20 multi-mission radars;
  • Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems and equipment;
  • Counter air defense capability;
  • 21 air surveillance radars;
  • Two Harpoon coastal defense systems;
  • 62 coastal and riverine patrol boats;
  • Port and harbor security equipment;
  • M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions;
  • Anti-tank mines;
  • C-4 explosives, demolition munitions, and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing;
  • Obstacle emplacement equipment;
  • Tactical secure communications systems and support equipment;
  • Four satellite communications antennas;
  • SATCOM terminals and services;
  • Thousands of night vision devices, surveillance systems, thermal imagery systems,
  • optics, and laser rangefinders;
  • Commercial satellite imagery services;
  • Explosive ordnance disposal equipment and protective gear;
  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear protective equipment;
  • 100 armored medical treatment vehicles;
  • Medical supplies to include first aid kits, bandages, monitors, and other equipment;
  • Electronic jamming equipment;
  • Field equipment, cold weather gear, generators, and spare parts;
  • Support for training, maintenance, and sustainment activities.
And now we've given the ok for allies to send F16s and we'll train the pilots.

We probably blew up Nordstream 2. Everyone knows it.

We've got Special Forces on the ground in Ukraine.

But nah, we're not trying to provoke direct conflict with a nuclear superpower.

That whole thing about when someone shows you who they are, believe them? You don't have to tell Putin that.
We did not blow up Nordstream 2. Putin did that. Everyone knows that.

We have no special forces in Ukraine.

Putin is the one who invaded Ukraine. I don't give a damn what Putin thinks.
If you believe the US has spent the last 30 years provoking a Russian response in Ukraine, Joe Biden has been a consistent cheerleader for regime change in Moscow:

In 1991 the evil empire was dead.
What happened next?

"But then the administrations of Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden ruined our great peace and victory at the end of the last Cold War.

"Instead, they got us into this mess.

"This was primarily due to the policies of NATO expansion, tearing up important nuclear treaties, the installation of missile defense systems in Eastern Europe, overthrowing multiple governments friendly to Russia, including Ukraine twice in 10 years, spending the last 5 years sending sophisticated arms to Ukraine and increasing harassment by American Navy ships and Air Force planes in the Black, Baltic and Okhotsk seas.

"They were warned.

"They thought it would be fine.

"It wasn’t."

The History Behind the Russia-Ukraine War - Original

As usual you blame the good guys and support the bad guys. Putin wants to re-establish the old Soviet Union. No one overthrew anybody. They were legally removed from office. You treasonous traitors need to go back to your mother country.
The globalists want Russia to kneel to them. Joe is a habitual liar. If he was Pinocchio, his nose would circle the earth and lodge in his ass.
You right wing animals are habitual liars. Your noses would go to Mars.
You’re trying to lump President Trump in with BJ, W, and Obama bin Biden?

President Trump didn’t push for any wars, started no new wars, and drastically reduced the ones he inherited. The Deep State hated him for that. All those other idiots took their orders from the Deep State without question.
He became a Russian asset. There is no deep state.
The issue is that the FBI Gestapo is destroying whistleblowers.
Without whistleblowers the FBI Gestapo has no oversight.

Who was right about illegal FBI spying on Trump via operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane? Who falsified evidence to get an illegal FISA warrant to spy on Trump. Who planted that pipe bomb on the J6 video? Who infiltrated the militias and instigated J6? Who prevented the National Guard from protecting the capitol as requested by Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund? The list goes on and on.
The IG and Mueller. J6 was perpetrated by Trump supporters. Trump never wanted the NG to protect the capitol. You are the liar.
As usual you blame the good guys and support the bad guys. Putin wants to re-establish the old Soviet Union. No one overthrew anybody. They were legally removed from office. You treasonous traitors need to go back to your mother country.
There's nothing legal about right-wing, neo-Nazis murdering police officers and protestors to drive a duly elected president from office.

Brussels, Kyiv, Moscow React To Leaked Nuland Phone Call

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