Does Biden want WWIII?

Would it have been scarier if Black Lives Matter had trashed the US Capitol?

More than 50 police officers were hurt at pro-Trump riot at the Capitol that also killed 4

"At least 50 police officers were injured in the Capitol riot that also killed four people after supporters of President Trump invaded the building to prevent the confirmation of Joe Biden’s electoral victory."
And we now know that most of those violent ones were Fed “informants“, or Fed agents, or Antifa actors.
And we now know that most of those violent ones were Fed “informants“, or Fed agents, or Antifa actors.
Who told you that, Trump?
Biden said last year that sending in offensive weapons like tanks and aircraft would lead to WW3:

Looks like we are headed there.

Lefties are losing their minds on Twitter because President Trump points this out:

Does Bidden want WWIII?

The question should be — Does Biden’s puppet masters want WWIII.
Biden is a boob, always has been and always will be. He always says dumb shit that comes back to him. For the record, WWIII aint happening. You need allies that will go along with your insanity for that to happen. Russia has none lol.
The truth is Russia doesn't have the military strength to cause such a massive scale war. Period. China on the other hand fucking could but Biden isn't going to start such a war with them either.
How do you rate the credibility of the FBI to Trump's?
The issue is that the FBI Gestapo is destroying whistleblowers.
Without whistleblowers the FBI Gestapo has no oversight.

Who was right about illegal FBI spying on Trump via operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane? Who falsified evidence to get an illegal FISA warrant to spy on Trump. Who planted that pipe bomb on the J6 video? Who infiltrated the militias and instigated J6? Who prevented the National Guard from protecting the capitol as requested by Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund? The list goes on and on.
I'm always amused by the tactic of posting a Rhetorical Question in the title. What kind of idiot thinks to himself, "This'll vex them!!!". Its the easiest thing in the world to blow out of the water. As I just did.
/----/ Then defend Dementia Joe's statement.
The issue is that the FBI Gestapo is destroying whistleblowers.
Without whistleblowers the FBI Gestapo has no oversight.

Who was right about illegal FBI spying on Trump via operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane? Who falsified evidence to get an illegal FISA warrant to spy on Trump. Who planted that pipe bomb on the J6 video? Who infiltrated the militias and instigated J6? Who prevented the National Guard from protecting the capitol as requested by Trump and Capitol Police Chief Sund? The list goes on and on.
Your list goes on and on; here's another:

The FBI Desperately Wants to Let Trump Off the Hook

"The way conservatives tell it, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a hive of anti-Trump villainy, filled with agents looking for any excuse to hound the former president with investigative witch hunts.

"But the thing to understand about Donald Trump’s legal troubles is that they exist not because federal agents are out to get him, but despite the fact that the FBI is full of Trump supporters who would really like to leave him alone."
Your list goes on and on; here's another:
The FBI Desperately Wants to Let Trump Off the Hook
"The way conservatives tell it, the Federal Bureau of Investigation is a hive of anti-Trump villainy, filled with agents looking for any excuse to hound the former president with investigative witch hunts.
"But the thing to understand about Donald Trump’s legal troubles is that they exist not because federal agents are out to get him, but despite the fact that the FBI is full of Trump supporters who would really like to leave him alone."
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier". Obama used the power of the DOJ, FBI, CIA and other Federal agencies to illegally spy on and setup Trump for failure. FBI operations Crossfire Hurricane and Razor, the Mueller Investigation, Russian Collusion Hoax, the MSM's constant 95% negative coverage and "fake news", Never-Trump Republicans, the Lincoln Project, globalists of every stripe, the entrenched Deep State who all oppose Trump's policies, the planted leakers and whistle-blowers, and the RINOs who'd rather shill for K-Street than work for main street. Then add to all of that the outright hatred shown by the House democrats toward Trump, to the point of "non-crime" Impeachment Articles, twice!!

Then during the 2020 election the high-tech oligarchs (Twitter & Facebook), colluded with the FBI to cover-up the Biden crimes and buy the election; google “zuckerbucks” as an example. Not even investigating why 2020 had about 30m more votes than expected. When Elon Musk bought Twitter the truth came out. Now the Soros DA in NYC is indicting Trump for a non-crime. The Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state.
Trump's presidency was a miracle in itself, the biggest upset in US election history. Hillary and the DNC actually colluded with and paid Russians for "dirt" on Trump, aka the "Steele Dossier"
Trump's among the most corrupt oligarchs in US history, and the only reason he won in 2016 was due to the FBI:

The FBI Desperately Wants to Let Trump Off the Hook

"'Some of those field agents wanted to shutter the criminal investigation (into Trump) altogether in early June,' the Post reported, adding that FBI agents were 'simply afraid' and 'worried taking aggressive steps investigating Trump could blemish or even end their careers.'

"The FBI did not exhibit this worry in 2016, when it publicly announced that it was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified documents, an announcement that, even with all the other mistakes her campaign made, likely cost Clinton the election."
he Durham Report confirms that the FBI & DOJ are NOT upholding the LAWs of the United States, the US is on the verge of becoming a Fascist state.
Trump is a fascist.
He's a corrupt, ignorant capitalist who's proven over and over how little regard he has for democracy.
Pointing out how Biden is equally unfit doesn't change Trump's lawlessness.
Anyone gullible enough to vote for Trump or Biden should be casting their ballot in Russia or Ukraine.
Trump's among the most corrupt oligarchs in US history, and the only reason he won in 2016 was due to the FBI:
The FBI Desperately Wants to Let Trump Off the Hook
"'Some of those field agents wanted to shutter the criminal investigation (into Trump) altogether in early June,' the Post reported, adding that FBI agents were 'simply afraid' and 'worried taking aggressive steps investigating Trump could blemish or even end their careers.'

"The FBI did not exhibit this worry in 2016, when it publicly announced that it was reopening the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified documents, an announcement that, even with all the other mistakes her campaign made, likely cost Clinton the election."
The Durham report shreds your lies.

The report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.

you probably forgot who was guaranteed to win in 2016
The Durham report shreds your lies.

The report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.

you probably forgot who was guaranteed to win in 2016

The FBI damaged Hillary's campaign more than Trump's:

'The FBI is Trumpland': anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say

"Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the Guardian, spurring a rapid series of leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election.

"Current and former FBI officials, none of whom were willing or cleared to speak on the record, have described a chaotic internal climate that resulted from outrage over director James Comey’s July decision not to recommend an indictment over Clinton’s maintenance of a private email server on which classified information transited."

FWIW, neither Hillary nor Don the Con was fit for office in 2016; anyone who voted for either corrupt demagogue is a brainwashed. slave

"'The FBI is Trumpland,' said one current agent."
Biden said last year that sending in offensive weapons like tanks and aircraft would lead to WW3:

Looks like we are headed there.

Lefties are losing their minds on Twitter because President Trump points this out:

Trump wants to surrender to Putin. He is a Russian asset. No wonder he supports surrendering. That would send a message to China to invade Taiwan.
The Durham report shreds your lies.

The report shreds the FBI and Justice Department for abandoning standards and ignoring the lack of evidence to launch and prolong the investigation. The report notes that the treatment of the unsubstantiated allegations in the Steele Dossier, funded by the Clinton Campaign, was “markedly different” from the government’s level of interest in Clinton’s campaign when it faced such allegations.

you probably forgot who was guaranteed to win in 2016

The Durham report was shredded by the IG report and Mueller's investigation. Durham has no proof and ZERO convictions.

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