Does Biden want WWIII?

I posted clear and convincing evidence, the facts, the proof.

kyzr posts his assertions, as MAGA usually does, and thinks they are evidence.
I believe you are missing this:
Clinton and Trump are on the same side of the class war. Each politician has supporters and detractors within the FBI and society at large.
You can't change anything fundamental by "choosing" between Republican or Democrat in the voting booth.
If tens of millions of US voters ever decided to make their House and Senate choices from third party candidates, hundreds of incumbents (R and D alike) would be flushed from DC in a single news cycle.
3rd party candidates are unsupported unknowns. They will never beat a R/D candidate. Just look at all the 3rd parties out there wasting their votes..
Biden said last year that sending in offensive weapons like tanks and aircraft would lead to WW3:

Looks like we are headed there.

Lefties are losing their minds on Twitter because President Trump points this out:

Liberals are losing their minds, not actual leftists. Most leftists recognize that Russia invaded Ukraine due to NATO expansion and the results of the 2014 Maidan coup, leading to a civil war between Kyiv and the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. The United States was poking the bear for decades in an attempt to destabilize the region to hurt Russia. That's the Marxist, leftist position.

The Liberal position is that since there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin and homosexuals can't hold their "pride parades" in the streets or adopt children, Putin should be condemned as a fascist and hung from a tree. Another complaint from American liberals is that Russian society is too socially conservative, with respect to women's roles and feminism..etc, so Putin should be hung from a tree.

Leftists aren't willing to fight WW3 over the lack of rainbow flags in Russia and there being too many stay-at-home moms in Russia. It's not worth fighting WW3 over that, destroying all life on this planet. Not good.
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3rd party candidates are unsupported unknowns. They will never beat a R/D candidate. Just look at all the 3rd parties out there wasting their votes..

Republicans and Democrats will vanish from the page of time just as capitalism faces its own expiration date; the sooner the better.
I posted as to who released the NG. It was not Trump.
For the millionth fucking time. Understand who requested the national guard AND WHEN. Trump and Sund both requested the NG on January 4th.

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said he requested that the National Guard be placed on standby in the days before the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol, but House and Senate security officials turned him down.

And according to testimony from the former Capitol Police chief, Pelosi was not involved in the decisions made ahead of January 6 regarding the National Guard. In his testimony before the Senate in February, former US Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said that he approached both Sergeants at Arms on the House and Senate side on January 4 to request the National Guard through an Emergency Declaration from the Capitol Police Board.
His request, according to Sund, was not approved. Instead, the Senate Sergeant at Arms Michael C. Stenger “suggested I ask (the National Guard) how quickly we could get support if needed and to ‘lean forward’ in case we had to request assistance on January 6,” according to Sund’s testimony.
I said that only Pence approved it. Sund could only request. Trump denied it three times.

Trump was the authority who could release it, and Trump had to supersede Trump to order it. Very good he did.

Understand the Dem election ads will make this very, very clear.
Liberals are losing their minds, not actual leftists. Most leftists recognize that Russia invaded Ukraine due to NATO expansion and the results of the 2014 Maidan coup, leading to a civil war between Kyiv and the Russo-Ukrainians of the Donbas. The United States was poking the bear for decades in an attempt to destabilize the region to hurt Russia. That's the Marxist, leftist position.

The Liberal position is that since there aren't any rainbow flags flying over the Kremlin and homosexuals can't hold their "pride parades" in the streets or adopt children, Putin should be condemned as a fascist and hung from a tree. Another complaint from American liberals is that Russian society is too socially conservative, with respect to women's roles and feminism..etc, so Putin should be hung from a tree.

Leftists aren't willing to fight WW3 over the lack of rainbow flags in Russia and there being too many stay-at-home moms in Russia. It's not worth fighting WW3 over that, destroying all life on this planet. Not good.
Leftists see the long-term goal that capitalists have planned for Russia:

Leftists are also clear about how crucial Ukraine is to the breakup of Russia and when the CIA began this imperial project:

The Covert Operation to Back Ukrainian Independence that Haunts the CIA.

"In late 1949, a series of unmarked flights began launching from central Europe. Gargantuan C-47s, flown by Hungarian or Czech pilots, barreled toward Turkey, and then turned north over the Black Sea, evading radar by flying barely above the ground.

"As the planes flew over Lviv a string of parachutes opened, a handful of commandos tumbling into the sky over Soviet Ukraine.

"On the ground, they linked up with Ukrainian resistance fighters trying to beat back Soviet expansionism."
Leftists see the long-term goal that capitalists have planned for Russia:
View attachment 788747
Leftists are also clear about how crucial Ukraine is to the breakup of Russia and when the CIA began this imperial project:

The Covert Operation to Back Ukrainian Independence that Haunts the CIA.

"In late 1949, a series of unmarked flights began launching from central Europe. Gargantuan C-47s, flown by Hungarian or Czech pilots, barreled toward Turkey, and then turned north over the Black Sea, evading radar by flying barely above the ground.

"As the planes flew over Lviv a string of parachutes opened, a handful of commandos tumbling into the sky over Soviet Ukraine.

"On the ground, they linked up with Ukrainian resistance fighters trying to beat back Soviet expansionism."
Yeah, they've been fermenting anti-Russian sentiments in Ukraine for decades. A US government document was released a few years ago showing how the US State Dept wants to balkanize Russia, breaking it up into several separate countries. Russia has every right to defend itself.

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Yeah, they've been fermenting anti-Russian sentiments in Ukraine for decades. A US government document was released a few years ago showing how the US State Dept wants to balkanize Russia, breaking it up into several separate countries. Russia has every right to defend itself.
However, invading Ukraine is not a defensive action. Putin can no longer travel to the West without being arrested.

Neither can George W. Bush.
Yeah, they've been fermenting anti-Russian sentiments in Ukraine for decades. A US government document was released a few years ago showing how the US State Dept wants to balkanize Russia, breaking it up into several separate countries. Russia has every right to defend itself.

The Yanks are anxious for another Rescue:

Life expectancy collapsed by 4-5 years in Russia when western capitalists turned the Moscow stock market into the world's hottest.

Russian poverty rates went from single digits to 40%

Hyperinflation hit 2500%

A popular joke going around at that time made the claim US capitalists killed more Russians in the '90s than German capitalists in the 1940s.

Empire never stops.

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