Does Biden want WWIII?

NATO is full of nations run by Marxists.

That’s why they are all here pushing the war.
NATO is run by capitalists who know their economic system.
doesn't exist without war, racism and imperialism.

Commanding Heights : Lenin's Critique of Global Capitalism | on PBS.
Hehehe ghost box. I haven't mentioned that here in the forum for over a year or so. I don't ask the spirits those types of questions, because only the higher spirits or the angels could answer that, with accuracy. Higher spirits hardly ever come through a ghost box. All you will get through a radio sweeper are demons and human souls under their control. They don't have the power to forecast the future as higher spirits do.
How could I remain an atheist-materialist, after experiencing all of the above and more? Don't try it at home, because you will have poltergeist activity, guaranteed. I had a little poltergeist event yesterday with a bottle of dishwashing soap, that moved by itself, right in front of me. I don't experience the same intensity of poltergeists that I used to have when I was doing the "ghost box" research, but there's still a "residue" that remains. A bit of that "psychic energy" is still lurking.
Thanks for the reply. Just curious what they know or don't know. Brrrrrrrr.
Thanks for the reply. Just curious what they know or don't know. Brrrrrrrr.

ITC - Instrumental TransCommunication. The easiest way of establishing contact with spirits is using a radio sweeper or "ghost box/spirit box", but there are other methods. Marcello Bacci, who died a few years ago, used to communicate at a very high level using shortwave radios:

His interactions with the spirits were very responsive and fluid as if he were engaged in a conversation with a living person on the phone, or face-to-face (direct voice ITC is more advanced than using a "ghost box"/radio sweeper).. He and his group of researchers would also experience "apports" or the physical materialization of objects. Other important ITC pioneers are Hans Otto Konig, the German engineer:

Live TV - Establishes contact with the spirit of a young man, who speaks with his mother. She admits that the voice heard through that radio is the voice of her deceased son, Frank:

The German physicist Ernst Senkoowski:

Anabela Cardoso, a former Portuguese diplomat and Consul General in Spain, France, India, and the United States:

She communicates with the spirits without a radio sweeper, using the regular short-wave radios she has in that video.

There's also Robin Foy from the UK:

..and George Meek from the US, among others. George is a bit hoaky but still worth looking into.

The YouTube channel, called "Seattle ITC" uses a video camera to capture spirit-images:

As far as the best ghost box researchers on YouTube, it's Shannon a.k.a. "Mortis The Wizard" and John Huntington a.k.a. Hauntington:

I was inspired by all of the above and set out on my own research about ten years ago and experienced the same phenomenon, including poltergeist. So if you decide to venture into this type of research, make sure you're mentally and emotionally prepared, because it can seriously disrupt your life, if you're not careful. Depending on what method you use to communicate with the spirits and your energy/vibe, you can attract some really seedy, even evil characters. Be careful. I have no regrets because it opened my eyes to a whole new aspect of reality. I was a fully committed atheist-materialist, who hated God and religion and all of that crumbled the moment I established contact. The scales fell from my eyes.
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ITC - Instrumental TransCommunication. The easiest way of establishing contact with spirits is using a radio sweeper or "ghost box/spirit box", but there are other methods. Marcello Bacci, who died a few years ago, used to communicate at a very high level using shortwave radios:

His interactions with the spirits were very responsive and fluid as if he were engaged in a conversation with a living person on the phone, or face-to-face (direct voice ITC is more advanced than using a "ghost box"/radio sweeper).. He and his group of researchers would also experience "apports" or the physical materialization of objects. Other important ITC pioneers are Hans Otto Konig, the German engineer:

I was inspired by all of the above and set out on my own research about ten years ago and experienced the same phenomenon, including poltergeist. So if you decide to venture into this type of research, make sure you're mentally and emotionally prepared, because it can seriously disrupt your life, if you're not careful. Depending on what method you use to communicate with the spirits and your energy/vibe, you can attract some really seedy, even evil characters. Be careful. I have no regrets because it opened my eyes to a whole new aspect of reality. I was a fully committed atheist-materialist, who hated God and religion and all of that crumbled the moment I established contact. The scales fell from my eyes.
I'm glad you converted from atheist to believer.
Now all you need to do is convert from communist to capitalist.
Indeed, and now take a tape recorder and read and play that statement to yourself a few times, because that also applies to you "hotshot".
When you add facts as evidence for your opinions, then you will be in the game. Right now 'meaningless' describes what you and theHawk write.
When you add facts as evidence for your opinions, then you will be in the game. Right now 'meaningless' describes what you and theHawk write.
How so? Give me a rundown of what I said that is wrong, with your evidence. Present your case. Just telling someone they're wrong isn't enough. Show me how I'm supposedly, wrong.
Puppet Biden and the people behind the scenes with their hands up his ass want to defeat Russia by wearing them down. They want that quarter of the world which in Russia's corner BAD, so they can expand the corporate interests of their New World Order. They're willing to go to Great risks and expense to mess with Russia. It's not that they want World War III, it's that they're stupid enough to gamble with fate on that level just for global economic domination. Selfish fucking megalomaniacal bastards. Putin knows why the West wants Ukraine so bad. The war there is unfortunate, but expelling Western military industrial influence from that country is the main motive for the invasion of that country. Everything will go back to normal quickly once the West stops trying to take it over from within. If Russia did in Mexico what we did in Ukraine, we'd be there trying to forcefully remove THEIR plants. And if they kept watering those plants we'd certainly start pulling out the big pruning shears and get serious.
How so? Give me a rundown of what I said that is wrong, with your evidence. Present your case. Just telling someone they're wrong isn't enough. Show me how I'm supposedly, wrong.
You are not allowed to play games. Every time you play 'opinions', I will mark it as such, fail you, and move on.
You are not allowed to play games. Every time you play 'opinions', I will mark it as such, fail you, and move on.
Telling people their opinions are wrong, doesn't make their opinions wrong. Why am I wrong? Present your evidence, the so-called "facts" that you're appealing to that supposedly debunks my position. What are they? Go ahead.
Telling people their opinions are wrong, doesn't make their opinions wrong. Why am I wrong? Present your evidence, the so-called "facts" that you're appealing to that supposedly debunks my position. What are they? Go ahead.
I said when your opinions lack factual proof, you are wrong. You are. Get over it.
Telling people their opinions are wrong, doesn't make their opinions wrong. Why am I wrong? Present your evidence, the so-called "facts" that you're appealing to that supposedly debunks my position. What are they? Go ahead.
I said when your opinions lack factual proof, you are wrong. You are. Get over it.
What in your estimation did I say that wasn't a fact? Be specific.
Read your own writings. We all have. Opinionated without facts.
You give us an example where you do have facts. Anyone can read your stuff and see I am right.
Anyone can indeed read what I wrote and the evidence I presented and see you're full of shit and that's why you're unable and unwilling to even mention one thing I said that was wrong. Why should I repeat myself?


NATO's expansion into Eastern Europe and its deployment on Russia's border is perceived by Russia as a threat to its national security. NATO is a cold war military alliance specifically created and geared to fight Russia. If you disagree, present your evidence to the contrary, on how NATO is not perceived by Russia to be a threat to its national security and how NATO is now supposedly friendly towards Russia, no longer posing a threat. Who is dumb enough to agree with you, knowing the history of NATO and who is aware of its present strategic posturing, constantly identifying Russia as an adversary?

The Maidan protests in 2014, were co-opted by the US State Department:

Yanukovych the democratically elected president of Ukraine was ousted by violent right-wing thugs from the Svoboda Party and Right Sector, replacing him with Poroshenko, a Russian-hating nationalist, who tried to strong-arm Russo-Ukrainians to submit to his coup regime.

Why should Russo-Ukrainians submit to the anti-Russian government in Kyiv, that ousted the democratically elected president, who was friendlier to Russia and respected their rights? Why should ethnic Russians surrender to an illegal regime in Kyiv, that is essentially a puppet of the United States and NATO?
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Those are opinions supported by videos themed non-factually and inaccurately.

CF, no puts up with propaganda pieces;

Give us evidence,
NATO is run by capitalists who know their economic system.
doesn't exist without war, racism and imperialism.
View attachment 788890
Commanding Heights : Lenin's Critique of Global Capitalism | on PBS.
Marxists and socialists have adjusted their methods of oppression. Communism didn’t work, so they adopted capitalism. They can still push their ideas through capitalism, as we see woke Marxist idiots being put in charge of billion dollar corporations. Corporations mostly built by honest capitalism that stayed clear of politics, but have now been highjacked. They have become full blown corporate-fascists that have the power to punish political enemies that the state could not do. Remember, Mussolini was a life long, failed socialist before he invented “fascism” to get power and oppress people.

But people aren’t buying their nonsense and are now boycotting them, that is the great thing about capitalism, you can hurt them where it hurts, their wallets. But the elites will still keep fighting back. They need to destroy the middle class, this will enable them to become oligarchs and control the “capitalist” economy with monopolies. This is why you see the radical left embrace and defend giant corporations, like Microsoft, Twitter (pre-Elon), Facebook, Amazon, Google, Pfizer, etc. They attack you vehemently if you dare question Big Pharma, like Pfizer and their experimental, dangerous, and ineffective mRNA vaccines.

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