Does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist?

Does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist?

No....being a racist makes you a racist
I don't need Obama's skin color as an excuse to hate his sorry fucking ass.

He's a pathetic simpleton and not worthy of the position of President.

A Chicago punk, closet Communist, and avowed Socialist hell-bent on dismantling our Republic.

He sure doesn't act like a communist. I consider him moderate democrat at best, same as bill or hillary. A punk and a pathetic simpleton? This is a guy with a harvard law degree. If Obama were trying to destroy our republic, why does the big money back him? Things are better now than when bush left office and everything was unraveling. Maybe he is trying to destroy the economy like you say. If so, then so far he's a failure at that.

How do you say "things are better"???

When President Bush took office in 2001, there were 17.3 million people on food stamps.
During his last full year in office, 2008, there were 28.2 million on food stamps -- an increase of 10.9 million – or a 63 percent increase over an 8-year period. -
If you compare the average increase per year of the number of people on food stamps during the Bush administration (1.5 million)
versus the average increase per year during the Obama administration (5.5 million) –
food stamps have increased nearly 4 times more per year under Obama than under Bush.

See more at: 44.7 Million Americans Now on Food Stamps -- More than at Any Time Under Bush | CNS News
How is that "better"???

More Than 101 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have A Job --- on 04/08/2013
More Than 101 Million Working Age Americans Do Not Have A Job | Zero Hedge

According to the below...

2001 there were 133,307,000 fully employed..
2023 there were 132,716,000 fully unemployed..

$Screen Shot 2013-12-12 at 10.59.41 AM.jpg

Making 9 Million Jobless Vanish: How The Government Manipulates Unemployment Statistics

"how is that Better"???
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I disagree with some of Obama's policies and a actions.

But...I never once have been called a racist because of it. I never give such a thing a moment's thought.

If you obsess over possibly being called a might be a racist.
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It's nothing more than an intimidation tactic, a strategy for gaining advantage.

Fortunately, the PC Police have overplayed their hand and this bullshit is fading in effectiveness.



And the righties proclaiming that ANY disagreement with Obama is racist is another intimidation tactic. *wink*

Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. Does Oprah really believe that all the white people who oppose socialized medicine, bigger government, abortions, etc would magically support these issues if, say, John Edwards had been elected president?

Morgan Freeman believes that conservatives don't want Obama re-elected because he's black

So I guess he's saying that if it were Hillary Clinton, every white person would suddenly agree with the democratic party and want Hillary elected.

No they wouldnt have supported it but it would be hard to find a pic of John Edwards with a bone through his nose poster or emails with watermelon patches in front of the white house if John Edwards was president.

But thats not racist...They were opposing his watermelon policy :eusa_boohoo:

dimocraps made and distributed that pic to garner sympathy for their buoy.

Ever heard of Saul Alinsky? He was from Chicago, too

And made The righties carry the picture around and forced Righty Politicians to send it via email with a gun to their heads too right?

Ever Heard of Michael Jordan? He is from Chicago too that means Saul Alinsky can dunk from the free throw line :doubt:
I disagree with some if Obama's policies and a actions.

But...I never once have been called a racist because of it. I never give such a thing a moment's thought.

If you obsess over possibly being called a might be a racist.

Of course closing Gitmo which you disagree with Obama for not doing... that's not racist!
Of course you disagree with Obama on wanting to destroy the economy and that's not racist!
But you miss the point!
If you had NOTHING in the way of experiences, skills, and aptitude by Obama to vote for him... why else would you vote for him?
Well, one thing the left/liberals/Democrats/progressives has learned

Just run and elect a black President then people can't disagree with, have comedy skits about, make funnies about, etc etc or they will accuse you of being a Racist...Which is their way of trying to SHUT PEOPLE UP

how sad our first black president will be known for this and having a hand in this
No they wouldnt have supported it but it would be hard to find a pic of John Edwards with a bone through his nose poster or emails with watermelon patches in front of the white house if John Edwards was president.

But thats not racist...They were opposing his watermelon policy :eusa_boohoo:

dimocraps made and distributed that pic to garner sympathy for their buoy.

Ever heard of Saul Alinsky? He was from Chicago, too

And made The righties carry the picture around and forced Righty Politicians to send it via email with a gun to their heads too right?

Ever Heard of Michael Jordan? He is from Chicago too that means Saul Alinsky can dunk from the free throw line :doubt:
Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:
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Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:

No it doesnt cry baby. We disagree with you and every disagreement to you victims is an "attack" or makes you a "target".
No. Being a racist means you believe the color of ones skin (and other superficial differences, blond hair, blue eyes....) determines whether or not you are superior or inferior.

Just disagreeing with his policy decisions doesn't make you that.

Just because most racist are going to disagree with everything he does doesn't mean that everyone who disagrees with him is a racist.

Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. Does Oprah really believe that all the white people who oppose socialized medicine, bigger government, abortions, etc would magically support these issues if, say, John Edwards had been elected president?

Morgan Freeman believes that conservatives don't want Obama re-elected because he's black

So I guess he's saying that if it were Hillary Clinton, every white person would suddenly agree with the democratic party and want Hillary elected.

Its not the policy that is the problem ... it was the personal attacks on where he was born along with other remarks... all the racist Innuendos coming from the right, which they they still are making ... the fact that you felt the need to come here post a post on something as silly as you posting does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist ... that's what racist like you won't understand ... we know you're trying to justify your racist feeling here ... we know what you are trying to say here is, well see, the other Politicians policy we don't like, so how come when we don't like obamas policies were call racist ... its not the policy that we are trying to make you to understand ... its your racist actions like this one is what we are trying to get you to understand ... it has never been about policies ...

The Op did not attack Obama in any way they did not call him a communist, socialist, claim he was not citizen use any racial slurs or derogatory comments or any other of the criteria the left likes to use when trying to justify labeling someone a racist yet you not once but twice in your response accused them of being racist. Why don't you step off that morale high horse of yours and think long hard about that and also take a good hard look at yourself the next time you decide to call someone racist you might not like what you see.
I don't need Obama's skin color as an excuse to hate his sorry fucking ass.

He's a pathetic simpleton and not worthy of the position of President.

A Chicago punk, closet Communist, and avowed Socialist hell-bent on dismantling our Republic.

He sure doesn't act like a communist. I consider him moderate democrat at best, same as bill or hillary. A punk and a pathetic simpleton? This is a guy with a harvard law degree. If Obama were trying to destroy our republic, why does the big money back him? Things are better now than when bush left office and everything was unraveling. Maybe he is trying to destroy the economy like you say. If so, then so far he's a failure at that.
Good point, Obama is mostly failing at failing. What Republicans are failing at is their attempts to destroy the economy. They're having trouble getting a budget bill past their crazies because their crazies want to default next year.

But when you start yammering on about how he's a marxist, communist, fascist, kenyan, and other crapola that have nothing to do with anything and are really code talking for "other" words..

Yeah..people might construe you are racist.

For example:

"President Obama's policy on healthcare places both an extra tax on citizens and an undo burden on employers" - Not racist.

"That fucking Commie, Kenyan, Marxist, Anti-Colonial Obamalama is trying to redistribute wealth with is African Obamalama care" - Yeah, some people might think that's racist.

Hope that helps.

What being communist has to do with race?
Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:

No it doesnt cry baby. We disagree with you and every disagreement to you victims is an "attack" or makes you a "target".

So there you go!! You prove the point of the topic with your response. Typical lib response when you have no facts you resort to name calling.

Cry Baby? Victim?? Target??

Article claims Obama called Tea Partiers domestic terrorists while in Africa - Spokane Conservative |

IRS targets conservative groups - The Washington Post

Seems there has been some targeting but it looks like it comes from your side of the isle.
The Victims are those that have been targeted by Lois Lerner and Gang!!!
or those left in Benghazi....
Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:

No it doesnt cry baby. We disagree with you and every disagreement to you victims is an "attack" or makes you a "target".

So there you go!! You prove the point of the topic with your response. Typical lib response when you have no facts you resort to name calling.

Cry Baby? Victim?? Target??

Yeah you're crying about straw men. Fact is that the REPUBS have a racist problem. Then when people say "hey thats racist" you all grab your pearls and claim to be attacked while DEFENDING THE RACISTS!!!

Now I cant disagree with you because if I do I am mocking or ridiculing you. Its the same bullshit you pull when a black conservative says something there are only 2 options: Agree with that person or You're attacking them.

No option exists for disagreeing. Stop being such a baby
Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:

Which politicians do you support because they've always told the truth?

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