Does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist?

Ame®icano;8287372 said:

But when you start yammering on about how he's a marxist, communist, fascist, kenyan, and other crapola that have nothing to do with anything and are really code talking for "other" words..

Yeah..people might construe you are racist.

For example:

"President Obama's policy on healthcare places both an extra tax on citizens and an undo burden on employers" - Not racist.

"That fucking Commie, Kenyan, Marxist, Anti-Colonial Obamalama is trying to redistribute wealth with is African Obamalama care" - Yeah, some people might think that's racist.

Hope that helps.

What being communist has to do with race?

It's a "coding" thing.

Where you substitute one word for another.
Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:

Which politicians do you support because they've always told the truth?

There is no such thing as a truthful politician.
Obama is more than untruthful. He lies about his own lies. Like we don't have video of lies coming out of his mouth.

I'm in the Party of the Totally Disgusted ~ I trust no one and like them even less!!
I sit more on the right as the left has moved so far left I no longer recognize the democrat party! I am committed to no one and a registered independent.
I don't need Obama's skin color as an excuse to hate his sorry fucking ass.

He's a pathetic simpleton and not worthy of the position of President.

A Chicago punk, closet Communist, and avowed Socialist hell-bent on dismantling our Republic.

He sure doesn't act like a communist. I consider him moderate democrat at best, same as bill or hillary. A punk and a pathetic simpleton? This is a guy with a harvard law degree. If Obama were trying to destroy our republic, why does the big money back him? Things are better now than when bush left office and everything was unraveling. Maybe he is trying to destroy the economy like you say. If so, then so far he's a failure at that.

damn see what happens when he cuts spending by half ... that horrible market that's going through the roof ... stock holders making money hand over fist... how dare he cause people to go back to work ... how dare he force people to be responsible and pay for health care ... that darkie has a lot of balls ... :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I don't need Obama's skin color as an excuse to hate his sorry fucking ass.

He's a pathetic simpleton and not worthy of the position of President.

A Chicago punk, closet Communist, and avowed Socialist hell-bent on dismantling our Republic.

skin color ... Hummm !!! a non- racist wouldn't have to use skin color to make their point ... right Racist!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. Does Oprah really believe that all the white people who oppose socialized medicine, bigger government, abortions, etc would magically support these issues if, say, John Edwards had been elected president?

Morgan Freeman believes that conservatives don't want Obama re-elected because he's black

So I guess he's saying that if it were Hillary Clinton, every white person would suddenly agree with the democratic party and want Hillary elected.

Its not the policy that is the problem ... it was the personal attacks on where he was born along with other remarks... all the racist Innuendos coming from the right, which they they still are making ... the fact that you felt the need to come here post a post on something as silly as you posting does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist ... that's what racist like you won't understand ... we know you're trying to justify your racist feeling here ... we know what you are trying to say here is, well see, the other Politicians policy we don't like, so how come when we don't like obamas policies were call racist ... its not the policy that we are trying to make you to understand ... its your racist actions like this one is what we are trying to get you to understand ... it has never been about policies ...

Learn how to multi-quote you stupid fuck

go fuck yourself dumb fuck !!!! I'll post any way I feel like... who the hell do you think you are ???we know your the board dumb fuck ...
No it doesnt cry baby. We disagree with you and every disagreement to you victims is an "attack" or makes you a "target".

So there you go!! You prove the point of the topic with your response. Typical lib response when you have no facts you resort to name calling.

Cry Baby? Victim?? Target??

Yeah you're crying about straw men. Fact is that the REPUBS have a racist problem. Then when people say "hey thats racist" you all grab your pearls and claim to be attacked while DEFENDING THE RACISTS!!!

Now I cant disagree with you because if I do I am mocking or ridiculing you. Its the same bullshit you pull when a black conservative says something there are only 2 options: Agree with that person or You're attacking them.

No option exists for disagreeing. Stop being such a baby

I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~
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Republicans disagreeing with Obama doesn't make them racist, but the Republican party certainly has a race problem. It can't be denied that there is a certain portion of the Republican base that is racist, and their fellow Republicans haven't done enough to take those individuals to task. It doesn't help that when discussing Democrat's overwhelming support from minorities they are dismissed as "wanting free stuff". Republicans think they can explain away the Democrat's support from minorities with the "entitlement mentality", but fail to explain the support they garner from the Asian and Jewish community as well, which makes them come across even worse. What Republicans have isn't as much a racist problem as it is an image and message problem.
Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:

Which politicians do you support because they've always told the truth?

There is no such thing as a truthful politician.
Obama is more than untruthful. He lies about his own lies. Like we don't have video of lies coming out of his mouth.

I'm in the Party of the Totally Disgusted ~ I trust no one and like them even less!!
I sit more on the right as the left has moved so far left I no longer recognize the democrat party! I am committed to no one and a registered independent.

there's a difference in lying, mean while having the insurance companies pulling a fast one on you... something the right does all the time ... tells you one thing then pulls the rug right out from under you ...he said you'll get to keep your health care, he meant it... this was a true statement ... then when insurance companies canceled them, so now you try to make us believe he lied, when he was sincere about you keeping your plan ... HHS had a section in the health care bill to grandfather people who wanted to keep their health care ... and you righties keep posting videos of him saying you can keep your plan at Nausium ... as if he was lying he wasn't
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Please look at the links they are relevant...

Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. ......

Obama ran a much better campaign. Shades of Bill Clinton Redux overshadowed Hillary's and Edwards' campaign couldn't compete. He came off as a rich trial attorney who was on a power grab.

Then add in a healthy dose of McCranky stating to the press in late 2008 that "...the economy is fundamentally sound", and THEN leaving his campaign to go and sit like a deer in the headlights at the Wall Street bail out negotiations in D.C.

Let's not forget the real zinger that really screwed McCain: No, not Sarah Palin. The fact that he didn't know how many houses he owned when asked by a reporter on the campaign trail.

There, I just explained how Obama got elected and how there was prejudice, but it was against so much fucking ELITISM and PRIVILEGE with the other candidates.
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Well, one thing the left/liberals/Democrats/progressives has learned

Just run and elect a black President then people can't disagree with, have comedy skits about, make funnies about, etc etc or they will accuse you of being a Racist...Which is their way of trying to SHUT PEOPLE UP

how sad our first black president will be known for this and having a hand in this

as usual steph-foney has her head stuck where she pees
So there you go!! You prove the point of the topic with your response. Typical lib response when you have no facts you resort to name calling.

Cry Baby? Victim?? Target??

Yeah you're crying about straw men. Fact is that the REPUBS have a racist problem. Then when people say "hey thats racist" you all grab your pearls and claim to be attacked while DEFENDING THE RACISTS!!!

Now I cant disagree with you because if I do I am mocking or ridiculing you. Its the same bullshit you pull when a black conservative says something there are only 2 options: Agree with that person or You're attacking them.

No option exists for disagreeing. Stop being such a baby

I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

No those are issues you are trying to deflect to in a thread about being racist. I'm not talking about that story and I'm not talking about blueberry pie either.

Want to know why? Because this thread isnt about the links you posted or about delicious blueberry pie.

You crybabies have created political correctness where I cannot disagree with you or you are being "attacked". You did that, not me

BREAKING NEWS - There ARE racists in this world. There ARE racists in the United States of America. There ARE racists who dislike the President of the United States because he is the product of a white woman and a black man. There are racists in this nation, in this world, who dislike the President of the United States AND his entire family because they are partially black. It has been so since the dawn of time and unfortunately, despite our best efforts, it will continue until man is wiped from the face of this earth. Unfortunately, racism does NOT know nor does it have a hold on just one specific belief, thought or political ideology. The biggest racist I have ever met is to this day, a democrat. I attend Tea Party rallies religiously and I have not met anyone at those very large gatherings, someone I would consider a racist. Nor would my Tea Party group tolerate a racist. We would immediately deny their membership and refund their money.

Barrack Hussein Obama is not, and I believe has NEVER been a communist. He is a type of socialist. A European Democratic Socialist perhaps. One of the biggest issues that I have with Barry is that he is the consummate AMATEUR. He NEVER knows what is going on. We're always going to 'get to the bottom of that.' But, the IRS, Obamacare, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the Iranian debacle, the Syrian affair, the NSA, and his attorney general's idiocy, is NEVER explained or investigated fully. He counts on a very fast news cycle. What is the CRISIS of the day will be forgotten in 24 hours, or so he hopes.

Barry hasn't been the head of nor has he ran anything even as small as a Koolaid stand. The man is a walking GAFFE and is surrounded by handlers and advisors that come from the world of academics and have NO CLUE what a real world situation is or how to handle it. Case in point: Valerie Jarrett, probably the one person in this nation that has Barry's ear more than anyone else. Barry is a campaign speech, rolled up into sound bite, rolled up into a photo op. A leader may not be the best subject of a photo op (think FDR or Bush 41 here), but he surrounds himself with 'doers.' Not 'wishers.' Someone who has actually ran a state or city government or a business and knows what is required of a leader.

Just because someone criticizes Barry does NOT mean that they are racist. The left tries to silence dissenting opinions by throwing that label around to everyone who questions Barry's credentials, motives, or actions. It is obviously NOT working... and neither is this administration.
Which politicians do you support because they've always told the truth?

There is no such thing as a truthful politician.
Obama is more than untruthful. He lies about his own lies. Like we don't have video of lies coming out of his mouth.

I'm in the Party of the Totally Disgusted ~ I trust no one and like them even less!!
I sit more on the right as the left has moved so far left I no longer recognize the democrat party! I am committed to no one and a registered independent.

there's a difference in lying, mean while having the insurance companies pulling a fast one on you... something the right does all the time ... tells you one thing then pulls the rug right out from under you ...he said you'll get to keep your health care, he meant it... this was a true statement ... then when insurance companies canceled them, so now you try to make us believe he lied, when he was sincere about you keeping your plan ... HHS had a section in the health care bill to grandfather people who wante toi keep their health care ... and you right keep posting videos of him saying you can keep your plan at Nausium ... as if he was lying he wasn't

You need to do a little more research. You must have been busy trying to log on to .gov when this piece of info came out..

Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance - Investigations

Buried in Obamacare regulations from July 2010 is an estimate that because of normal turnover in the individual insurance market, “40 to 67 percent” of customers will not be able to keep their policy. And because many policies will have been changed since the key date, “the percentage of individual market policies losing grandfather status in a given year exceeds the 40 to 67 percent range.”

That means the administration knew that more than 40 to 67 percent of those in the individual market would not be able to keep their plans, even if they liked them.

“This says that when they made the promise, they knew half the people in this market outright couldn’t keep what they had and then they wrote the rules so that others couldn’t make it either,” said Robert Laszewski, of Health Policy and Strategy Associates, a consultant who works for health industry firms. Laszewski estimates that 80 percent of those in the individual market will not be able to keep their current policies and will have to buy insurance that meets requirements of the new law, which generally requires a richer package of benefits than most policies today.
Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:

No it doesnt cry baby. We disagree with you and every disagreement to you victims is an "attack" or makes you a "target".

you really are a dumb fuck ... when the next election comes up ... when we dems/liberals run all over your misguided Ideals, I can see you now ... you'll pop a few Blood vessel, while losing your mind ... whats left of it:lol::lol::lol:
skin color ... Hummm !!! a non- racist wouldn't have to use skin color to make their point ... right Racist!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

Its not the policy that is the problem ... it was the personal attacks on where he was born along with other remarks... all the racist Innuendos coming from the right, which they they still are making ... the fact that you felt the need to come here post a post on something as silly as you posting does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist ... that's what racist like you won't understand ... we know you're trying to justify your racist feeling here ... we know what you are trying to say here is, well see, the other Politicians policy we don't like, so how come when we don't like obamas policies were call racist ... its not the policy that we are trying to make you to understand ... its your racist actions like this one is what we are trying to get you to understand ... it has never been about policies ...

Learn how to multi-quote you stupid fuck

go fuck yourself dumb fuck !!!! I'll post any way I feel like... who the hell do you think you are ???we know your the board dumb fuck ...

Ever seen a psychiatrist lately? You need one, and fast. These meltdowns are not good for your health. :eusa_whistle:

But when you start yammering on about how he's a marxist, communist, fascist, kenyan, and other crapola that have nothing to do with anything and are really code talking for "other" words..

Yeah..people might construe you are racist.

For example:

"President Obama's policy on healthcare places both an extra tax on citizens and an undo burden on employers" - Not racist.

"That fucking Commie, Kenyan, Marxist, Anti-Colonial Obamalama is trying to redistribute wealth with is African Obamalama care" - Yeah, some people might think that's racist.

Hope that helps.

So having an opinion, albeit grossly malinformed, makes them racist? I'll have to write that one down, Sallow. Free speech. I don't call you a hippie each time you make unbased assertions about conservatives and Bush.
So there you go!! You prove the point of the topic with your response. Typical lib response when you have no facts you resort to name calling.

Cry Baby? Victim?? Target??

Yeah you're crying about straw men. Fact is that the REPUBS have a racist problem. Then when people say "hey thats racist" you all grab your pearls and claim to be attacked while DEFENDING THE RACISTS!!!

Now I cant disagree with you because if I do I am mocking or ridiculing you. Its the same bullshit you pull when a black conservative says something there are only 2 options: Agree with that person or You're attacking them.

No option exists for disagreeing. Stop being such a baby

I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

why would he answer two stupid questions... obama never called republicans terrorist ... obama never targeted and conservative groups with the IRS ... and you can't prove he did ... you sure are a stupid fuck ...
Yeah you're crying about straw men. Fact is that the REPUBS have a racist problem. Then when people say "hey thats racist" you all grab your pearls and claim to be attacked while DEFENDING THE RACISTS!!!

Now I cant disagree with you because if I do I am mocking or ridiculing you. Its the same bullshit you pull when a black conservative says something there are only 2 options: Agree with that person or You're attacking them.

No option exists for disagreeing. Stop being such a baby

I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

No those are issues you are trying to deflect to in a thread about being racist. I'm not talking about that story and I'm not talking about blueberry pie either.

Want to know why? Because this thread isnt about the links you posted or about delicious blueberry pie.

You crybabies have created political correctness where I cannot disagree with you or you are being "attacked". You did that, not me


Actually not. If you bothered to read the thread's title, the words "Obama's policies" appear. And as we all know, the PPACA is Obama's signature piece of legislation. Relevance with a liberal like you, as well as with beauty and reality, is in the eye of the beholder.
Yeah you're crying about straw men. Fact is that the REPUBS have a racist problem. Then when people say "hey thats racist" you all grab your pearls and claim to be attacked while DEFENDING THE RACISTS!!!

Now I cant disagree with you because if I do I am mocking or ridiculing you. Its the same bullshit you pull when a black conservative says something there are only 2 options: Agree with that person or You're attacking them.

No option exists for disagreeing. Stop being such a baby

I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

why would he answer two stupid questions... obama never called republicans terrorist ... obama never targeted and conservative groups with the IRS ... and you can't prove he did ... you sure are a stupid fuck ...

No he didn't himself call them terrorists, but then again after the Giffords tragedy he did say something about encouraging civil discourse. He never called his colleagues out on making those insinuations. So he must have agreed they were terrorists. Silence implies consent, or agreement.
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Yeah you're crying about straw men. Fact is that the REPUBS have a racist problem. Then when people say "hey thats racist" you all grab your pearls and claim to be attacked while DEFENDING THE RACISTS!!!

Now I cant disagree with you because if I do I am mocking or ridiculing you. Its the same bullshit you pull when a black conservative says something there are only 2 options: Agree with that person or You're attacking them.

No option exists for disagreeing. Stop being such a baby

I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

No those are issues you are trying to deflect to in a thread about being racist. I'm not talking about that story and I'm not talking about blueberry pie either.

Want to know why? Because this thread isnt about the links you posted or about delicious blueberry pie.

You crybabies have created political correctness where I cannot disagree with you or you are being "attacked". You did that, not me


Aahhhh...I see you have no problem name calling. You are the one who called me a cry baby. And also brought up being victim & targeted.
You spew but are unable to go beyond mere name calling and refuse to address topics YOU brought up for discussion.
I have provided fact with source and you fail to engaged in anything except the well known tactic of name calling and diversion as you cannot in any way provide anything to excuse or endorse such topics.
I get it...You have a problem with targeting and name calling as long as it suits You.
Done ~ You Lose ~~~
Please look at the links they are relevant...

Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. Does Oprah really believe that all the white people who oppose socialized medicine, bigger government, abortions, etc would magically support these issues if, say, John Edwards had been elected president?

Morgan Freeman believes that conservatives don't want Obama re-elected because he's black

So I guess he's saying that if it were Hillary Clinton, every white person would suddenly agree with the democratic party and want Hillary elected.

Of course it does.

You're welcome.

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