Does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist?

Disagreeing with Obama isn't racist, but disagreeing with Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas or any other black conservative is racist,

so I'm told.

As most of us know, conservatives only say that to make a "shoe on the other foot" point because they're so sick and tired of the PC Police finding any excuse to scream "racism" in order to keep their target on the defensive and avoid discussing any given issue honestly.

In other words, they're mocking the PC Police. Shoving a mirror in their face. I'd think the PC Police would be smart enough to see that, perhaps not. Rabid ideology does tend to blind folks.


No. I don't think so. You give some of these idiots way too much credit. You must, of course. Otherwise, you would have great difficulty rationalizing the fact that you agree with them so often.

Must suck to be an intelligent person with so much angst.
Talking about how he use to live in Kenya and how he needs to go back there = racist.
Disagreeing with Obama isn't racist, but disagreeing with Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas or any other black conservative is racist,

so I'm told.

the problem you have is you think just because you disagree with a parties Idology we thing that's being racist ... you'll never understand what racist is ... it has noting to do with Idology it has everything to do with how you speak

In a rant on Benghazi, Sarah Palin wrote on her facebook wall: “President Obama’s shuck and jive shtick with these Benghazi lies must end.” “Shucking and jiving” have long been words used as a negative assessment of African Americans, along the lines of a “foot shufflin’ Negro.” In fact, I don’t recall ever hearing the phrase used in reference to anyone white.
House Speaker John Boehner rejected President Obama’s request to speak to a joint session of Congress. This was the first denial in the history of America – unsurprisingly directed at the first African American President.
Birthers’ were given prominent speaking roles at the Republican convention in Tampa, Florida. Mitt Romney openly courted Donald Trump, one of the most visible proponents of the Birther movement.
Newt Gingrich labelled Obama “The greatest food stamp President in American history,” a remark clearly designed to rile up white America.

Mitt Romney’s speech at the NAACP in 2012 where he lectured the audience on welfare dependency was one of the most blatant uses ...The speech sounded like it was designed not for the audience in the room, but for those in Republican living rooms.
It sounded as though he wanted to show force and fearlessness: “Look folks, I walked into hostile territory unafraid and unbowed.” This was his version of a Daniel in the lions’ den speech.Talk tough. Get heckled and booed for telling the truth to those who don’t want to hear it. Take the president down a couple of pegs in front of the most loyal segment of his supporters…
Voter suppression tactics. The GOP has been actively pursuing the non-existent problem of voter fraud. At the behest of Karl Rove and the party bosses, Republicans have instituted various forms of voter suppression aimed at preventing Democratic-leaning blocs from voting. The Brennan Center for Justice notes that“The impact of ID requirements is even greater for the elderly, students, people with disabilities, low-income individuals, and people of color…. “African Americans have driver’s licenses at half the rate of whites, and the disparity increases among younger voters; only 22% of black men aged 18-24 had a valid driver’s license. Not only are minority voters less likely to possess photo ID, but they are also more likely than white voters to be selectively asked for ID at the polls.”
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Disagreeing with Obama isn't racist, but disagreeing with Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas or any other black conservative is racist,

so I'm told.

the problem you have is you think just because you disagree with a parties Idology we thing that's being racist ... you'll never understand what racist is ... it has noting to do with Idology it has everything to do with how you speak

Shit. have done it again. Slow down and see who is saying what. NY C was being sarcastic and is generally in agreement with you here.
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Talking about how he use to live in Kenya and how he needs to go back there = racist.

a post from one of your righties today... which brought me back to this post ...

this person said

Obama, on the other hand, is a half-black mongrel, who exploits his (half)race to gain immunity under the umbrella of racism for any and all questions regarding not his skin color, but his policies.

republican code for "N" word
Does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist? just means you have identified one african American who is clueless and an unmitigated fraud. He made a perfect match with his Mandela interpreter.
Disagreeing with Obama isn't racist, but disagreeing with Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas or any other black conservative is racist,

so I'm told.

the problem you have is you think just because you disagree with a parties Idology we thing that's being racist ... you'll never understand what racist is ... it has noting to do with Idology it has everything to do with how you speak

Shit. have done it again. Slow down and see who is saying what. NY C was being sarcastic and is generally in agreement with you here.
once again you brought it to my attention ... thanks LoneLaugher ... Sorry NYC ... sarcastic remarks here are some times not Appreciated my case missed OOPS!!! damn I hate that when it happens ... OH well I'll get better
Is Republican opposition to everything Obama racist?

I don't think is just Republicans acting like dicks

They treated Clinton and Hillary worse and would have acted much worse if Hillary was elected instead of Obama. Throwing temper tantrums because they lost elections is just what Republicans do

Now some things Republicans pull is racist, but most is just Republicans being assholes
Disagreeing with Obama isn't racist, but disagreeing with Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas or any other black conservative is racist,

so I'm told.

As most of us know, conservatives only say that to make a "shoe on the other foot" point because they're so sick and tired of the PC Police finding any excuse to scream "racism" in order to keep their target on the defensive and avoid discussing any given issue honestly.

In other words, they're mocking the PC Police. Shoving a mirror in their face. I'd think the PC Police would be smart enough to see that, perhaps not. Rabid ideology does tend to blind folks.


Once again Repubs have no point they just do things to piss people off. Why? I already said JUST TO PISS PEOPLE OFF!
Does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist?


However, when Obama is looked upon as a "saviour" by idiotic liberals, then yes disagreeing with the "Almighty One" could be viewed as racist in their eyes.
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I didn't want Obama as president because he hates America and whites. He doesn't have the qualifications to run this Republic except into the ground which by the way he has done quite well. He has too many tranny's in his closet, except his trusty hermaphrodite Moochele. He wasn't even a good community organizer but he is one hell of a liar.
I didn't want Obama as president because he hates America and whites. He doesn't have the qualifications to run this Republic except into the ground which by the way he has done quite well. He has too many tranny's in his closet, except his trusty hermaphrodite Moochele. He wasn't even a good community organizer but he is one hell of a liar.

Tuff shit for you then. No one cares what you wanted. You lost. Twice. Stop whining and pay your taxes so the POTUS can have a nice retirement.
I'll consider that Syphilis, but you should consider getting to the back of the bus where you belong.
I'll consider that Syphilis, but you should consider getting to the back of the bus where you belong.

No you wont consider anything. You better do it or deal with the tax evasions laws. Good luck being someones butt buddy in jail wimp.

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