Does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist?

Yeah you're crying about straw men. Fact is that the REPUBS have a racist problem. Then when people say "hey thats racist" you all grab your pearls and claim to be attacked while DEFENDING THE RACISTS!!!

Now I cant disagree with you because if I do I am mocking or ridiculing you. Its the same bullshit you pull when a black conservative says something there are only 2 options: Agree with that person or You're attacking them.

No option exists for disagreeing. Stop being such a baby

I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

why would he answer two stupid questions... obama never called republicans terrorist ... obama never targeted and conservative groups with the IRS ... and you can't prove he did ... you sure are a stupid fuck ...
He most certainly did...And I provided links dumbfuck he just used my message out of context!!!
And you are really one to call me a Dumbfuck Oh Clueless One!!
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Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. Does Oprah really believe that all the white people who oppose socialized medicine, bigger government, abortions, etc would magically support these issues if, say, John Edwards had been elected president?

Morgan Freeman believes that conservatives don't want Obama re-elected because he's black

So I guess he's saying that if it were Hillary Clinton, every white person would suddenly agree with the democratic party and want Hillary elected.

Its not the policy that is the problem ... it was the personal attacks on where he was born along with other remarks... all the racist Innuendos coming from the right, which they they still are making ... the fact that you felt the need to come here post a post on something as silly as you posting does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist ... that's what racist like you won't understand ... we know you're trying to justify your racist feeling here ... we know what you are trying to say here is, well see, the other Politicians policy we don't like, so how come when we don't like obamas policies were call racist ... its not the policy that we are trying to make you to understand ... its your racist actions like this one is what we are trying to get you to understand ... it has never been about policies ...

The Op did not attack Obama in any way they did not call him a communist, socialist, claim he was not citizen use any racial slurs or derogatory comments or any other of the criteria the left likes to use when trying to justify labeling someone a racist yet you not once but twice in your response accused them of being racist. Why don't you step off that morale high horse of yours and think long hard about that and also take a good hard look at yourself the next time you decide to call someone racist you might not like what you see.

maybe you didn't comprehend what I was saying, so Ill make it simple for you simpletons ...
1) by asking the stupid question in the first place is racist in had nothing to do with policy
2) by pointing out racist actions is not pointing out attacks on obama it was showing you morons what is a racist actions
3) if anyone needs to come off their high horse, that would be you..
4) by asking this question is the poster trying to use us ... they thought being racist was a case of questioning policy, we've never implied questioning policy was racist, it was never about policies... it was about you and the original poster racist actions ... his post had nothing to do with policy being racist ...
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Obama is a White-Black!! I don't agree with any of obamas policies. It has Nothing to do with his skin color. I find him to be self centered and inexperienced. Still has nothing to do with his skin color. He has shown himself to be a pathological liar which I find it unacceptable to lie to the American People. His skin color still has nothing to do with it.

Disagreeing with Obama does not make one a racist it only makes one a target to be mocked and ridiculed by the left as that's all they have without much else to work with now that we know who Obama really is.

How can anyone still be standing up for a guy that lied straight out about knowing his own Uncle.....
Hummm.....Uncle is 100% Black and maybe 1/2 White-Black Obama is the racist :mm:

No it doesnt cry baby. We disagree with you and every disagreement to you victims is an "attack" or makes you a "target".

you really are a dumb fuck ... when the next election comes up ... when we dems/liberals run all over your misguided Ideals, I can see you now ... you'll pop a few Blood vessel, while losing your mind ... whats left of it:lol::lol::lol:

All you have is hope in your hypothetical :(
I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

No those are issues you are trying to deflect to in a thread about being racist. I'm not talking about that story and I'm not talking about blueberry pie either.

Want to know why? Because this thread isnt about the links you posted or about delicious blueberry pie.

You crybabies have created political correctness where I cannot disagree with you or you are being "attacked". You did that, not me


Actually not. If you bothered to read the thread's title, the words "Obama's policies" appear. And as we all know, the PPACA is Obama's signature piece of legislation. Relevance with a liberal like you, as well as with beauty and reality, is in the eye of the beholder.

The word "Does" also appears in the thread title. Lets talk about female deer also
I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

why would he answer two stupid questions... obama never called republicans terrorist ... obama never targeted and conservative groups with the IRS ... and you can't prove he did ... you sure are a stupid fuck ...
He most certainly did...And I provided links dumbfuck he just used my message out of context!!!
I provided links...And you are really one to call me a Dumbfuck Oh Clueless One!!

you are a dumb fuck ...obama never had the Irs check out conservative groups... this has been established by Darrol Issa's ... they came to the conclusion that the IRS took it upon themselves to try and fast track these 501's both conservative and Liberal organizations s 501's don't try to use that bull shit here dumb fuck it wold float...

obama never call anyone a terrorist ... man you need some learnin'

P.S. anyone can provide links ... the real question is do they have a ounce of truth to them ...
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I have nothing to cry about. After calling me names, you still don't address the 2 sources of targeting and victims I provided.
1- Obama calling Republicans Terrorists
2- Targeting of conservative groups by the IRS.

Those are both important issues yet you continue to talk baby talk. Lets talk about the Fact that conservatives are being targeted by the Obama WH if you don't agree with the left.

You loser... STFU ~~~

No those are issues you are trying to deflect to in a thread about being racist. I'm not talking about that story and I'm not talking about blueberry pie either.

Want to know why? Because this thread isnt about the links you posted or about delicious blueberry pie.

You crybabies have created political correctness where I cannot disagree with you or you are being "attacked". You did that, not me


Aahhhh...I see you have no problem name calling. You are the one who called me a cry baby. And also brought up being victim & targeted.
You spew but are unable to go beyond mere name calling and refuse to address topics YOU brought up for discussion.
I have provided fact with source and you fail to engaged in anything except the well known tactic of name calling and diversion as you cannot in any way provide anything to excuse or endorse such topics.
I get it...You have a problem with targeting and name calling as long as it suits You.
Done ~ You Lose ~~~

wait...Did it just dawn on you that I have no problem with name calling? Just now?

I brought up being racist. You deflected and want desperately to talk about some bullshit you deem important. Nope, its not important at all. In fact, I want to discuss blueberry pie and if you dont that means you are being a meany.

See, either I agree with you or I'm "attacking"

Either I talk about what YOU want to talk about or I'm deflecting

What does that make you that you arent talking about the subject of this thread or my posts? Just stop quoting me and you wont have to discuss what I want at all

But your PC bullying doesnt work that way. You'll keep saying "You're mean!" until you get me to fall into your bullshit. :lol: Its an appeal to emotions try it on someone who doesnt see thru your bullshit
Its not the policy that is the problem ... it was the personal attacks on where he was born along with other remarks... all the racist Innuendos coming from the right, which they they still are making ... the fact that you felt the need to come here post a post on something as silly as you posting does disagreeing with Obama's policies make one racist ... that's what racist like you won't understand ... we know you're trying to justify your racist feeling here ... we know what you are trying to say here is, well see, the other Politicians policy we don't like, so how come when we don't like obamas policies were call racist ... its not the policy that we are trying to make you to understand ... its your racist actions like this one is what we are trying to get you to understand ... it has never been about policies ...

The Op did not attack Obama in any way they did not call him a communist, socialist, claim he was not citizen use any racial slurs or derogatory comments or any other of the criteria the left likes to use when trying to justify labeling someone a racist yet you not once but twice in your response accused them of being racist. Why don't you step off that morale high horse of yours and think long hard about that and also take a good hard look at yourself the next time you decide to call someone racist you might not like what you see.

maybe you didn't comprehend what I was saying, so Ill make it simple for you simpletons ...
1) by asking the stupid question in the first place is racist in had nothing to do with policy
2) by pointing out racist actions is not pointing out attacks on obama it was showing you morons what is a racist actions
3) if anyone needs to come off their high horse, that would be you..
4) by asking this question is the poster trying to use us ... they thought being racist was a case of questioning policy, we've never implied questioning policy was racist, it was never about policies... it was about you and the original poster racist actions ... his post had nothing to do with policy being racist ...
Your such a pathetic little moron asking a question is not being racist the fact you don't like the question or think it's stupid does not change this fact. You didn't point out any racist actions. I'm not the one making obviously false racist claims that would be you. There have been people on the left who have made the claim the only reason some question Obama policies is because they are being made by a black man to deny that is to deny reality. There were no racist comments or accusations or actions in my post the truth is you got called on your bullshit and can't deal with it so you double down on the racist garbage. You have shown all you can do when challenged is yell racist the classic last resort of those with nothing of value to say I would continue to make you look like a fool but your post do that for me be sure to renew that race card as it seems to be all you have.
Please look at the links they are relevant...

Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. Does Oprah really believe that all the white people who oppose socialized medicine, bigger government, abortions, etc would magically support these issues if, say, John Edwards had been elected president?

Morgan Freeman believes that conservatives don't want Obama re-elected because he's black

So I guess he's saying that if it were Hillary Clinton, every white person would suddenly agree with the democratic party and want Hillary elected.

Yes--according to MSNBC--if you disagree with Barack Obama's policies you must be a racist.

LOOK if Barack Obama were white right now--DEMOCRATS in his own party would be beating him up with complaints--they would be on T.V. bashing Obamacare--Hillary would be writing books about his administration, and not in a kind way--he would be getting more critics coming from his own party than Republicans are delivering right now.

Why aren't they doing it? Because he's black and they're scared to death they'll be called racists for being critics of his policies.

Please look at the links they are relevant...

Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. Does Oprah really believe that all the white people who oppose socialized medicine, bigger government, abortions, etc would magically support these issues if, say, John Edwards had been elected president?

Morgan Freeman believes that conservatives don't want Obama re-elected because he's black

So I guess he's saying that if it were Hillary Clinton, every white person would suddenly agree with the democratic party and want Hillary elected.

Actually he'd suck even if he was white. I mean lets be real. still faltering economy, high unemployment, doubled national deficit in 5 years, worst partisan administration in history, spying on americans, obamacare (don't even get me started) attacks on or constitutional rights, horrendous foreign policy, we still have the patriot act don't we? and this is about skin color?
Learn how to multi-quote you stupid fuck

go fuck yourself dumb fuck !!!! I'll post any way I feel like... who the hell do you think you are ???we know your the board dumb fuck ...

Ever seen a psychiatrist lately? You need one, and fast. These meltdowns are not good for your health. :eusa_whistle:
At least he's straight forward and open. You should see all the chickenshit blindsides I've gotten from pussified rightwads.
Please look at the links they are relevant...

Oprah Winfrey seems to think so

But seriously, I was thinking about the absurdity of this. Whoever had won the 2008 democratic primary was going to get elected president since the economy was tanking in second of of the last year of Bush's presidency. Between Obama, Hillary, and Edwards, there was hardly a dime of difference between them on the issues they were running on, meaning their policies would have been, for the most part, identical. Does Oprah really believe that all the white people who oppose socialized medicine, bigger government, abortions, etc would magically support these issues if, say, John Edwards had been elected president?

Morgan Freeman believes that conservatives don't want Obama re-elected because he's black

So I guess he's saying that if it were Hillary Clinton, every white person would suddenly agree with the democratic party and want Hillary elected.

Actually he'd suck even if he was white. I mean lets be real. still faltering economy, high unemployment, doubled national deficit in 5 years, worst partisan administration in history, spying on americans, obamacare (don't even get me started) attacks on or constitutional rights, horrendous foreign policy, we still have the patriot act don't we? and this is about skin color?
I always love the complaints you people have about Obama, what makes him bad to you is he hasn't fixed what you broke fast enough.
If Conservatives did not carry so much racist baggage, perhaps their criticism of the President wound not have the taint of racism about it.

And just how many times will you play the race card, exactly? I don't disagree with him because he's black, I disagree with him because he's wrong. His policies are rather disastrous, he is a liar and a deceiver. When he came into office, I told myself I would judge him the same as any white president before him.

And what if Hillary wins in 2016? Will you start playing the misogyny card? "If you disagree with her, you're a bigot and a misogynist!" You people are entirely too predictable.
go fuck yourself dumb fuck !!!! I'll post any way I feel like... who the hell do you think you are ???we know your the board dumb fuck ...

Ever seen a psychiatrist lately? You need one, and fast. These meltdowns are not good for your health. :eusa_whistle:
At least he's straight forward and open. You should see all the chickenshit blindsides I've gotten from pussified rightwads.

Well I do believe the same can be said for you as well. You need help, if you have to deign to the level of this troll and actually agree with him that Edgetho is a "dumb fuck," and that he should go "fuck himself." How puerile and childish.

Edgetho is brash, but is far from dumb. I've seen him run you under a table a couple of times too. So forgive me for saying so but:

You and billy are both idiots. You hurl childish epithets at others and then console each other like a pair of lovebirds when people come down on you like a ton of bricks for it. It's the paragon of cognitive dissonance.
No those are issues you are trying to deflect to in a thread about being racist. I'm not talking about that story and I'm not talking about blueberry pie either.

Want to know why? Because this thread isnt about the links you posted or about delicious blueberry pie.

You crybabies have created political correctness where I cannot disagree with you or you are being "attacked". You did that, not me


Actually not. If you bothered to read the thread's title, the words "Obama's policies" appear. And as we all know, the PPACA is Obama's signature piece of legislation. Relevance with a liberal like you, as well as with beauty and reality, is in the eye of the beholder.

The word "Does" also appears in the thread title. Lets talk about female deer also

Actually, let's talk about your reading comprehension. You suck at sarcasm, so stop. But then again, when you lack an argument, you resort to being a Grammar Nazi.

How amusing.
Disagreeing with Obama isn't racist, but disagreeing with Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas or any other black conservative is racist,

so I'm told.
The Op did not attack Obama in any way they did not call him a communist, socialist, claim he was not citizen use any racial slurs or derogatory comments or any other of the criteria the left likes to use when trying to justify labeling someone a racist yet you not once but twice in your response accused them of being racist. Why don't you step off that morale high horse of yours and think long hard about that and also take a good hard look at yourself the next time you decide to call someone racist you might not like what you see.

maybe you didn't comprehend what I was saying, so Ill make it simple for you simpletons ...
1) by asking the stupid question in the first place is racist in had nothing to do with policy
2) by pointing out racist actions is not pointing out attacks on obama it was showing you morons what is a racist actions
3) if anyone needs to come off their high horse, that would be you..
4) by asking this question is the poster trying to use us ... they thought being racist was a case of questioning policy, we've never implied questioning policy was racist, it was never about policies... it was about you and the original poster racist actions ... his post had nothing to do with policy being racist ...
Your such a pathetic little moron asking a question is not being racist the fact you don't like the question or think it's stupid does not change this fact. You didn't point out any racist actions. I'm not the one making obviously false racist claims that would be you. There have been people on the left who have made the claim the only reason some question Obama policies is because they are being made by a black man to deny that is to deny reality. There were no racist comments or accusations or actions in my post the truth is you got called on your bullshit and can't deal with it so you double down on the racist garbage. You have shown all you can do when challenged is yell racist the classic last resort of those with nothing of value to say I would continue to make you look like a fool but your post do that for me be sure to renew that race card as it seems to be all you have.

well shows us how much you know ... that would be nothing
Disagreeing with Obama isn't racist, but disagreeing with Herman Cain or Clarence Thomas or any other black conservative is racist,

so I'm told.

As most of us know, conservatives only say that to make a "shoe on the other foot" point because they're so sick and tired of the PC Police finding any excuse to scream "racism" in order to keep their target on the defensive and avoid discussing any given issue honestly.

In other words, they're mocking the PC Police. Shoving a mirror in their face. I'd think the PC Police would be smart enough to see that, perhaps not. Rabid ideology does tend to blind folks.

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