Does Elon understand Liberals buy Teslas?

Teslas are innovated and bad ass cars, they aren't political statements. If you want to make a political statement then buy a Prius.
I’d buy a hybrid before I bought an EV. EV’s serve a niche. That’s it. They will never replace ICE vehicles.
I appreciate the links but I wasn't talking about the Hitler stuff. I couldn't care less what he ate or swallowed. I was talking about your claims about Dems being fascists and using hitlers diet and sexual preference to try and draw a relation. Thats just hyperbolic BS

Your party is a party of fascists - fact.

  • democrats have a scapegoat based on race. Whites are the new "Juden."
  • democrats are collectivist, seeking control of the means of production by their Reich.
  • democrats are totalitarian. Well duh.
  • democrats supplant civil rights with group privilege
  • democrats eradicate the rule of law and create dictatorship based on the party
  • democrats forcibly suppress religion
    • The state is the god of the democrats
  • democrats crush freedom of speech
    • Hate speech laws, political correctness, cancel culture
  • democrats create a police state and "Roger Stone" enemies for even minor process crimes in order to create terror
    • The Opposition Candidate for 2024 is polling well ahead of Biden, so he had his goons kick their door in.
I've always seen Elon as a classic Liberal, more so than most other public figures. You don't see it? Do you think he is conservative or something else?
He’s clearly a conservative.

He propagates rightwing conspiracy theories and lies – his baseless, unwarranted attack on Dr. Fauci being the most recent example.

He’s a bigot, as demonstrated by his attack on transgender and non-binary Americans.

That sort of bigotry, hate, and contempt for facts and the truth places Musk definitely on the right.
He’s clearly a conservative.

He propagates rightwing conspiracy theories and lies – his baseless, unwarranted attack on Dr. Fauci being the most recent example.

He’s a bigot, as demonstrated by his attack on transgender and non-binary Americans.

That sort of bigotry, hate, and contempt for facts and the truth places Musk definitely on the right.
I disagree... Attacking Fauci is not a conservative or liberal thing thats simply a matter of whether you believe he lied about COVID related issues. Musk believes that he did lie.

As for trans issues, he has always had a problem with the pronouns but not with LGBT community, in fact Tesla ranked as one of the top companies to work for if you were LGBT

Musk is obviously being provocative and enjoying pissing off the institutions. But that isn't a conservative thing, thats a rich dude who doesn't want anybody else telling him what to do thing... as I said classic Liberal.
After fans and detractors alike criticized the tweet, he defended himself by tweeting, “I absolutely support trans, but all these pronouns are an esthetic nightmare.” He then pointed out that Tesla had the number one ranking on the Corporate Equality Index, an annual list of the best places for LGBTQ people to work.

That prestigious list is compiled annually by the Human Rights Campaign, a charitable foundation focused on equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.

As Elon dives into the RW world of lies and conspiracy theories...he might want to think about the damage he is doing to Tesla. Alabama and Kentucky are not big Tesla markets.

GM and Ford are barreling ahead with EVs. And there are lots of start up EV companies out there that would love to see Tesla weakened..
Elon has proven where the lies and conspiracies come from and it is not the Right Wing.
He’s clearly a conservative.

He propagates rightwing conspiracy theories and lies – his baseless, unwarranted attack on Dr. Fauci being the most recent example.

He’s a bigot, as demonstrated by his attack on transgender and non-binary Americans.

That sort of bigotry, hate, and contempt for facts and the truth places Musk definitely on the right.
The attack on Fauci is hardly unwarranted.
Elon has proven where the lies and conspiracies come from and it is not the Right Wing.
All these things you say are proven aren’t really proven. They are just other peoples interpretations of a limited amount of facts. You understand that right?
All these things you say are proven aren’t really proven. They are just other peoples interpretations of a limited amount of facts. You understand that right?
You know what? There is no way the DNC, the FBI, the DHS can deny involvement. Why don't you tell me how they could.
He’s clearly a conservative.

He propagates rightwing conspiracy theories and lies – his baseless, unwarranted attack on Dr. Fauci being the most recent example.

He’s a bigot, as demonstrated by his attack on transgender and non-binary Americans.

That sort of bigotry, hate, and contempt for facts and the truth places Musk definitely on the right.
Tesla is gonna suffer from his ignorance...just like the Pillow Guy is gonna suffer.
You know what? There is no way the DNC, the FBI, the DHS can deny involvement. Why don't you tell me how they could.
They obviously had involvement. Nothing wrong with that unless they did something illegal which they can certainly deny. I haven’t seen any proof of them doing anything that violates any laws. Have you? If so, show it
They obviously had involvement. Nothing wrong with that unless they did something illegal which they can certainly deny. I haven’t seen any proof of them doing anything that violates any laws. Have you? If so, show it
I am not a lawyer. If it was all legal they were still lying to the American public, constantly. If that doesn't concern you are the moron you sound like.

As Elon dives into the RW world of lies and conspiracy theories...he might want to think about the damage he is doing to Tesla. Alabama and Kentucky are not big Tesla markets.

GM and Ford are barreling ahead with EVs. And there are lots of start up EV companies out there that would love to see Tesla weakened..
Musk is the problem, not the electric car his engineers designed, though I have never planned to buy an electric vehicle, preferring the two SUVs we drive (one getting 23 MPG, the other getting 21 MPG at 70 Mph), so this isn't really my subject, though Ford is building it's new electric car manufacturing facility from the ground up, about 40 miles down the road. Musk has been tarnishing his own brand, ever since he thought he might buy Twitter.

The Daily KOS staff writers are often funny, and humorously ironic in the same paragraph, pointing out what MTG is famous for as well as conservatives disliking something, simply because somebody they don't like, likes it, thought of it or even tries to implement something they thought of, but didn't implement.
"All that makes sense, as roll-coal-conservatives have a weird hate on for electric vehicles. “Democrats like Pete Buttigieg want to emasculate the way we drive and force all of you to rely on electric vehicles,” said Marjorie Taylor Greene, taking a break from advocating for armed insurrection. The American Conservative, in defense of electric vehicles, wrote: “There are pretty good reasons [conservatives don’t like EVs]. For one, environmentalists love them and usually environmentalists are wrong.”

I care not, what you drive. I care about what I drive and what I pay for driving it. I hope electric vehicles do well, for those that want them. It is good form my state, which has become increasingly popular with auto manufactures (internal combustion and now electric), so I hope all of them do well.

As for Elon, himself, I couldn't care less, either way.

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