Does Europe need 'Diversity' and 'Multiculturalism'?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Traitorous european good-for-nothing corrupted insane lying politician import rubbish of the third world to Europe and call it diversity. Is it good or not for Europa.
Did you hear ever something about diversity in Israel, China, Turkey, Egypt etc.
Why only white christian Europa must allow billions of illiterate IQ-50 welfare bandits to live in?
The only answer is sad. European 'politicians' carry out the genocide against white (still) majority and want to eliminate continent as global competitor to USA, China, Russia and Israel.
Why they do it and who pays them?
Any thoughts?




Traitorous european good-for-nothing corrupted insane lying politician import rubbish of the third world to Europe and call it diversity. Is it good or not for Europa.
Did you hear ever something about diversity in Israel, China, Turkey, Egypt etc.
Why only white christian Europa must allow billions of illiterate IQ-50 welfare bandits to live in?
The only answer is sad. European 'politicians' carry out the genocide against white (still) majority and want to eliminate continent as global competitor to USA, China, Russia and Israel.
Why they do it and who pays them?
Any thoughts?





A good fairly contemporary (as in a movie was made about it) place to start seeking some understanding is the life story of T.E. Lawrence. The man was something of a genius, however, his was also a prime example of the liberal heart that bled for an indigenous people over and above the plight of his native empire. One could argue Lawrence helped to found the Western ethos of "white man bad, native culture holy" and the beginnings of the so-called white guilt syndrome that led to some of our more culturally self-destructive and prevalent modern liberal mindsets on the matter; the modern concept of going against the will of one's nation of birth in order to protect those seen in far away lands as colonial victims. Indeed this human wave cultural invasion across the Western World would not be possible without classification of those new immigrant armies as ultimate victims.
Human migrations are a fact of history. Europe itself is a result of Picts, Celts, Huns, Vandals, Saxons, and Huns (to name just a few) taking over the civilization of the Romans ... who previously took over the civilization of the Etruscans, the Hellenes, and others.

The Hellenes over ran the territories of numerous cultures, spreading their version of civilization to the Egyptians, the Persians, the Indus Valley, and every civilization in-between.

America became a civilization unto itself by importing culture from every corner of the globe (and globes don't even have corners) only to spread it back to the world to such a point where you can find jazz, blue jeans, and pizza in the most remote places on this earth.

You can rant about racial purity all you want but every man, woman, and child in Europe is an amalgam of racial and cultural influences that have been coming together for thousands of years.
Human migrations are a fact of history. Europe itself is a result of Picts, Celts, Huns, Vandals, Saxons, and Huns (to name just a few) taking over the civilization of the Romans ... who previously took over the civilization of the Etruscans, the Hellenes, and others.

The Hellenes over ran the territories of numerous cultures, spreading their version of civilization to the Egyptians, the Persians, the Indus Valley, and every civilization in-between.

America became a civilization unto itself by importing culture from every corner of the globe (and globes don't even have corners) only to spread it back to the world to such a point where you can find jazz, blue jeans, and pizza in the most remote places on this earth.

You can rant about racial purity all you want but every man, woman, and child in Europe is an amalgam of racial and cultural influences that have been coming together for thousands of years.

What he said^
Human migrations are a fact of history. Europe itself is a result of Picts, Celts, Huns, Vandals, Saxons, and Huns (to name just a few) taking over the civilization of the Romans ... who previously took over the civilization of the Etruscans, the Hellenes, and others.

The Hellenes over ran the territories of numerous cultures, spreading their version of civilization to the Egyptians, the Persians, the Indus Valley, and every civilization in-between.

America became a civilization unto itself by importing culture from every corner of the globe (and globes don't even have corners) only to spread it back to the world to such a point where you can find jazz, blue jeans, and pizza in the most remote places on this earth.

You can rant about racial purity all you want but every man, woman, and child in Europe is an amalgam of racial and cultural influences that have been coming together for thousands of years.

As many times discussed on USMB Zionists are behind non-white migration to white countries.
Why Zionist do not want to have all refugees in Israel and send them out from Israel?

Israel to send 16,000 African migrants to Western countries in about-turn

Israel to send 16,000 African migrants to Western countries in about-turn

By the way Israel is the most racist state in the world where non-Jews are prohibited to marry Jews, etc. etc. etc.

Racism in Israel - Wikipedia

Probably Israel shall begin to diversify itself at first

Europe has been multicultural and diverse for centuries, since the Roman Empire at least. It wasn't until the mid 19th century with the rise of nationalism, that anyone started to care where people originated or what they looked like.
Europe has been multicultural and diverse for centuries, since the Roman Empire at least. It wasn't until the mid 19th century with the rise of nationalism, that anyone started to care where people originated or what they looked like.

Diversified by whites, not by africans, chinks or kebabs

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