Does God condemn the insane to hell?


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
In America it's "not guilty by reason of insanity". I think all murderers and sexual perverts are insane. I think to go against God is insane. I think greed and war is insane. So is the U.S. more forgiving and compassionate than God?
In America it's "not guilty by reason of insanity". I think all murderers and sexual perverts are insane. I think to go against God is insane. I think greed and war is insane. So is the U.S. more forgiving and compassionate than God?

A better question would be, what is the difference between insanity and wickedness?

I think the answer is, those who are deemed evil seem to benefit in some way with their insanity but those who don't seem to benefit are just labeled crazy.
I think it's insane to equate the judgment of man with the judgment of God.
You are confused because you do not know the legal definition of insanity.
“If someone is diagnosed as a schizophrenic, and he is saved, and his other manifest personality is not.. then how do you get the latter into church?” There are so many tangents we could take with this issue. We could ask the question, “What if the one personality made a salvation decision and the other personality is a pagan, or a Catholic, or maybe even a Satanist? If that person dies while the satanic personality is presently dominant, will that person go to hell? We think so, otherwise we wouldn’t be so concerned here.

Multiple Personality Salvation Disorder
“If someone is diagnosed as a schizophrenic, and he is saved, and his other manifest personality is not.. then how do you get the latter into church?” There are so many tangents we could take with this issue. We could ask the question, “What if the one personality made a salvation decision and the other personality is a pagan, or a Catholic, or maybe even a Satanist? If that person dies while the satanic personality is presently dominant, will that person go to hell? We think so, otherwise we wouldn’t be so concerned here.

Multiple Personality Salvation Disorder
Shhh! Don't tell anybody, but the Gnostic's say that Jesus will save everyone form hell, in the ACTS OF PETER, in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Jesus doesn't want sinners to feel like they can do more sinning, so keep it under your hat.

I think the bible, which was put together by the priests at Nicaea, were more concerned about giving power to Constantine and the church, rather than the mercy of God. Fear of hell gave them power, so the ACTS OF PETER and many other scriptures were left out.

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