Does God Exist?

Wow. Methinks thou doest protest too much. I don't know anything about all the chemistry involved, but I'd rather believe in chemistry than in some supernatural being.

Sure, creation science is about chemistry, too. This chemistry doesn't reflect the volcanic gases that were present in the primordial atmosphere, i.e. Miller-Urey was rigged.

You can try it for yourself online here -- Miller-Urey Experiment.

I figured it out. Can you?

I bet you a cyber beer you will cause it to explode :laugh:.

If you're going to post a link to Miller-Urey, you might consider posting a link to a reliable source.
As I understand it, everywhere we look in the universe, the galaxies are moving away from us. If the universe is not expanding, how would you account for what we see?

You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".
You're not going to like this answer: Stretching something doesn't make it grow.
Take a folder table cloth and stretch're not making it grow.
I don't like your answer since it is, by definition, incorrect:
1. (of something soft or elastic) be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
As I understand it, everywhere we look in the universe, the galaxies are moving away from us. If the universe is not expanding, how would you account for what we see?

You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".
You're not going to like this answer: Stretching something doesn't make it grow.
Take a folder table cloth and stretch're not making it grow.
I don't like your answer since it is, by definition, incorrect:
1. (of something soft or elastic) be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
"without tearing or breaking"
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".

It states God is stretching out the universe like a tent. Also, the Bible tells us that the universe is shaped like a scroll. Flat and rolls up around the edges. It also tells us that we have three heavens above the Earth as sky (atmosphere), middle space (just above the sky where Satan and his demons live), and outer space. How do you like them apples?
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".

It states God is stretching out the universe like a tent. Also, the Bible tells us that the universe is shaped like a scroll. Flat and rolls up around the edges. It also tells us that we have three heavens above the Earth as sky (atmosphere), middle space (just above the sky where Satan and his demons live), and outer space. How do you like them apples?
You realize alang1216 will only read a verse as a response, not proactively, so you will have to post the Bible one verse at a time.
So this Thread will go on for...1,000,000 years?
It seems you need to have a discussion of Biblical references to what a day means with James Bond. Per post 859, one (or both) of you are wrong.

What a shame the Gods didn't bother to make things clear. That's quite a paradox. Your eternal soul is at stake here and the Gods neglected to make their message understandable.

One day = 24 hours.

You can't have creation with some evolution or creation encompasses evolution. Evolution was created as Satan's Antibible -- Is This Evidence For Satan?. Satan is a rebellious type and he has contradicted everything God has said in the Bible. Even things such as the end of world is different. Instead of the second coming of Jesus, we have global warming (long-term) vs. global fire (short term) and a large asteroid causing a huge tsunami vs. the second coming of Jesus.

Anyway, the arguments I made in the is this evidence for Satan thread aren't a winning argument. Satan is too powerful and if he wants to hide, then he will. I give a hat tip to him and respect his power. For example, people blame God such as why did God create COVID-19? Satan is never mentioned unless I do it.
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As I understand it, everywhere we look in the universe, the galaxies are moving away from us. If the universe is not expanding, how would you account for what we see?

You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2
You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2
good guess for those shepherds however their disdain for dimension does not override the fact BB upon conclusion will have the form of a perfect sphere.

the image, ignoring the text, illustrates the cyclical BB where all matter is projected from the moment past singularity along a finite angle of trajectory that will return all matter at the same time to its original point of origin without changing direction as a mirror image and will again repeat the consolidation for a repeat conclusion to a new moment of singularity.


if queried, bond and those religionist would more enjoy the train wreck forever than rewriting the manual to correct the errors responsible as somehow being endowed upon them as their gift to humanity without the slightest amount of necessity but their own maladjusted scene of selfimportance.
As I understand it, everywhere we look in the universe, the galaxies are moving away from us. If the universe is not expanding, how would you account for what we see?

You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2

True - compare Isaiah 40:22,26 which not only refers to the expansion/stretching out of the heavens but also links the existence of stars (v.26) to God's power (Hebrew singular koach) and dynamic energy (Hebrew plural ohnim). It is therefore to be expected that plural forms of God's energy are involved with the expansion rate of our universe. Also, since God is invisible it comes as no surprise (to me) that 2 forms of energy involved, gravity and dark energy, are invisible.

Concerning 'tent' it should be noted that the tent of meeting/tabernacle in Scripture is geometrically described as a rectangular prism wherein only 2 dimensions of the relatively flat tent cloths are specified. This may be a hint to how the singularity at the so-called Big Bang was formed since the corner points of the intersection of these tentcloths have no dimensions (reminds me of a singularity).
Also, these tentcloths were relatively flat which is a hint that our universe is 'flat' as many scientists are coming to believe. Quite in contrast with the earth being round (Hebrew chuwg in verse 22 = circle in 2 dimensions, sphere in 3 dimensions).
Also, these tentcloths were relatively flat which is a hint that our universe is 'flat' as many scientists are coming to believe. Quite in contrast with the earth being round (Hebrew chuwg in verse 22 = circle in 2 dimensions, sphere in 3 dimensions).
oh, it's round ...

funny how the religionist are back to a universe (is) shaped like a tent that is flat but somehow a triangle for its beginning point as though fact when in fact no such idea could ever have been imagined during the time they are referencing.

- of course who wrote what they, newtonian are referencing were playing the same game then the same religionists are playing today.

using a fabricated book for their religion rather than facing the realities of true insubstation and the satisfactions associated with true discoveries than manufactured deceptions.
It seems you need to have a discussion of Biblical references to what a day means with James Bond. Per post 859, one (or both) of you are wrong.

What a shame the Gods didn't bother to make things clear. That's quite a paradox. Your eternal soul is at stake here and the Gods neglected to make their message understandable.

One day = 24 hours.

You can't have creation with some evolution or creation encompasses evolution. Evolution was created as Satan's Antibible -- Is This Evidence For Satan?. Satan is a rebellious type and he has contradicted everything God has said in the Bible. Even things such as the end of world is different. Instead of the second coming of Jesus, we have global warming (long-term) vs. global fire (short term) and a large asteroid causing a huge tsunami vs. the second coming of Jesus.

Anyway, the arguments I made in the is this evidence for Satan thread aren't a winning argument. Satan is too powerful and if he wants to hide, then he will. I give a hat tip to him and respect his power. For example, people blame God such as why did God create COVID-19? Satan is never mentioned unless I do it.
It’s truly sad that you spend your life in trembling fear of “Satan”.

Free yourself from fear and superstition.
I think there is. I don't believe any human knows who or what God is exactly, but IMO there's too much evidence to discount the existence of a God or Gods.

One of the strongest pieces of "evidence" of the existence of God is that people who are prayed for have better outcomes that those who don't. You can argue that those who are prayed for have stronger emotional support systems which help in their recovery, and other factors in that recovery, but the effect is measureable in scientific terms.

People who have a strong belief in something larger than themselves, which includes a morality based on the greater good, are healthier, happier and more productive. That being said, like anything, there needs to be moderation. There are many for whom religion is a drug or an excuse for not thinking for themselves. It's also been twisted in unhealthy ways.

The "troubles" in Northern Ireland being a prime example. Hundreds of years of violence and abuse because one side is Catholic and the other is Protestant. It was most curious that you had a "tribal" conflict between two white Christian groups where the only difference between our side the mortal enemy is which religious sect which worships the "Prince of Peace" We know that there is human-to-human transmission in China, but for now it appears limited to family groups and health workers caring for infected patients you belong to.
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".

It states God is stretching out the universe like a tent. Also, the Bible tells us that the universe is shaped like a scroll. Flat and rolls up around the edges. It also tells us that we have three heavens above the Earth as sky (atmosphere), middle space (just above the sky where Satan and his demons live), and outer space. How do you like them apples?
Them apples are rotten. Can you identify where the heaven is located where Satan and his demons live?

I’m curious because with all of the spacecraft that NASA has sent into geostationary orbit and those leaving earth gravity, they have never encountered any of the boogeymen who haunt your world.
As I understand it, everywhere we look in the universe, the galaxies are moving away from us. If the universe is not expanding, how would you account for what we see?

You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".
You're not going to like this answer: Stretching something doesn't make it grow.
Take a folder table cloth and stretch're not making it grow.
I don't like your answer since it is, by definition, incorrect:
1. (of something soft or elastic) be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
"without tearing or breaking"
Has the universe been torn or broken? What's your point?
It seems you need to have a discussion of Biblical references to what a day means with James Bond. Per post 859, one (or both) of you are wrong.

What a shame the Gods didn't bother to make things clear. That's quite a paradox. Your eternal soul is at stake here and the Gods neglected to make their message understandable.

One day = 24 hours.

You can't have creation with some evolution or creation encompasses evolution. Evolution was created as Satan's Antibible -- Is This Evidence For Satan?. Satan is a rebellious type and he has contradicted everything God has said in the Bible. Even things such as the end of world is different. Instead of the second coming of Jesus, we have global warming (long-term) vs. global fire (short term) and a large asteroid causing a huge tsunami vs. the second coming of Jesus.

Anyway, the arguments I made in the is this evidence for Satan thread aren't a winning argument. Satan is too powerful and if he wants to hide, then he will. I give a hat tip to him and respect his power. For example, people blame God such as why did God create COVID-19? Satan is never mentioned unless I do it.
“One day = 24 hours.”

Not according to others in this thread.

Would caliber of weapons and volume of fire allow you folks to settle your differences?
As I understand it, everywhere we look in the universe, the galaxies are moving away from us. If the universe is not expanding, how would you account for what we see?

You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".
You're not going to like this answer: Stretching something doesn't make it grow.
Take a folder table cloth and stretch're not making it grow.
I don't like your answer since it is, by definition, incorrect:
1. (of something soft or elastic) be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
"without tearing or breaking"
Has the universe been torn or broken? What's your point?
Step back...
What your point?
You defined stretch incorrectly, so the ball is still on your side of the net.
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".

It states God is stretching out the universe like a tent. Also, the Bible tells us that the universe is shaped like a scroll. Flat and rolls up around the edges. It also tells us that we have three heavens above the Earth as sky (atmosphere), middle space (just above the sky where Satan and his demons live), and outer space. How do you like them apples?
So is 'middle space' a physical location? Why haven't we bumped into Satan?
It seems you need to have a discussion of Biblical references to what a day means with James Bond. Per post 859, one (or both) of you are wrong.

What a shame the Gods didn't bother to make things clear. That's quite a paradox. Your eternal soul is at stake here and the Gods neglected to make their message understandable.

One day = 24 hours.

You can't have creation with some evolution or creation encompasses evolution. Evolution was created as Satan's Antibible -- Is This Evidence For Satan?. Satan is a rebellious type and he has contradicted everything God has said in the Bible. Even things such as the end of world is different. Instead of the second coming of Jesus, we have global warming (long-term) vs. global fire (short term) and a large asteroid causing a huge tsunami vs. the second coming of Jesus.

Anyway, the arguments I made in the is this evidence for Satan thread aren't a winning argument. Satan is too powerful and if he wants to hide, then he will. I give a hat tip to him and respect his power. For example, people blame God such as why did God create COVID-19? Satan is never mentioned unless I do it.
The was Evening (horrible translation) and there was morning (horrible translation).
That does not define as 24 hours.
If you didn't grow up with that idea planted in your mind you would never get your conclusion from logic.
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".

It states God is stretching out the universe like a tent. Also, the Bible tells us that the universe is shaped like a scroll. Flat and rolls up around the edges. It also tells us that we have three heavens above the Earth as sky (atmosphere), middle space (just above the sky where Satan and his demons live), and outer space. How do you like them apples?
So is 'middle space' a physical location? Why haven't we bumped into Satan?
Oh jeez!
There's no Satan jumping around like an idiot!
As I understand it, everywhere we look in the universe, the galaxies are moving away from us. If the universe is not expanding, how would you account for what we see?

You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".
You're not going to like this answer: Stretching something doesn't make it grow.
Take a folder table cloth and stretch're not making it grow.
I don't like your answer since it is, by definition, incorrect:
1. (of something soft or elastic) be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
"without tearing or breaking"
Has the universe been torn or broken? What's your point?
Step back...
What your point?
You defined stretch incorrectly, so the ball is still on your side of the net.
What is your 'correct' definition of stretching?
As I understand it, everywhere we look in the universe, the galaxies are moving away from us. If the universe is not expanding, how would you account for what we see?

You're not going to like this answer: "Covering yourself with light as with a garment, stretching out the heavens like a tent." Psalm 104:2
You're not going to like this answer: This seems to admit to an expanding universe: "stretching out the heavens".
You're not going to like this answer: Stretching something doesn't make it grow.
Take a folder table cloth and stretch're not making it grow.
I don't like your answer since it is, by definition, incorrect:
1. (of something soft or elastic) be made or be capable of being made longer or wider without tearing or breaking.
"without tearing or breaking"
Has the universe been torn or broken? What's your point?
Neither...that's my point.
Existence has not been torn or broken, and you didn't want to acknowledge those last 4 words as defeating the definition you had predefined for the verse.
aka You quoted a verse but your already made up mind edited out the last 4 words.

The universe reached the expansion point defined by The Creator and stopped.
By human terms and capabilities, God ensured that humans will never be able to reach just short of infinity.
The problem is that non-Jews believe that God has a form, and is thus, finite.
God is not a Creation and is thus not definable by His limited Creation,

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