does God love us?

It always makes me scratch my head when I read about people not believing in God because He DOESN'T do magical things for them.
Do you believe in God? If so, is it the God as described in any particular religion?
when God told me to throw away my Black Sabbath CD's, that's when i became an atheist!

Uff da. Black Sabbath is something that happened after someone cut their acid with too much strychnine and speed.
after killing 3 million people with one virus, it seems to me God is an asshole, if he exists even
maybe there is a cheapness to the killings -

and maybe they are answering the prayers from the bovine.
when God told me to throw away my Black Sabbath CD's, that's when i became an atheist!
C'mon man, their only good albums were their first two and not everything on those were good. He was just trying to improve your taste in music.

But seriously, I find atheism an intellectual dead end. There is literally nothing there that stimulates the mind.
It always makes me scratch my head when I read about people not believing in God because He DOESN'T do magical things for them.
Do you believe in God? If so, is it the God as described in any particular religion?
I don't see how it can be any other way. There is no thing that can describe God because God is no thing. Being things we can't possibly relate to being no things. A two dimensional being would have an easier time trying to understand our third dimension than we - a four dimensional being - would in trying to understand a multi-dimensional beyond energy and matter being outside of all space time. The closest I could come to and later confirm with the physical laws is that God is consciousness. That Mind, rather than emerging as a late outgrowth in the evolution of life, has existed always as the matrix, the source and condition of physical reality - that the stuff of which physical reality is composed is mind-stuff. It is Mind that has composed a physical universe that breeds life, and so eventually evolves creatures that know and create.

My perception of God is that God is infinite logic, infinite truth, infinite intelligence, infinite wisdom, infinite knowledge, infinite love, infinite patience, infinite justice, infinite mercy, infinite kindness and infinite goodness. I am not saying God has those attributes. I am saying God is those attributes. Such that mind has always existed: that this is a life‑breeding universe because the constant presence of mind made it so and imbued his creation with His attributes.

As for a specific religion, I honestly don't believe it matters as long as you have a personal relationship with the Creator. I've studied them all and see more similarities than differences. With that said, I was a cradle Catholic who left his faith for several decades and then returned, but not after searching for another decade.

I've heard every argument there is against the existence of God and they are all bullshit.
It always makes me scratch my head when I read about people not believing in God because He DOESN'T do magical things for them.

No faith. Matthew 17:20

How many mountains have you seen being moved lately? You know somebody would have done it by now if it was possible.
Depends on how you took it. But let's assume it was meant to be taken literally, how do you know what the limit of consciousness is?
It always makes me scratch my head when I read about people not believing in God because He DOESN'T do magical things for them.

No faith. Matthew 17:20

How many mountains have you seen being moved lately? You know somebody would have done it by now if it was possible.
Depends on how you took it. But let's assume it was meant to be taken literally, how do you know what the limit of consciousness is?

Christians crow about how accurate the bible is except for the parts where they need an excuse to ignore it. I'm just saying there aren't any mountains jumping back and forth.
It always makes me scratch my head when I read about people not believing in God because He DOESN'T do magical things for them.

No faith. Matthew 17:20

How many mountains have you seen being moved lately? You know somebody would have done it by now if it was possible.
Depends on how you took it. But let's assume it was meant to be taken literally, how do you know what the limit of consciousness is?

Christians crow about how accurate the bible is except for the parts where they need an excuse to ignore it. I'm just saying there aren't any mountains jumping back and forth.
I suspect there may be no passages you would accept. You think it's all fairytales, right?
It always makes me scratch my head when I read about people not believing in God because He DOESN'T do magical things for them.

No faith. Matthew 17:20

How many mountains have you seen being moved lately? You know somebody would have done it by now if it was possible.
Depends on how you took it. But let's assume it was meant to be taken literally, how do you know what the limit of consciousness is?

Christians crow about how accurate the bible is except for the parts where they need an excuse to ignore it. I'm just saying there aren't any mountains jumping back and forth.
I suspect there may be no passages you would accept. You think it's all fairytales, right?
There is profound wisdom and universal truth to be found in the Bible. I could never compare it with a simple fairy tale. Much of it is true, even if those events depicted never really happened. Unfortunately, the more I studied it, the less reason I found to believe in a loving, all powerful god who does such horrible things.
after killing 3 million people with one virus, it seems to me God is an asshole, if he exists even
Every second of every day that you emerge from your sleep and are able to breath and thrive.....proves God loves you. Your question should then become, do I love God for his blessings and the mercy he's shown me?
hell no
Hell, yes....I pity anybody that doesn't believe in God....know God, know God, no peace....Christmas was the miracle, Easter is the proof!!
after killing 3 million people with one virus, it seems to me God is an asshole, if he exists even
Since God made a promise to Noah after the Flood that he would not do that again, he figured letting Biden steal the election was the next best thing
It doesn't say others have to se a mountain moving. It says that believing it has moved makes it so.

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