Does government consider the "behavior" of Blacks and Mexicans to be a necessary evil?

I did refudiate his post in post #54 above. Sorry for not typing fast enough.

What does "refudiate" mean, brite bot? Is it anything like "repudiate?"

Don't attempt to pass yourself off as educated, you simply lack the prowess to accomplish your goal. You may not have finished high school, but you have a killer Donkey Kong score. :eusa_whistle:

As someone who grew up in a very wealthy all white (no jews) town - only about 5 miles from where Donald Trump grew up. AND whose lived the majority of my adult life in either mixed neighborhoods or predominantly non-white neighborhoods, I can say without a doubt, the highest incident of crime was in the all white wealthy town. They were criminal professionals - and their level of drug addiction was at least as high. At worst I can say that black and hispanic criminals are amatuers

White people are protected by lawyers and by police that are less likely to arrest them.

Hell, when I was about 18 years old, police found pot on me. But they took one look at the address on my license and decided not to bother. 'Sealing' a case costed about $2500.

These are the facts of life in the U.S.

Oh, well we'll just take your word for it then. No need for facts and statistics, we have a hate filled leftist to rely on...
No one, it's just amusing to wind them up. Uncensored2008 has had to change his spittle bib 3 times already.

In other words, you are nothing but a troll.

RichardH might be dumb as a fence post, but at least he is here to debate the issues.

You need to stay in the flame zone and leave politics to the grown ups.
You just don't hear of much action being taken within government to write policies that would assist in breaking the cycle for these "groups" that clearly can't break the cycle on their own. The issue almost seems to go ignored.
It seems as though lots of time, effort and energy go in to many other things that measure in magnitude like a gnat on an elephants ass.
Some would say "these groups" represent our greatest terroist threat and they are here on our soil with citizenship.

You forgot to includes the millions of white trailer trash in your mindless rant. Uneducated, unemployed, meth and opium addicted are as much a 'problem' as any other 'group'.

You're welcome in advance for the enlightenment. Let me know what else I can teach you. I aim to educate the confused, ignorant and self manipulated. Remember, this thread is about our domestic terrorists...Blacks and Mexicans...also, keep in mind this country is 70% white.

21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

Crime rates

  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Interracial crime
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
Urban centers
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
Police shootings
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.

Do you always regurgitate information without thinking?

13.4% Whites on government assistance is horrendous! White people have had significantly more opportunity, a heritage of success and every advantage in our society. Their is NO excuse for white people to fail.

Many black people come from a heritage of no opportunity whatsoever, and many hispanics have no heritage in this country at all.

We also know that the likelihood of black people and hispanics being incarcerated or shot by police is many times greater that for whites for the same crimes. Until your statistics take that into account, they are bogus.

I come from the New York area and know that criminal behavior is prolific and systematic among a large percentage of white people - but they almost never get arrested - and if they do they can afford private lawyers to get them out of almost anything.

The old; "I'm a victim...someone else made me do it" bullshit only works among your fellow Loons. We teach accountability, responsibility, self control and cause and effect in our white households. That's the difference and it really is that simple.
So no cite to the " Blacks drop out in 9th grade and have babies."
So like the rest of your thread,it's a bunch of bullshit...

So you have no cite to support your claim that whites make Matzo from the blood of black babies? :eek:
You forgot to includes the millions of white trailer trash in your mindless rant. Uneducated, unemployed, meth and opium addicted are as much a 'problem' as any other 'group'.

You're welcome in advance for the enlightenment. Let me know what else I can teach you. I aim to educate the confused, ignorant and self manipulated. Remember, this thread is about our domestic terrorists...Blacks and Mexicans...also, keep in mind this country is 70% white.

21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population: At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.

Crime rates

  • There are dramatic race differences in crime rates. Asians have the lowest rates, followed by whites, and then Hispanics. Blacks have notably high crime rates. This pattern holds true for virtually all crime categories and for virtually all age groups.
  • In 2013, a black was six times more likely than a nonblack to commit murder, and 12 times more likely to murder someone of another race than to be murdered by someone of another race.
Interracial crime
  • In 2013, of the approximately 660,000 crimes of interracial violence that involved blacks and whites, blacks were the perpetrators 85 percent of the time. This meant a black person was 27 times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa. A Hispanic was eight times more likely to attack a white person than vice versa.
Urban centers
  • In 2014 in New York City, a black was 31 times more likely than a white to be arrested for murder, and a Hispanic was 12.4 times more likely. For the crime of “shooting”—defined as firing a bullet that hits someone—a black was 98.4 times more likely than a white to be arrested, and a Hispanic was 23.6 times more likely.
  • If New York City were all white, the murder rate would drop by 91 percent, the robbery rate by 81 percent, and the shootings rate by 97 percent.
  • In an all-white Chicago, murder would decline 90 percent, rape by 81 percent, and robbery by 90 percent.
Police shootings
  • In 2015, a black person was 2.45 times more likely than a white person to be shot and killed by the police. A Hispanic person was 1.21 times more likely. These figures are well within what would be expected given race differences in crime rates and likelihood to resist arrest.
  • In 2015, police killings of blacks accounted for approximately 4 percent of homicides of blacks. Police killings of unarmed blacks accounted for approximately 0.6 percent of homicides of blacks. The overwhelming majority of black homicide victims (93 percent from 1980 to 2008) were killed by blacks.

Do you always regurgitate information without thinking?

13.4% Whites on government assistance is horrendous! White people have had significantly more opportunity, a heritage of success and every advantage in our society. Their is NO excuse for white people to fail.

Many black people come from a heritage of no opportunity whatsoever, and many hispanics have no heritage in this country at all.

We also know that the likelihood of black people and hispanics being incarcerated or shot by police is many times greater that for whites for the same crimes. Until your statistics take that into account, they are bogus.

I come from the New York area and know that criminal behavior is prolific and systematic among a large percentage of white people - but they almost never get arrested - and if they do they can afford private lawyers to get them out of almost anything.

The old; "I'm a victim...someone else made me do it" bullshit only works among your fellow Loons. We teach accountability, responsibility, self control and cause and effect in our white households. That's the difference and it really is that simple.
So no cite to the " Blacks drop out in 9th grade and have babies."
So like the rest of your thread,it's a bunch of bullshit...

So you have no cite to support your claim that whites make Matzo from the blood of black babies? :eek:
So you post an attempt at deflection because the op's silliness can't be documented and you were stupid enough to jump on the band wagon...
Not to worry, he and you have a history of making unfounded dumb ass remarks...
So a thread was started on the following:
Black people and Hispanic people are terrorists.
Black people in overwhelming numbers drop out of 9th grade and have babies.
Black people and Hispanic people are criminals, white people are not.

Who's actually taking this idiot seriously???

Why do you lie?

If you truly think you have the upper hand, why do you lie about what he posted? We can all read it, so your lies are apparent.

I get that you of the Khmer Rouge have purged yourselves of all integrity and ethics in service to your Fuhrer, George Soros; still you expose yourself as utterly stupid with your blatant lies.
Why do you lie or are you too stupid to read the past posts???...
Hey I'm just making small talk about how the subject seems to be so taboo that nobody wants to acknowledge's just seems like an odd game that people and government play. Shit happens right under our's the same perpetrators over and over and we all turn a blind eye and pretend that "it's just part of the deal"...we almost act like it's suppose to happen and carry on.
Just seems bizarre to me.

What's bizarre is your belief that problems of unemployment, drug addiction, lack of education, government dependency and crime are limited to blacks and hispanics. They are not.

These are problems that span racist boundaries. Racist solutions are not going to solve anything.

He gave you statistics, you ignore them to restate your prejudices.

This is the very definition of ignorance.

IF you think his statistics are wrong, provide contrary evidence. But just spewing your prejudice only confirms what most already suspects of the left..

They can't do that...that's too simple and their ability to debate the issue in the future would go up in flames with the admission.
They love to play a bizarre game of can only do that by not accepting facts.

I did refudiate his post in post #54 above. Sorry for not typing fast enough.

As someone who grew up in a very wealthy all white (no jews) town - only about 5 miles from where Donald Trump grew up. AND whose lived the majority of my adult life in either mixed neighborhoods or predominantly non-white neighborhoods, I can say without a doubt, the highest incident of crime was in the all white wealthy town. They were criminal professionals - and their level of drug addiction was at least as high. At worst I can say that black and hispanic criminals are amatuers

White people are protected by lawyers and by police that are less likely to arrest them.

Hell, when I was about 18 years old, police found pot on me. But they took one look at the address on my license and decided not to bother. 'Sealing' a case costed about $2500.

These are the facts of life in the U.S.

Hold are you as usual talking out your ass and making shit up; or are you going to post the cite where an inordinate number of Black people are dropping out of school in the 9th grade and having babies???

Look bud I don't have the motivation to spoon feed you all the information you desire...All the demos you seek to ignore are available on a little site you may have heard of:

Ethnic cleansing, we've tried it before, worked on some, take it all the way this time. Poor fuckwit. Your founders were too gotdamn lazy to do their own labor, that's why black folk are here.

Let me make this simple for your tiny little brain to understand....Smart people delegate labor to stupid people, it's how businesses scale and prosper.
Imagine if Bill Gates was still in his garage assembling Micosoft PC's.
I can't believe I have to explain this elementary shit to you. I'm sure you're a total success.

BTW- Privileged people delegate labor to unprivileged people. Intelligence has nothing to do with it.

Haha...right, that's what all clock punching hole diggers say...they're all smarter than the boss...just ask them...haha
Your "job creator" class bought out your democracy son, that's all. That's why you provide socialism to the Wall Street bankster class.
So you post an attempt at deflection because the op's silliness can't be documented and you were stupid enough to jump on the band wagon...
Not to worry, he and you have a history of making unfounded dumb ass remarks...

My post was unsupported demagoguery = just as your's was.

You made shit up and assigned it to the hated enemy, as you of the Khmer Rouge have a tenancy to do. That what you claimed was a complete fabrication made no difference to you, smearing enemies of the party is your goal and you lack even a hint of integrity.
So a thread was started on the following:
Black people and Hispanic people are terrorists.
Black people in overwhelming numbers drop out of 9th grade and have babies.
Black people and Hispanic people are criminals, white people are not.

Who's actually taking this idiot seriously???

Why do you lie?

If you truly think you have the upper hand, why do you lie about what he posted? We can all read it, so your lies are apparent.

I get that you of the Khmer Rouge have purged yourselves of all integrity and ethics in service to your Fuhrer, George Soros; still you expose yourself as utterly stupid with your blatant lies.
Why do you lie or are you too stupid to read the past posts???...

I don't lie, but you are lying as you know.
What's bizarre is your belief that problems of unemployment, drug addiction, lack of education, government dependency and crime are limited to blacks and hispanics. They are not.

These are problems that span racist boundaries. Racist solutions are not going to solve anything.

He gave you statistics, you ignore them to restate your prejudices.

This is the very definition of ignorance.

IF you think his statistics are wrong, provide contrary evidence. But just spewing your prejudice only confirms what most already suspects of the left..

They can't do that...that's too simple and their ability to debate the issue in the future would go up in flames with the admission.
They love to play a bizarre game of can only do that by not accepting facts.

I did refudiate his post in post #54 above. Sorry for not typing fast enough.

As someone who grew up in a very wealthy all white (no jews) town - only about 5 miles from where Donald Trump grew up. AND whose lived the majority of my adult life in either mixed neighborhoods or predominantly non-white neighborhoods, I can say without a doubt, the highest incident of crime was in the all white wealthy town. They were criminal professionals - and their level of drug addiction was at least as high. At worst I can say that black and hispanic criminals are amatuers

White people are protected by lawyers and by police that are less likely to arrest them.

Hell, when I was about 18 years old, police found pot on me. But they took one look at the address on my license and decided not to bother. 'Sealing' a case costed about $2500.

These are the facts of life in the U.S.

Look bud I don't have the motivation to spoon feed you all the information you desire...All the demos you seek to ignore are available on a little site you may have heard of:

Ethnic cleansing, we've tried it before, worked on some, take it all the way this time. Poor fuckwit. Your founders were too gotdamn lazy to do their own labor, that's why black folk are here.

Let me make this simple for your tiny little brain to understand....Smart people delegate labor to stupid people, it's how businesses scale and prosper.
Imagine if Bill Gates was still in his garage assembling Micosoft PC's.
I can't believe I have to explain this elementary shit to you. I'm sure you're a total success.

BTW- Privileged people delegate labor to unprivileged people. Intelligence has nothing to do with it.

Haha...right, that's what all clock punching hole diggers say...they're all smarter than the boss...just ask them...haha
Your "job creator" class bought out your democracy son, that's all. That's why you provide socialism to the Wall Street bankster class.

Did you make it to 4th grade, troll?

Nah, clearly not...
So a thread was started on the following:
Black people and Hispanic people are terrorists.
Black people in overwhelming numbers drop out of 9th grade and have babies.
Black people and Hispanic people are criminals, white people are not.

Who's actually taking this idiot seriously???

Why do you lie?

If you truly think you have the upper hand, why do you lie about what he posted? We can all read it, so your lies are apparent.

I get that you of the Khmer Rouge have purged yourselves of all integrity and ethics in service to your Fuhrer, George Soros; still you expose yourself as utterly stupid with your blatant lies.
Why do you lie or are you too stupid to read the past posts???...

I don't lie, but you are lying as you know.
So then you are too stupid to read the past posts...thanks for clearing that up.
So you post an attempt at deflection because the op's silliness can't be documented and you were stupid enough to jump on the band wagon...
Not to worry, he and you have a history of making unfounded dumb ass remarks...

My post was unsupported demagoguery = just as your's was.

You made shit up and assigned it to the hated enemy, as you of the Khmer Rouge have a tenancy to do. That what you claimed was a complete fabrication made no difference to you, smearing enemies of the party is your goal and you lack even a hint of integrity.
AKA...this guy has made me look like a complete idiot and I'm at an intellectual loss.

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