Does mathematics exist?


Applied Mathematics is the ability to form and calculate a measure and solve an equation to provide a result.
Those measures or results often become the proof of a scientific theory.

The name "applied mathematics" adds nothing. These methods were before the advent of "mathematics"

I wasn't asking you to try and add an ambiguous value to it, or even a lack thereof.

If you are illiterate, you can, for example, study the methods of Euclid, which are also now glued to word "mathematics"
If you are illiterate, you can, for example, study the methods of Euclid, which are also now glued to word "mathematics"

Or I could use mathematics and build a house.
With a lot less effort than it would take to do it any other way.


Or I could use mathematics and build a house.
With a lot less effort than it would take to do it any other way.

I can do it using geometry and engineering discipline.

And I doubt that you can build a house with mathematics. You'll need at least cement and rebar lol
I can do it using geometry and engineering discipline.

And I doubt that you can build a house with mathematics. You'll need at least cement and rebar lol

I didn't say you could not do it any other way.
Just that I can do it faster and better with mathematics.

And it helps me more accurately predict the appropriate material list and quantities, thus reducing waste.

Go to the store and use cash and see if you care about math when the clerk charges you double. Lol
maybe you meant arithmetic?

No, I don't count change. When there is a strong shortage, it will be visible anyway.
maybe you meant arithmetic?

No, I don't count change. When there is a strong shortage, it will be visible anyway.
That is math
In simple terms. We are not measuring the volume of a sphere with triple integrals in basic math.
It's just empty talk
Because, while [anithing for PR] can be called the fundamental root of all sciences, they are not the sum total of the other sciences.
bla bla bla

Mathematics is used in all sciences. It is used in biology to understand the minute structures, flight, herd characteristics and more. But biology cannot be studied by mathematics alone.

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