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Does Obama Presidency mean Blacks have to marry whites, for their children to be suc?

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If not reparations .. at least a slave day holiday ..a day off work ..with pay.... so we could all ponder..reflect upon.. and honor the contribution..I would be up for that..
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First of all I don't appreciate you plagerizing what I posted by switching the
words around. I said does the Obama Presidency mean "Blacks" have to marry
whites.If this is so ,it can be viewed as very insulting to "BLACKS" not Whites
BLACK People, who belive in marry only within the Black Race.!!

And no its not a Joke!
read into the original post,not this impostor copy cat post!!.

Okay, let's play.

Has Congress presented legislation that states "because Obama was elected, black have to marry white"? No.

Has the Supreme Court ruled that "because Obama was elected, blacks have to marry whites?" No.

Yeah, it IS a joke. So are you.
My Solution is not for Blacks to marry Whites, I feel intermarriage with whites
contaminates and destroys the Black race.My solution is for Whites to correct
the evil of slavery,by paying all blacks in America slavery reparations.

The evil of slavery was corrected. You're free, aren't you?

You don't deserve a fucking dime, leech. Were you a slave? No. Know anyone currently alive that owned slaves? No. Know any former slaves still alive? No. When you find a former slave that's still alive and former slave owner that's still allive, I will agree the latter owes the former some compensations.

Otherwise, quit looking for a freebie and go earn what you get.
The evil of slavery was corrected. You're free, aren't you?

You don't deserve a fucking dime, leech. Were you a slave? No. Know anyone currently alive that owned slaves? No. Know any former slaves still alive? No. When you find a former slave that's still alive and former slave owner that's still allive, I will agree the latter owes the former some compensations.

Otherwise, quit looking for a freebie and go earn what you get.

What about Whites enjoying the Benefits of years of Free slave labor in todays world.Who is the real leech. I always find it very interesting how white poeple try to rationalize away the evils of slavery, by saying ,"was I a slave?, my ancestors where,Where you whites decended from slave
Did whites "Earn what they got"during Slavery ? NO, they didn't.Are they still benefiting from all those years of forced labor,yes they are.
whites, Yes you all benefited and gained great wealth during that period, and still benefit from years of forced labor, murder and rape of black people.
So, read this without trying to ban some one from responding to your post.
or do we still have any free speech in America?.
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This type of thing passes as humor with some people, yes.

Rather sad, isn't it?

Not that they're racist, so much, as that they're humor-challenged racists to boot.

A few days ago, I was having coffee in a Dunkin Donuts when a retired bank executive said:

Did you hear they're going to paint the White House black?

And then we waited for his punchline, you know?

Only there was no punchline. That was what this retired banking "executive" thought passed for humor.

Eventually, seeing that we were all laughing joyously, he said, just in case we missed it.

Because Obama is Black, you see?

Actually, yes I guess we did see.

We saw that guy was basically retarded.

This is a local Pol, BTW.

Clinging to his guns and Bibles, would be my guess.

Better be careful going to those Dunkin Donuts.


Details of Dunkin' Donuts robberies cast suspects as 'brazen' -- South Florida Sun-Sentinel.com
My Solution is not for Blacks to marry Whites, I feel intermarriage with whites
contaminates and destroys the Black race.My solution is for Whites to correct
the evil of slavery,by paying all blacks in America slavery reparations.

Holy shit , that`s the most racist statement I`ve ever heard. If nothing else, you Negros sure are amusing. LOL
Holy shit , that`s the most racist statement I`ve ever heard. If nothing else, you Negros sure are amusing. LOL

So, now hear we have another White person, who thinks slavery is a Joke, and that we blacks who are pointing out the evils of the White narrow minded racists, deeds, who feel they did nothing wrong, and don't owe black people today anything. I think many of you whites that are saying everything is O.K. between blacks and whites in this country over slavery,are very wrong.
52nd Street
My solution is for Whites to correct
the evil of slavery,by paying all blacks in America slavery reparations

How much do you want $$$$$
and what about white people whose ancestors didn&#8217;t own slaves or white people that had ancestors die fighting in the Union army or white people whose ancestors moved here after the end of slavery ?

Check out this link -

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVgAi4-LgCY]YouTube - The Day After Obama Wins[/ame]
How much do you want $$$$$
and what about white people whose ancestors didn&#8217;t own slaves or white people that had ancestors die fighting in the Union army or white people whose ancestors moved here after the end of slavery ?

Check out this link -

YouTube - The Day After Obama Wins

Listen, like I said, if you are white, you all benefited from hundreds of years of
black forced labor.Any way you cut it, the White European race lived better in America than Blacks were living, and still have a higher standard of living today!.
Listen, like I said, if you are white, you all benefited from hundreds of years of
black forced labor.Any way you cut it, the White European race lived better in America than Blacks were living, and still have a higher standard of living today!.
Here is a 4 step program called "Success for African Americans"

Step one: turn off the Rap Music

Step two: leave the basket ball court

Step three: pull your pants up

Step four: Get a job

Now you can easily achieve that higher standard of living!!!
if you are holding out for reparations you are gonna be sorely disappointed. That shit is A) never going to happen and B) would never be a cureall for poverty in black ghettos and C) would only be a roadbump to the next excuse that blames white people for the failures of black culture.

who knows.. maybe you'd have more success if you worked on fixing the rate of bastard kids who will never know their fathers in a ghetto fabulous culture that puts rims above child support payments.
I believe you are correct that white people have had (and still do have) an advantage in our society . I don&#8217;t have an answer on how to correct this advantage. I believe that education would be a good place to start but that the black people will have to raise themselves from the past, as more and more are doing.
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I believe you are correct that white people have had (and still do have) an advantage in our society . I don&#8217;t have an answer on how to correct this advantage. I believe that education would be a good place to start but that the black people will have to raise themselves from the past, as more and more are doing.

So if you can see where White people had an advantage in the past, and are still benefinting from the forced labor that they extracted from blacks, with no payment what so ever,reparations is the only logical solution to this huge inequality.

White people saying, yes slavery was wrong, we are sorry, but we don't want to do any thing to correct the inequality we created, is the wrong attitude.Whites should better start thinking of solutions to a problem they created.
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How do you explain the Affirmative Action President-elect?

This can be explained by the fact that things are better than ever in our country but this doesn&#8217;t mean that the black people had a fair start or that the black peoples problems today are due only to themselves.

So if you can see where White people had an advantage in the past, and are still benefinting from the forced labor that they extracted from blacks, with no payment what so ever,reparations is the only logical solution to this huge inequality.

White people saying, yes slavery was wrong, we are sorry, but we don't want to do any thing to correct the inequality we created, is the wrong attitude.Whites should better start thinking of solutions to a problem they created.

52nd Street, I believe there is a lot more to this than just the financial gain. The back people were educationally deprived and had their basic human rights removed. Even after their release from slavery they were repressed by the government and a lot of the white people. Maybe someone that has studied the history of slavery in other countries could shed some light on what could be done to correct this injustice done to the black people in the USA. I really believe the black people have been ripped off and will have to help themselves to completely over come this problem if this can truly be over come.
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This can be explained by the fact that things are better than ever in our country but this doesn’t mean that the black people had a fair start or that the black peoples problems today are due only to themselves.....
But this doesn't answer my question. BHO would never have been elected if he was a white guy. Wouldn't you agree?
But this doesn't answer my question. BHO would never have been elected if he was a white guy. Wouldn't you agree?

I&#8217;m not sure I agree with you because there have been many white Democrats elected in the USA.
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