Does Paul Ryan's Black Ex-Girlfriend Matter?

Everyone needs to read the link. It's a backhanded attempt by a liberal blogger at saying Ryan is one of the "I can't be racist because I have a black friend" type of racist.
Does Paul Ryan's Black Ex-Girlfriend Matter?

It is the first thing that I have heard about him that would make me think better of him.

So hes better now because he dated a black woman??

Thanks for proving my point that all progressive see is aesthetics...

Why is dating a black woman such a fucking accomplishment in which now you think better of him???

Now do you see how racist you are??

Race apparently matters in your playbook...

Hey, if you can find a sister that isn't a racist they're pretty cool.

Many people who aren't racist are cool.
So, banging a girl of another race proves you're not racist? lolol You people are muppets.

Shut the fuck up.........

When the fuck will idiots like you learn the race card has been played so many times its almost comical??

It seems the only ones who care about race are you dumb progressives who view the world in segregated groups... You fucks don't view people as people you see black, white, Mexican, Jew, Christian, gay, straight, republican, democrat etc before you see an individual...

It's quite clear a persons aesthetics is judged in the progressive mindset before the individual..... In short - you're the racists and biased pigs...
You are directing your foaming-at-the-mouth angst at the OP, correct?

My guess is he is directing it all that continue to do what our elected reps want us to do....continue to play the race card.
If anyone has access to the Mike Gallagher Show, he's discussing this article right now.
Paul Ryan Had a Black Girlfriend; Does It Matter?

"So here is the million-dollar question: Is the fact that Ryan has dated interracially a noteworthy detail to consider when analyzing his politics and policies?"


But can it be used as partial evidence that he is not biased against African Americans if and when he is accused as having such bias?

Or shoiuld he just say "I am not biased" and let the left say "sure your not"
So hes better now because he dated a black woman??

Thanks for proving my point that all progressive see is aesthetics...

Why is dating a black woman such a fucking accomplishment in which now you think better of him???

Now do you see how racist you are??

Race apparently matters in your playbook...

Hey, if you can find a sister that isn't a racist they're pretty cool.

Many people who aren't racist are cool.

Most people are. But racism in the black community is more prevalent than in the white community. I think these days you will find more whites willing to date blacks than vice-verse.

What is the definition of racism?

It's when you feel your race has qualities that make them better than another race. So every time some black guy makes fun of Red-necks this is a prime example of racism. If you say that all blacks are lazy or dishonest you're exhibiting racism. It can be said that me saying that blacks hate whites more than whites hate blacks is racism, however I don't make a habit of using it to base my opinions of all blacks. I figure everyone deserves credit for his positives and discredit for his or her negatives. One of them is hating others simply because of the color of their skin.

Some blacks are of the belief that they cannot be racist because the oppressed cannot discriminate.

Also, being Democrat doesn't exclude you from being a racist.
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Hey, if you can find a sister that isn't a racist they're pretty cool.

Many people who aren't racist are cool.

Most people are. But racism in the black community is more prevalent than in the white community. I think these days you will find more whites willing to date blacks than vice-verse.

What is the definition of racism?

It's when you feel your race has qualities that make them better than another race. So every time some black guy makes fun of Red-necks this is a prime example of racism. If you say that all blacks are lazy or dishonest you're exhibiting racism. It can be said that me saying that blacks hate whites more than whites hate blacks is racism, however I don't make a habit of using it to base my opinions of all blacks. I figure everyone deserves credit for his positives and discredit for his or her negatives. One of them is hating others simply because of the color of their skin.

Some blacks are of the belief that they cannot be racist because the oppressed cannot discriminate.

Also, being Democrat doesn't exclude you from being a racist.

I disagree.

I believe there are propotionally as many whiute racists as there are black racists.


When somneone white demonstrates racism, it is news.

When someone black does, it is not news..and in many cases it is referred to as one being an advocate (sharpton); one being a poet (rap); one being a victim of ones environment ("the hood").
Paul Ryan Had a Black Girlfriend; Does It Matter?

"So here is the million-dollar question: Is the fact that Ryan has dated interracially a noteworthy detail to consider when analyzing his politics and policies?"

Not at all.

Any woman that Paul Ryan has been interested in, would have to be very special, in many ways, and I respect him for being colorblind and looking within.
Oh come on, you know he hate the Black folk. And the po folk too. The Democrat done told me so. :)
Paul Ryan Had a Black Girlfriend; Does It Matter?

"So here is the million-dollar question: Is the fact that Ryan has dated interracially a noteworthy detail to consider when analyzing his politics and policies?"

Of course it matters. It shatters the narrative that he is just another "racist republican", which is the all the liberals have this election.

So, banging a girl of another race proves you're not racist? lolol You people are muppets.

I see your point. Plenty of black guys like dating white girls to get back at "the white man".

I've never heard of white guys doing the same though to blacks or other minorities out of hatred.
Does Paul Ryan's Black Ex-Girlfriend Matter?

It is the first thing that I have heard about him that would make me think better of him.

So hes better now because he dated a black woman??

Thanks for proving my point that all progressive see is aesthetics...

Why is dating a black woman such a fucking accomplishment in which now you think better of him???

Now do you see how racist you are??

Race apparently matters in your playbook...

And to think that some dolt actually thanked you for this miserable post.
You know absolutely nothing about me but, as usual, you so love to shoot your mouth off that you strike your feet as well.
I have no idea what 'all progressive' might mean in the dim recesses of your imaginings, but I doubt I correspond to the definition. What I said is quite clear to any clear thinking person. Justifying it to you interests me not at all.
Many people who aren't racist are cool.

Most people are. But racism in the black community is more prevalent than in the white community. I think these days you will find more whites willing to date blacks than vice-verse.

What is the definition of racism?

It's when you feel your race has qualities that make them better than another race. So every time some black guy makes fun of Red-necks this is a prime example of racism. If you say that all blacks are lazy or dishonest you're exhibiting racism. It can be said that me saying that blacks hate whites more than whites hate blacks is racism, however I don't make a habit of using it to base my opinions of all blacks. I figure everyone deserves credit for his positives and discredit for his or her negatives. One of them is hating others simply because of the color of their skin.

Some blacks are of the belief that they cannot be racist because the oppressed cannot discriminate.

Also, being Democrat doesn't exclude you from being a racist.

I disagree.

I believe there are propotionally as many whiute racists as there are black racists.


When somneone white demonstrates racism, it is news.

When someone black does, it is not news..and in many cases it is referred to as one being an advocate (sharpton); one being a poet (rap); one being a victim of ones environment ("the hood").

Sorry, the tables have been turned.

Now it's popular to hate whites but will get you an instant condemnation if you say you hate blacks.

I keep hearing despicable statements from members of the New Black Panthers about killing whites and nobody bats and eye. If a white were to opine the same sentiments about blacks they become subject of death threats and universal condemnation.
Paul Ryan Had a Black Girlfriend; Does It Matter?

"So here is the million-dollar question: Is the fact that Ryan has dated interracially a noteworthy detail to consider when analyzing his politics and policies?"

Of course it matters. It shatters the narrative that he is just another "racist republican", which is the all the liberals have this election.

But of course, Obama's still a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrracist whitey-hater despite his time dating white girls.

According to the logic of NYcarbineer that would be correct. Dating someone of another race is just proof that you like to "fuck them over".
Of course it matters. It shatters the narrative that he is just another "racist republican", which is the all the liberals have this election.

But of course, Obama's still a rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrracist whitey-hater despite his time dating white girls.

According to the logic of NYcarbineer that would be correct. Dating someone of another race is just proof that you like to "fuck them over".

Well, he's probably one of those that's a closet racist yet feels he can criticize the GOP about it's imaginary racism.
If blacks are racist, it is probably mostly in a pro-black way, not anti-white. It is no mystery why they would feel that way. Whites have taught them every possible lesson about racism. Whites in the US have never suffered the humiliation and mistreatment as a 'race' that blacks have so any comparison is laughable.
It is especially sad that people still engage in 'race' discussions as genetically there is only one race. Look it up!

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