Does race matter to you?

Does race matter to you

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The right likes to accuse the left of using racism to silence them in order to cover up their racism, their tacti is to make the left look like whiners who always accuse people of racism so that actual cases of racism can be overlooked or dismissed as more whining and false accusations of racism from the left.

We only use that tactic because that's what you do.

Quit doing it, and we'll quit pointing it out. Simple, huh?
If you are a minority it does matter, you're judged and perceived by it everyday.
Minorities know who white people are and know their race, its some whites who are sometimes oblivious to their own race. You haven't walked in the shoes of a minority person so you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, for every black person that fails or does something all black people are judged to be failures based on that one black person, if you succeed and do something incredible good all black people will look to you and proof they can all do what you can do. Thats a position you're not familiar being in.
I'm new here. Forgive me if I do not know what minority group you belong to. Are you Black, Hispanic, Asian, or some other?

My mother is Polish-German my father is African American, I'm black.
Most of the people saying race doesn't matter in this thread are the same imbeciles on the right that play the race card against Obama and the NAACP.

How is it possible for you to be so convinced about 'racism' from the right but you are absolutely incapable of seeing the exact same attitude - and frankly, worse - from the left?

Your hypocritical stance is, in itself, racist and you're too fucking stupid to see it.
Only when that thar Dayle Earnhard loozes it.


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You are a hypocrite if you voted no, but still support affirmative action and/or hate crime laws.

Enjoy knowing that. :thup:
I never understood why some people get so upset about hate crime laws.

I can understand being philosophically opposed to hate crime laws and arguing toward that end in a discussion about legislation being unnecessary or extraneous, but how does having hate crime laws on the books actually harm anyone?

Hate crime laws merely give prosecutors one more tool to prosecute violent criminals where they are given the discretion to argue for the extended harm of targeted violence.

And it's quite an interesting twist to try to cry "racist" toward hate crime law supporters.

If you support hate crime laws, then you are most definitely taking a stance that race matters.

If you can't suss that out for yourself then I doubt I can be of any help.
Most of the people saying race doesn't matter in this thread are the same imbeciles on the right that play the race card against Obama and the NAACP.

How is it possible for you to be so convinced about 'racism' from the right but you are absolutely incapable of seeing the exact same attitude - and frankly, worse - from the left?

Your hypocritical stance is, in itself, racist and you're too fucking stupid to see it.

Do me a favor and shut the fuck up already, my mother is whiter than you and from Europe, there is no way I can be a racist. The only hypocrite is here the dumb ass fucking cow called you.
Most of the people saying race doesn't matter in this thread are the same imbeciles on the right that play the race card against Obama and the NAACP.

How is it possible for you to be so convinced about 'racism' from the right but you are absolutely incapable of seeing the exact same attitude - and frankly, worse - from the left?

Your hypocritical stance is, in itself, racist and you're too fucking stupid to see it.

Do me a favor and shut the fuck up already, my mother is whiter than you and from Europe, there is no way I can be a racist. The only hypocrite is here the dumb ass fucking cow called you.

Do you know how dumb you are? Genuine question.

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