Does the Bible Really Say You should not Judge?

I am not a catholic, but a protestant of the old style. That was a fantastic video, the open deviancy now practiced and even taught in our schools is the worst thing that ever happened to our country. The bible is banned from our schools by the left, but the left screams bloody murder if books promoting homosexuality and sex change that are pushed on pre pubescent children are criticized by decent people.
I am not a catholic, but a protestant of the old style. That was a fantastic video, the open deviancy now practiced and even taught in our schools is the worst thing that ever happened to our country. The bible is banned from our schools by the left, but the left screams bloody murder if books promoting homosexuality and sex change that are pushed on pre pubescent children are criticized by decent people.

the bible is banned from public schools by the u s constitution ... just keep, especially all forged desert religion books in your church and everything will be just fine.
No law against having and reading a Bible at school. No law prevents praying at school. This was confirmed to me by one of those Liberal Civil Rights Union Lawyers. He was also an ordained Methodist minister. I was the first Baptist he ever represented. :)
No law against having and reading a Bible at school. No law prevents praying at school. This was confirmed to me by one of those Liberal Civil Rights Union Lawyers. He was also an ordained Methodist minister. I was the first Baptist he ever represented. :)

having and reading is not providing - read the communist manifesto all you like or any other book you bring with you ...
John 7 v24 KJV 24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.

Yes, we are to judge. There is no one in this room whose judgement has not been tested. There are severe consequences for wrong judgement and Jesus warned us about them.

Mathew 7 v1-2 KJV 7 Judge not, that ye be not judged.

2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
the bible is banned from public schools by the u s constitution ... just keep, especially all forged desert religion books in your church and everything will be just fine.
Please show the portion of the constitution that bans the bible?
If you are on Jury Duty you are not to judge the defendant themselves but if they broke the law. I have found a lot of my fellow Christians are confused about that and refuse to do jury duty. Basically good people sometimes do dumb things and have to answer for it. A young Baptist Pastor found that out and was sent to prison for ten years. The good fellow just let some smooth talkers convince him in one of those Ponzi scheme deals with the church congregation.
Please show the portion of the constitution that bans the bible?

sure - banning the c bible or any desert religion from public institutions is why the document was written.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

now you know ... there is no place for any religion in the public school - teaching various economics is though just fine and should be encouraged.

the c bible is a work of servitude which precludes critical thought, the mission set forth a&e would require judgement to accomplish remission, self determination that itself will require judgement for acceptance.
the bible is banned from public schools by the u s constitution ... just keep, especially all forged desert religion books in your church and everything will be just fine.
The Bible is not banned from state schools by the Constitution.
the bible is banned from public schools by the u s constitution ... just keep, especially all forged desert religion books in your church and everything will be just fine.

This is patently false. Children and students do not check THEIR religious freedom at the door of the school, and neither do I as a public school teacher. That's why I am allowed to wear religious necklaces etc to school. I am an American citizen; I have rights to my personal religion and can express that. If I wanted to bring a Bible to school to read on my lunch, I could do that (in fact I know admin who does). What I CANNOT do is foist my personal beliefs on students. But if you think public schools are "Religion free", you are wrong.
The Bible is not banned from state schools by the Constitution.

yes, it is in the form of gov't involvement with any religious document. especially forged one's disguised as a religion - the state "religion" of the roman empire.
sure - banning the c bible or any desert religion from public institutions is why the document was written.

now you know ... there is no place for any religion in the public school - teaching various economics is though just fine and should be encouraged.
Public schools are not operated with any regard to any church. Nor do they establish any religion.

Do you ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

No.............the Bible does not say that you should not Judge. The bible declares that when making a judgment one should JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY, not hypocritically. The bible explains with no ambiguity whatsoever just how one can JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY. One should Judge others based upon the words that Jesus instructed.

"Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment (John 7:24)

"He who rejects Me and does not receive My words, has that which judges him.....the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48

How do we know that the Books (The Bible, The book of Life) are used for judgement? "I saw the dead, small and great, standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which are written in the Books." -- Rev. 20:12

Thus...........when one uses the books to judge there is no "unrighteous judgement" the word of God contains only truth, not hypocrisy. "Sanctify them in Truth: Thy word is truth...." -- John 17:17

If you are engaging in a practice that is found UNRIGHTEOUS in the word of God....its not men that are judging you, its the Books containing the word of God that judges you.

Sin is never to be Tolerated, its to be exposed. Jesus did not fear to call a LYING DOG...........a LYING DOG.
Public schools are not operated with any regard to any church. Nor do they establish any religion.

Do you ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

so true, they have no other choice - prohibited by the u s constitution.

yes, it is in the form of gov't involvement with any religious document. especially forged one's disguised as a religion - the state "religion" of the roman empire.

all three desert religions are based on fictitious events and forgeries of original documents that were either not preserved or deliberately destroyed -

and not a single etched tablet confirming their scriptural content from the time of their events - do you wonder why no one takes your religion, christianity seriously - know you know.

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