Does the Left Actually Believe A Man Can Become A Woman, or Vice Versa?

Does the left actually believe a man can become a woman or vice versa?

  • Yes, they actually do believe it even though it could never happen.

    Votes: 3 100.0%
  • No, they know full well they are pawns in the divide and conquer strategy of the democommiecrats.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Remind me again; who was it that literally brought politics into the bathroom?
IKR? Its pretty sad people feel they have to make legislation because people cant read a fuckin sign. Especially a sign that only says male or female. Is it THAT hard? :dunno:

Often, the sign just has a person in a skirt for the one and pants for the other. Though that doesn't stop women wearing pants from going in the ladies room, or bringing their young sons in with them... IT'S ANARCHY!
Dude, bathrooms are sex designated. Don't give me that shit.

Except for some exceptions. Like when a child is accompanied by their opposite sex parent. Yes, that happens out here in reality land.
Straws are plastic. Don't grasp them so hard or they will crack.

So what solution do you suggest for all the potty interlopers? Should there be blue-gloved agents frisking everyone who goes into the restroom, to make sure they have the correct equipment?
I think it is clear you can't really change your gender. What the nuts believe I've no clue.
IKR? Its pretty sad people feel they have to make legislation because people cant read a fuckin sign. Especially a sign that only says male or female. Is it THAT hard? :dunno:

Often, the sign just has a person in a skirt for the one and pants for the other. Though that doesn't stop women wearing pants from going in the ladies room, or bringing their young sons in with them... IT'S ANARCHY!
Dude, bathrooms are sex designated. Don't give me that shit.

Except for some exceptions. Like when a child is accompanied by their opposite sex parent. Yes, that happens out here in reality land.
Straws are plastic. Don't grasp them so hard or they will crack.

So what solution do you suggest for all the potty interlopers? Should there be blue-gloved agents frisking everyone who goes into the restroom, to make sure they have the correct equipment?
Nope. I would hope that society would just want them to do their civilized obligation.
I think it is clear you can't really change your gender. What the nuts believe I've no clue.
gender is a social construct. You can be whatever you want. Its sex that cant be changed.
Nothing wrong with telling society to go fuck themselves. Its different when they tell biology to go fuck itself.
Mentally ill people don't know they are mentally ill, to them it's a normal state. The left no more believes a man can be a woman than they believe in God, it's an issue used to create division

Remind me again; who was it that literally brought politics into the bathroom?
IKR? Its pretty sad people feel they have to make legislation because people cant read a fuckin sign. Especially a sign that only says male or female. Is it THAT hard? :dunno:

If the left wouldn't keep pushing this garbage laws wouldn't be needed, it all started with cakes, a freaking cake, they got all butt hurt and here we are

Laws? Everyone knows criminals don't follow the laws.
Mentally ill people don't know they are mentally ill, to them it's a normal state. The left no more believes a man can be a woman than they believe in God, it's an issue used to create division

Remind me again; who was it that literally brought politics into the bathroom?
IKR? Its pretty sad people feel they have to make legislation because people cant read a fuckin sign. Especially a sign that only says male or female. Is it THAT hard? :dunno:

If the left wouldn't keep pushing this garbage laws wouldn't be needed, it all started with cakes, a freaking cake, they got all butt hurt and here we are

Laws? Everyone knows criminals don't follow the laws.

Yeah we keep telling you loons that about gun control.
Mentally ill people don't know they are mentally ill, to them it's a normal state. The left no more believes a man can be a woman than they believe in God, it's an issue used to create division

Remind me again; who was it that literally brought politics into the bathroom?
IKR? Its pretty sad people feel they have to make legislation because people cant read a fuckin sign. Especially a sign that only says male or female. Is it THAT hard? :dunno:

If the left wouldn't keep pushing this garbage laws wouldn't be needed, it all started with cakes, a freaking cake, they got all butt hurt and here we are

Laws? Everyone knows criminals don't follow the laws.

Yeah we keep telling you loons that about gun control.

I know, so why laws now? That claim seems to be dependent on what the laws are against...
So what is the clinical diagnosis of these "mentally ill" people and the recommended treatment?
Society is too limp wristed to come up with actual treatment. They don't even want to call them mentally ill. Which, they are nothing less than ill.
You wanna know what they need? Love, people that actually care and want to listen and the truth. Not religious dogma or some asswipe pretending they give a fuck telling them they are normal.

Yes, I'm sure nobody has ever tried that before.

What is the actual clinical diagnosis and recommended treatment? Do you know? You keep saying they're "mentally ill" so what is the actual "illness" and what is the recommended treatment?
dysphoria. Please tell me how someone that thinks "biology got it wrong" isn't ill? I mean, lets be fuckin real.
See, this is your ignorance showing. When society is shoving "normalcy" down everyones throat, why would they diagnose and work on solutions?
How do you fix a problem when you dont even think you have one? That is fuckin stupid.

There you go, you're getting closer. It's gender dysphoria. Now, what is the recommended treatment for gender dysphoria?
counseling. I have a cousin that is now a "dude". I know what those crazy fuckers were shoving down his throat. You can GFY.
What they did to him is WHY I BITCH
I did ALOT of research about this trying to wrap my head around it. Ignorant fucks like you aint gonna teach me SHIT. You people just make it worse.
You "did ALOT [sic] of research"....well, when will we see evidence of such research?
Society is too limp wristed to come up with actual treatment. They don't even want to call them mentally ill. Which, they are nothing less than ill.
You wanna know what they need? Love, people that actually care and want to listen and the truth. Not religious dogma or some asswipe pretending they give a fuck telling them they are normal.

Yes, I'm sure nobody has ever tried that before.

What is the actual clinical diagnosis and recommended treatment? Do you know? You keep saying they're "mentally ill" so what is the actual "illness" and what is the recommended treatment?
dysphoria. Please tell me how someone that thinks "biology got it wrong" isn't ill? I mean, lets be fuckin real.
See, this is your ignorance showing. When society is shoving "normalcy" down everyones throat, why would they diagnose and work on solutions?
How do you fix a problem when you dont even think you have one? That is fuckin stupid.

There you go, you're getting closer. It's gender dysphoria. Now, what is the recommended treatment for gender dysphoria?
counseling. I have a cousin that is now a "dude". I know what those crazy fuckers were shoving down his throat. You can GFY.
What they did to him is WHY I BITCH
I did ALOT of research about this trying to wrap my head around it. Ignorant fucks like you aint gonna teach me SHIT. You people just make it worse.
You "did ALOT [sic] of research"....well, when will we see evidence of such research?
If I have said something false, please correct me.
Remind me again; who was it that literally brought politics into the bathroom?
IKR? Its pretty sad people feel they have to make legislation because people cant read a fuckin sign. Especially a sign that only says male or female. Is it THAT hard? :dunno:

If the left wouldn't keep pushing this garbage laws wouldn't be needed, it all started with cakes, a freaking cake, they got all butt hurt and here we are

Laws? Everyone knows criminals don't follow the laws.

Yeah we keep telling you loons that about gun control.

I know, so why laws now? That claim seems to be dependent on what the laws are against...

If someone has a dangly bit they use the men's room. It's not rocket science. Choose to put on a dress, pretend you're a woman and go into a restroom our daughters are in there is going to be problems, law or now law and trust me I'm not alone on this.
Often, the sign just has a person in a skirt for the one and pants for the other. Though that doesn't stop women wearing pants from going in the ladies room, or bringing their young sons in with them... IT'S ANARCHY!
Dude, bathrooms are sex designated. Don't give me that shit.

Except for some exceptions. Like when a child is accompanied by their opposite sex parent. Yes, that happens out here in reality land.
Straws are plastic. Don't grasp them so hard or they will crack.

So what solution do you suggest for all the potty interlopers? Should there be blue-gloved agents frisking everyone who goes into the restroom, to make sure they have the correct equipment?
Nope. I would hope that society would just want them to do their civilized obligation.
Ah....Peeping Toms.
IKR? Its pretty sad people feel they have to make legislation because people cant read a fuckin sign. Especially a sign that only says male or female. Is it THAT hard? :dunno:

If the left wouldn't keep pushing this garbage laws wouldn't be needed, it all started with cakes, a freaking cake, they got all butt hurt and here we are

Laws? Everyone knows criminals don't follow the laws.

Yeah we keep telling you loons that about gun control.

I know, so why laws now? That claim seems to be dependent on what the laws are against...

If someone has a dangly bit they use the men's room. It's not rocket science. Choose to put on a dress, pretend you're a woman and go into a restroom our daughters are in there is going to be problems, law or now law and trust me I'm not alone on this.

So now laws are the answer. That is funny. The dishonesty is very clear.
Dude, bathrooms are sex designated. Don't give me that shit.

Except for some exceptions. Like when a child is accompanied by their opposite sex parent. Yes, that happens out here in reality land.
Straws are plastic. Don't grasp them so hard or they will crack.

So what solution do you suggest for all the potty interlopers? Should there be blue-gloved agents frisking everyone who goes into the restroom, to make sure they have the correct equipment?
Nope. I would hope that society would just want them to do their civilized obligation.
Ah....Peeping Toms.
IKR? Its pretty sad people feel they have to make legislation because people cant read a fuckin sign. Especially a sign that only says male or female. Is it THAT hard? :dunno:

If the left wouldn't keep pushing this garbage laws wouldn't be needed, it all started with cakes, a freaking cake, they got all butt hurt and here we are

Laws? Everyone knows criminals don't follow the laws.

Yeah we keep telling you loons that about gun control.

I know, so why laws now? That claim seems to be dependent on what the laws are against...

If someone has a dangly bit they use the men's room. It's not rocket science. Choose to put on a dress, pretend you're a woman and go into a restroom our daughters are in there is going to be problems, law or now law and trust me I'm not alone on this. are you going to see those "dangly bits"? Volunteering as a community watch aka Peeping Tom?
If the left wouldn't keep pushing this garbage laws wouldn't be needed, it all started with cakes, a freaking cake, they got all butt hurt and here we are

Laws? Everyone knows criminals don't follow the laws.

Yeah we keep telling you loons that about gun control.

I know, so why laws now? That claim seems to be dependent on what the laws are against...

If someone has a dangly bit they use the men's room. It's not rocket science. Choose to put on a dress, pretend you're a woman and go into a restroom our daughters are in there is going to be problems, law or now law and trust me I'm not alone on this.

So now laws are the answer. That is funny. The dishonesty is very clear.

Put on a dress and sashay into a restroom our daughters are law will save you. Bank it
Laws? Everyone knows criminals don't follow the laws.

Yeah we keep telling you loons that about gun control.

I know, so why laws now? That claim seems to be dependent on what the laws are against...

If someone has a dangly bit they use the men's room. It's not rocket science. Choose to put on a dress, pretend you're a woman and go into a restroom our daughters are in there is going to be problems, law or now law and trust me I'm not alone on this.

So now laws are the answer. That is funny. The dishonesty is very clear.

Put on a dress and sashay into a restroom our daughters are law will save you. Bank it
So, going to be lifting up dresses to check for dangly parts now? What will your children think of that?
Mentally ill people don't know they are mentally ill, to them it's a normal state. The left no more believes a man can be a woman than they believe in God, it's an issue used to create division

So you think all trans people, especially the post-op ones don't really believe themselves to be their chosen sex, but are only going through all that, including reassignment surgery, as a political ploy to divide people? I don't know anybody that would go that far for ideology alone.
Mentally ill people don't know they are mentally ill, to them it's a normal state. The left no more believes a man can be a woman than they believe in God, it's an issue used to create division

So you think all trans people, especially the post-op ones don't really believe themselves to be their chosen sex, but are only going through all that, including reassignment surgery, as a political ploy to divide people? I don't know anybody that would go that far for ideology alone.
claiming illness is normal seems to be pretty divisive.
Nobody ever gave a shit until they hijacked the LGB movement.

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