Does the Left think Muslims have a Constitutional right....

A good Muslim places Laws of God above the Laws of State.
So does a good Christian or good Jew. And there is no Church/State divided in Islam, there is only God and submission to his will.

A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?
Not really. Did we just enter a time warp back to the old Soviet Union or something?
Do you not understand theoretical questions?
A good Muslim places Laws of God above the Laws of State.
So does a good Christian or good Jew. And there is no Church/State divided in Islam, there is only God and submission to his will.

A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?

LOL, when did our Gov pass such a law?
A good Muslim places Laws of God above the Laws of State.
So does a good Christian or good Jew. And there is no Church/State divided in Islam, there is only God and submission to his will.

A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?

Another way would be to require them to eat bacon upon entering the country. That would be fun to watch.
Now the Jews can't get in either. Add a hamburger and you just killed off the Hindus. That's 2.5 billion people down, so keep going.
A good Muslim places Laws of God above the Laws of State.
So does a good Christian or good Jew. And there is no Church/State divided in Islam, there is only God and submission to his will.

A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?

LOL, when did our Gov pass such a law?
It didn't you dumbass, it's a THEORETICAL question.
So does a good Christian or good Jew. And there is no Church/State divided in Islam, there is only God and submission to his will.

A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?
Not really. Did we just enter a time warp back to the old Soviet Union or something?
Do you not understand theoretical questions?

You mean like can God create a rock that he could not lift?
A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?
Not really. Did we just enter a time warp back to the old Soviet Union or something?
Do you not understand theoretical questions?

You mean like can God create a rock that he could not lift?
That's a good one to show that God cannot be all-powerful.
So does a good Christian or good Jew. And there is no Church/State divided in Islam, there is only God and submission to his will.

A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?

LOL, when did our Gov pass such a law?
It didn't you dumbass, it's a THEORETICAL question.

Do you need to deflect?

You made a blanket statement and presented it as fact, and you try to prove with theoretical questions?

Sorry, you lose.
So does a good Christian or good Jew. And there is no Church/State divided in Islam, there is only God and submission to his will.

A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?
Not really. Did we just enter a time warp back to the old Soviet Union or something?
Do you not understand theoretical questions?


We will find out as soon as you ask one.

A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?
Not really. Did we just enter a time warp back to the old Soviet Union or something?
Do you not understand theoretical questions?
We will find out as soon as you ask one.
It's been asked. If forced to obey either Man's law or God's law, which one do you obey? If someone places a gun at your head as says renounce Jesus or I kill you, do you live or die? For both questions there is only one right answer, if you are a good Christian that is.
A Christian does not...but then you are ignorant of many things.

Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?

LOL, when did our Gov pass such a law?
It didn't you dumbass, it's a THEORETICAL question.

Do you need to deflect?

You made a blanket statement and presented it as fact, and you try to prove with theoretical questions?

Sorry, you lose.
This isn't complicated little dummies. If you are a Christian, or a Jew, or a Muslim, whose law is higher, Man's or God's?
Let's cut Paint some slack. He watched Mel Brooks' 'History of the World, Part I', but left for the loo after the Spanish Inquisition, and missed the entire French Revolution and the Reformation.

Stuff like this happens all the time.

I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?
Not really. Did we just enter a time warp back to the old Soviet Union or something?
Do you not understand theoretical questions?
We will find out as soon as you ask one.
It's been asked. If forced to obey either Man's law or God's law, which one do you obey? If someone places a gun at your head as says renounce Jesus or I kill you, do you live or die? For both questions there is only one right answer, if you are a good Christian that is.

That would be a hypothetical question. Ok, I can answer those. Who, hypothetically, is holding a gun to my head? A Communist, a Democrat, or an Islamist?
I'll help you out. The government passes a law that says you either renounce God or you go to prison. Which law do you obey, Man's law or God's law? Clear now?
Not really. Did we just enter a time warp back to the old Soviet Union or something?
Do you not understand theoretical questions?
We will find out as soon as you ask one.
It's been asked. If forced to obey either Man's law or God's law, which one do you obey? If someone places a gun at your head as says renounce Jesus or I kill you, do you live or die? For both questions there is only one right answer, if you are a good Christian that is.

That would be a hypothetical question. Ok, I can answer those. Who, hypothetically, is holding a gun to my head? A Communist, a Democrat, or an Islamist?
It matters not.
The Russians, Italians, Irish, Polish, East Europeans came during immigrant waves that occurred prior to any real limits on immigration. The first laws prohibiting immigration were the Chinese Exclusion laws in the 1870's based not on "an imapssioned evaluation" but pure racism. The Irish, Italians, East Europeans immigrates were poor, desperate, impoverished and despised. They were considered dirty, diseased, subhuman, drunkard criminals (Irish), overly fertile, untrustworthy (Italians), bred children like litters of puppies (Catholics)..etc etc in fact you get the picture of how immigration was viewed then. And it's not much different than now (with Mexicans for example). There were no real quotes or restrictions beyond disease. We are a nation of many immigrant groups and all of them have managed to make a sucess of themselves: Irish, Russian, Italian, Palestinian, Lebonese, Polish, Cuban, Haitian....

If someone is willing to work hard, does not have a violent criminal record - then I don't care what their religion or ethnic background is - our success stories are not PHD's coming over here, they are the dirt poor people who worked hard and valued education and sent their children on to become PHD's. That's how I view it. Quotas? Sure, I can accept that - but not based on ethnicity or religion.

Those people were allowed into this country legally, not like the Wetbacks who are jumping our border. Stop with the asymmetrical comparisons already.

And the Chinese were allowed as guest workers to build our railroads. When they applied for citizenship we said no. This is the point. It's up to us to decide.

and if people like you don't stfu, we'll ask more of them to come here

Trying to shut me up with threats?

Sounds like you got a little terrorist in you too.
threats? :cuckoo:

we all have a little terrorist within us. It's as American as apple pie and rebels sniping at Red Coats from behind trees

You think that guerrilla warfare is terrorism?


as with most everyone else -- it depends on what side of the war I'm on
I'll bet you would put a revolver in your mouth and pull the trigger if you thought it would piss off a right-winger.

no, but I'd pull my pecker out of your butt and without wiping it off, stick it in your big fat mouth, if it would make you stop talking shit. :D
Not really. Did we just enter a time warp back to the old Soviet Union or something?
Do you not understand theoretical questions?
We will find out as soon as you ask one.
It's been asked. If forced to obey either Man's law or God's law, which one do you obey? If someone places a gun at your head as says renounce Jesus or I kill you, do you live or die? For both questions there is only one right answer, if you are a good Christian that is.

That would be a hypothetical question. Ok, I can answer those. Who, hypothetically, is holding a gun to my head? A Communist, a Democrat, or an Islamist?
It matters not.

It matters everything. The Communist and the Islamist are likely to do the opposite...and the Democrat would be conducive to a bribe.
Do you not understand theoretical questions?
We will find out as soon as you ask one.
It's been asked. If forced to obey either Man's law or God's law, which one do you obey? If someone places a gun at your head as says renounce Jesus or I kill you, do you live or die? For both questions there is only one right answer, if you are a good Christian that is.

That would be a hypothetical question. Ok, I can answer those. Who, hypothetically, is holding a gun to my head? A Communist, a Democrat, or an Islamist?
It matters not.

It matters everything. The Communist and the Islamist are likely to do the opposite...and the Democrat would be conducive to a bribe.
How about this, the guy with the gun has already killed three people who didn't renounce Jesus right in front of you. Now, do you live or do you die?
We will find out as soon as you ask one.
It's been asked. If forced to obey either Man's law or God's law, which one do you obey? If someone places a gun at your head as says renounce Jesus or I kill you, do you live or die? For both questions there is only one right answer, if you are a good Christian that is.

That would be a hypothetical question. Ok, I can answer those. Who, hypothetically, is holding a gun to my head? A Communist, a Democrat, or an Islamist?
It matters not.

It matters everything. The Communist and the Islamist are likely to do the opposite...and the Democrat would be conducive to a bribe.
How about this, the guy with the gun has already killed three people who didn't renounce Jesus right in front of you. Now, do you live or do you die?

Oh, It must be the Communist. Does he know what my stock portfolio is worth yet? I can probably lie my way out of this.
So is it never right to discriminate based on ethnic culture, especially when that culture has proven destructive in their own nations?

You seem to be applying a principle that should have NOTHING to do with immigration. We shouldn't choose who comes here by political correctness, but by an impassioned evaluation of what benefit they'll bring to this we did with the Russians, Italians, Irish, and Polish immigrants.

And in that impassioned evaluation, we should take into account what's going on in Western countries where Muslims are attaining numerical significance and ask, "Do we want that in OUR country?"

It's a valid question to be asking.

The Russians, Italians, Irish, Polish, East Europeans came during immigrant waves that occurred prior to any real limits on immigration. The first laws prohibiting immigration were the Chinese Exclusion laws in the 1870's based not on "an imapssioned evaluation" but pure racism. The Irish, Italians, East Europeans immigrates were poor, desperate, impoverished and despised. They were considered dirty, diseased, subhuman, drunkard criminals (Irish), overly fertile, untrustworthy (Italians), bred children like litters of puppies (Catholics)..etc etc in fact you get the picture of how immigration was viewed then. And it's not much different than now (with Mexicans for example). There were no real quotes or restrictions beyond disease. We are a nation of many immigrant groups and all of them have managed to make a sucess of themselves: Irish, Russian, Italian, Palestinian, Lebonese, Polish, Cuban, Haitian....

If someone is willing to work hard, does not have a violent criminal record - then I don't care what their religion or ethnic background is - our success stories are not PHD's coming over here, they are the dirt poor people who worked hard and valued education and sent their children on to become PHD's. That's how I view it. Quotas? Sure, I can accept that - but not based on ethnicity or religion.

I don't care how hard they work or if they succeed, if they try to impose their Sharia crap here. The immigrants who came here previously all had an affect on the culture of this country, some for the better and some for the worse. Muslims will affect it only for the worse. Islam is a bloodthirsty cult with no redeeming social value. I don't see how this country gains by importing people who want to propagate this disease.

Muslims HAVE immigrated here and have been here for centuries. Your words are the same as those directed at the Irish, Italian, Polish etc.
Muslims have been America's friends since -- uhm -- err -- ahh -- it's inception:

US- Morocco Diplomatic Relationship During the American Revolution, so many American ships used to call at the port of Tangiers that the Continental Congress sought recognition from the “Emperor” of Morocco to establish good relations between the two countries.

This recognition was granted in 1777, making Morocco the first country to recognize the United States of America. Negotiations on a formal treaty to establish ties between the two countries began in 1783.

The Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship was signed in 1786. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both future U.S. Presidents were the signatories for the United States. Renegotiated in 1836, the treaty is still in force, constituting the longest unbroken treaty in U.S. history.

As testament to the special nature of the U.S.-Moroccan relationship, Tangier is home to the oldest U.S. diplomatic property in the world, and the only building on foreign soil that is listed in the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, the American Legation in Tangier (now a museum).

Embassy of the kingdom of morocco in the USA

That must be why we sent in the Marines a few years later.
and that address the facts how?

nothing you say can negate the fact that a Muslim nation

Muslims have been America's friends since -- uhm -- err -- ahh -- it's inception:

US- Morocco Diplomatic Relationship During the American Revolution, so many American ships used to call at the port of Tangiers that the Continental Congress sought recognition from the “Emperor” of Morocco to establish good relations between the two countries.

This recognition was granted in 1777, making Morocco the first country to recognize the United States of America. Negotiations on a formal treaty to establish ties between the two countries began in 1783.

The Moroccan-American Treaty of Friendship was signed in 1786. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, both future U.S. Presidents were the signatories for the United States. Renegotiated in 1836, the treaty is still in force, constituting the longest unbroken treaty in U.S. history.

As testament to the special nature of the U.S.-Moroccan relationship, Tangier is home to the oldest U.S. diplomatic property in the world, and the only building on foreign soil that is listed in the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, the American Legation in Tangier (now a museum).

Embassy of the kingdom of morocco in the USA
It's been asked. If forced to obey either Man's law or God's law, which one do you obey? If someone places a gun at your head as says renounce Jesus or I kill you, do you live or die? For both questions there is only one right answer, if you are a good Christian that is.

That would be a hypothetical question. Ok, I can answer those. Who, hypothetically, is holding a gun to my head? A Communist, a Democrat, or an Islamist?
It matters not.

It matters everything. The Communist and the Islamist are likely to do the opposite...and the Democrat would be conducive to a bribe.
How about this, the guy with the gun has already killed three people who didn't renounce Jesus right in front of you. Now, do you live or do you die?

Oh, It must be the Communist. Does he know what my stock portfolio is worth yet? I can probably lie my way out of this.
Don't bother answering, since you can't. Sure hope you aren't a Christian because you would be one in name only.

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