Does the Left think Muslims have a Constitutional right....

all non citizens can be deported (open to deportation proceedings) . no one denies this.

key phrase: due process

and by anything, you mean everything or anything they desire

NO, I mean a lot of different things, and to reiterate the topic of this thread, they have no "right" to live here. Their applications for citizenship have to be approved and they have to pass some tests as well, as it should be. And illegals COULD be deported without due process. They don't have any rights afforded to them under our constitution because our constitution is geared towards CITIZENS.


The Supreme Court has said that, where expulsion proceedings are concerned, due process for aliens in the United States is whatever Congress chooses it to be — subject to certain constraints imposed by the Constitution, and as ultimately interpreted by the courts themselves, that is.5

Over time, by means of law, regulation, and binding precedent decisions, a kind of hierarchy of due process rights has evolved for aliens who are placed into removal proceedings:

  • Aliens who have entered and remain in the United States illegally are, understandably, accorded the least amount of due process.
  • Nonimmigrant aliens, who may have originally entered legally, but later overstayed or otherwise violated the conditions of their admission, have somewhat more due process.
  • Lawful resident aliens who are alleged to have committed some act rendering them removable (by commission of a crime, for example) are entitled to the most due process under the law based on their status and “equities” in the United States. The term “equities” usually refers to close family members, especially U.S.-born children, but also refers to ties to the community, stable employment, and length of residence in the United States for purposes of seeking a cancellation of removal.
However, this hierarchy is not hard and fast, and a major factor that enters into how, and what kind of, removal proceedings are commenced revolves around the legal charges filed against the alien: Certain removal charges carry with them the requirement, or at least the opportunity on the part of the government, to initiate certain kinds of proceedings that take place outside the parameters of the immigration court. What is more, it is at the discretion of the government to decide whether to lodge formal charges against an alien, to decide what charges to lodge, and such decisions are inevitably influenced by cost and economy. For example, the government may choose to permit a criminal alien to request “voluntary departure” in lieu of holding him in detention for an extended period of time while a removal hearing is conducted by an immigration judge.

Deportation Basics Center for Immigration Studies
Illegals under certain circumstances CAN be deported without due process? where does your quote say this?

Due process is whatever Congress decides it should be.

Congress cannot trash the Constitution. Due Process the Court rules. The Court protects us from the mob

Not lately it doesn't.
Earth to saintmichle

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