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Does the money you earn belong to you or the state?

The rejects think because someone makes more money then them that it is fair to make them pay MORE percentage wise then them as well.
.....And, the REALLY stupid people (actually) believe HUGE tax-cuts stimulate the economy!!



"Duhhhhhhhh....any TIME, NOW!!!"

AND AGAIN.... if more of us are able to keep more of OUR money, we spend MORE of OUR money in the private sector..... which stimulates me more than you will ever know.
I'm pretty-certain I don't care what stimulates you. :eusa_hand:

The Gov't does not create jobs.... successful buisinesses do though.
....Which pretty-much deep-sixes the concept that individuals, gettin' mega-tax-cuts, creates jobs.

Feel free to TRY, again.....

Clintoon? Don't make me laugh...

0bamacare is a fucking joke - even the democratics are campaigning on repealing parts of it...

see? you couldn't recognize a flush budget when you seen one. like you said, you just want to keep more of your money. the tax-cut conservative approach is just right for you. to hell with sustainability.

I want to stop spending money we don't have...

You spendaholics want to keep adding to the Guinness Book Of Deficit Records...

Fuck that...

clinton makes you laugh, and you want to keep more of your money is what the conservative base to include yourself is in to. this is why policy catering to your political demographic has not given a shit about budget deficits, and just cut taxes. 'starve the beast' was the latest idiom for this selfish, bullshit concept.

trying to flex this characteristically right wing method of budget management off on 'you spendaholics' is a failure to recognize that the state of our debt was gained satisfying 'you taxcutaholics' who were satisfied for 30+ years whenever your candidate was the chief and he had tax-cuts on the docket.
or does the ownership pass to the state somewhere at some income level?

Folks keep on saying that reducing tax rates from 35 to 30 is a "giveaway" on high incomes. Since the person earned it in some fashion, how does that 5% belong to the state so that they could "give it away?"

It's our money not the governments. When the government cuts taxes, it is not a giveaway. It is them letting us keep more of our OWN MONEY. When they raise taxes it is a TAKE AWAY.

Taxes are the price you pay for belonging to this great society. If you don't like it, look somewhere else

That is not the argument. The argument is weather the rhetoric used by some folks, that allowing folks to keep their own money is in some way a giveaway of government funds.
That's debatable.

US HB4646 - 111th Congress | eLobbyist

Received an email about this. If it passes it will be so-long to both financial and personal privacy. Proposed bill by Chaka Fattah (D-PA) and has the blessing of Nancy Pelosi with the idea of quietly passing it after Nov. elections. I could post the email if anyone is interested.

E-mail short: 1% tax on every transaction you can imagine. Every bank deposit (including automatic deposits), withdrawal, transfer from savings to checking and vice versa, every check written, every credit/debit card transaction.

That would put the banks out of business.

That would sort of play hand-in-hand with the government takeover of US financial institutions ... big banks and Wall St. being mortal enemies of the people.

That's debatable.

US HB4646 - 111th Congress | eLobbyist

Received an email about this. If it passes it will be so-long to both financial and personal privacy. Proposed bill by Chaka Fattah (D-PA) and has the blessing of Nancy Pelosi with the idea of quietly passing it after Nov. elections. I could post the email if anyone is interested.

E-mail short: 1% tax on every transaction you can imagine. Every bank deposit (including automatic deposits), withdrawal, transfer from savings to checking and vice versa, every check written, every credit/debit card transaction.

Here is what your link says about it:

the raising of sufficient revenue from a fee on transactions to eliminate the national debt within seven years and the phasing out of the individual income tax.

So, it says they want to eliminate the Income tax, with this new tax????

And Nancy is agreeing with this, you say?

I was incorrect on the Pelosi part ... but have you EVER known of a retraction of any tax once it's been implemented? When one tax gets thin, then the government always finds another way to up the ante.

That's debatable.

US HB4646 - 111th Congress | eLobbyist

Received an email about this. If it passes it will be so-long to both financial and personal privacy. Proposed bill by Chaka Fattah (D-PA) and has the blessing of Nancy Pelosi with the idea of quietly passing it after Nov. elections. I could post the email if anyone is interested.

E-mail short: 1% tax on every transaction you can imagine. Every bank deposit (including automatic deposits), withdrawal, transfer from savings to checking and vice versa, every check written, every credit/debit card transaction.

Here is what your link says about it:

the raising of sufficient revenue from a fee on transactions to eliminate the national debt within seven years and the phasing out of the individual income tax.

So, it says they want to eliminate the Income tax, with this new tax????

And Nancy is agreeing with this, you say?

no, this is bogus info. The transaction tax Pelosi is "down with" applies only to financial transactions between financiers and investors.

You're right about the Pelosi ok is on financiers, etc. My apologies for the error.

snopes.com: Debt Free America Act
see? you couldn't recognize a flush budget when you seen one. like you said, you just want to keep more of your money. the tax-cut conservative approach is just right for you. to hell with sustainability.

I want to stop spending money we don't have...

You spendaholics want to keep adding to the Guinness Book Of Deficit Records...

Fuck that...

clinton makes you laugh, and you want to keep more of your money is what the conservative base to include yourself is in to. this is why policy catering to your political demographic has not given a shit about budget deficits, and just cut taxes. 'starve the beast' was the latest idiom for this selfish, bullshit concept.
Clintoon makes me laugh for many reasons... One of them being how some Clintonistas have built up strong forearms holding up his picture...

Still, I do yearn for the gridlock that comes when one-party-rule fails... Thankfully, we're about to get that in a couple of weeks... Friggin' Sweet, huh?

trying to flex this characteristically right wing method of budget management off on 'you spendaholics' is a failure to recognize that the state of our debt was gained satisfying 'you taxcutaholics' who were satisfied for 30+ years whenever your candidate was the chief and he had tax-cuts on the docket.
My calendar didn't stop January 20, 2009... Obviously yours did...

I've been railing against deficit spending despite the CinC for many, many years...

Obamascare is a joke...
I'd love to see some evidence that the gubmint is a more efficient running "charity"...

You are not going to find any. Because that idea is complete Horse shit. The government is notoriously Inefficient. Probably half of every dollar we send them is stolen, wasted, or other wise spent inefficiently.

As long as you pick solid, well trusted Charities. You will always get more bang for your buck going through them, than a government Bureaucracy. Anyone who thinks other wise is ignoring the Reality that is our government. Or any other for that matter.
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or does the ownership pass to the state somewhere at some income level?

Folks keep on saying that reducing tax rates from 35 to 30 is a "giveaway" on high incomes. Since the person earned it in some fashion, how does that 5% belong to the state so that they could "give it away?"

You write that like you are not part of the United States. There was a time when people loved this country and wanted to support it, not just squeeze every cent out and push towards "Every man for himself".

We are paying the least amount of taxes in 60 years.

You don't seem like much of an American. Maybe you could do better in China?
the government prints the money, it is theirs to make and use how they wish, it says so right in the constitution. Which is why they can print more any day they choose.

You don't have any of your own money and you never will, if you try to print your own you will eventually be shut down like the FreeMen were.

Who Owns the Money - The Fed // Current

That is CURRENCY, dumbass.
Money is earned.


Currency IS money, fooooool! The government issues all of it! They OWN it. It's just that simple. That is what gives them the very right to tax the use of their own money!

If it was YOUR money they would have no right to tax it!
or does the ownership pass to the state somewhere at some income level?

Folks keep on saying that reducing tax rates from 35 to 30 is a "giveaway" on high incomes. Since the person earned it in some fashion, how does that 5% belong to the state so that they could "give it away?"

It is your money but you belong to a society.

You live in a local community where you have to pay to support schools, police, fire, local roads....

You live in a state where you have to pay for universities, hospitals, highways, bridges, social programs..

You live in a country where you pay for the nations defense, social security, welfare...

As a member of the society you get to elect representatives who decide how those taxes get spent. If you don't like it you can elect someone else or move to a different society
In pa perfect world yes, that is correct.
However we are sick to death of watching poiticians throw money away on social prgrams that exist only to maintain a permanent dependency class, throw money away on prork barrel projects, ignore infrastucture and a general irresponsibility.
Their ( liberals especially) is "if we run up debt, we can simply raise taxes because there are just enough people in the country who will thank us for the entitlements.
Taxation today simply feeds government's insatiable desire to spend recklessly.
Anyone who thinks government needs and should get more of OUR money is a greedy son of a bitch.
Government gets enough. They should have to live within a budget just as any business does.
.....And, the REALLY stupid people (actually) believe HUGE tax-cuts stimulate the economy!!



"Duhhhhhhhh....any TIME, NOW!!!"

AND AGAIN.... if more of us are able to keep more of OUR money, we spend MORE of OUR money in the private sector..... which stimulates me more than you will ever know.
I'm pretty-certain I don't care what stimulates you. :eusa_hand:

The Gov't does not create jobs.... successful buisinesses do though.
....Which pretty-much deep-sixes the concept that individuals, gettin' mega-tax-cuts, creates jobs.

Feel free to TRY, again.....


You really dont have a clue do you?

Im sorry, I should'nt try to mentally spar with a mental midget.

If it was'nt for individual citizens creating companies large and small, the gov't would'nt have any way to make revenue. If they would just get out of our way, and let us have our God given freedom to make adult decisions with OUR money (not theirs) we might be able to get this economy rolling again.

Anyways.... some of you on this message board are just a lost cause.

If you want to give the IRS more money, there is a box on your tax form. Check it and send them a check, but stay the Hell out of my life and leave me alone!
or does the ownership pass to the state somewhere at some income level?

Folks keep on saying that reducing tax rates from 35 to 30 is a "giveaway" on high incomes. Since the person earned it in some fashion, how does that 5% belong to the state so that they could "give it away?"

It is your money but you belong to a society.

You live in a local community where you have to pay to support schools, police, fire, local roads....

You live in a state where you have to pay for universities, hospitals, highways, bridges, social programs..

You live in a country where you pay for the nations defense, social security, welfare...

As a member of the society you get to elect representatives who decide how those taxes get spent. If you don't like it you can elect someone else or move to a different society
Please ....you're not going to tell us that paying taxes so that politicians can waste the money on garbage is our civic duty, are you?
Because if you do, prepare to get flamed..
or does the ownership pass to the state somewhere at some income level?

Folks keep on saying that reducing tax rates from 35 to 30 is a "giveaway" on high incomes. Since the person earned it in some fashion, how does that 5% belong to the state so that they could "give it away?"

It's our money not the governments. When the government cuts taxes, it is not a giveaway. It is them letting us keep more of our OWN MONEY. When they raise taxes it is a TAKE AWAY.

It isn't your money. They own it, you just get to use it. They can take it anytime they want just like they can take your auto anytime they want. And for the same reasons.

You signed away ownership of your auto to the state when yo applied for a state title. That is where they get the legal authority to impound your auto for simply parking it in the wrong place.

If it was "your" auto they would have no right to impound it.
That's debatable.

US HB4646 - 111th Congress | eLobbyist

Received an email about this. If it passes it will be so-long to both financial and personal privacy. Proposed bill by Chaka Fattah (D-PA) and has the blessing of Nancy Pelosi with the idea of quietly passing it after Nov. elections. I could post the email if anyone is interested.

E-mail short: 1% tax on every transaction you can imagine. Every bank deposit (including automatic deposits), withdrawal, transfer from savings to checking and vice versa, every check written, every credit/debit card transaction.

That would put the banks out of business.

It would never pass. And if it did, it would be repealed. That is tantamount to a US Sales tax.
BTW I believe there is buried deep within the Obamacare Bill is a 3% real estate transfer tax
the government prints the money, it is theirs to make and use how they wish, it says so right in the constitution. Which is why they can print more any day they choose.

You don't have any of your own money and you never will, if you try to print your own you will eventually be shut down like the FreeMen were.

Who Owns the Money - The Fed // Current

That is CURRENCY, dumbass.
Money is earned.


Currency IS money, fooooool! The government issues all of it! They OWN it. It's just that simple. That is what gives them the very right to tax the use of their own money!

If it was YOUR money they would have no right to tax it!

I will quote my good friend The T...

And under what auspices of the US Constitution allowed for 'Socialist' programs.

Government is tasked with Roads, bridges, public safety (Which includes Police/Fire Rescue and safeguarding liberty).

Not much else.

The Money earned by a person's sweat equity belongs to them...period.

You idiots are bound and determined to let the gov't make all your decisions for you.... You are not true Americans IMO.... you're drones waiting to be told what to do.

I'll tell ya what to do..... go jump in a lake.
The money I earn is an exchange. The government owns the tender, but I can use it to pay public or private debts. I own the labor the money represents. I can take anything in exchagne for my labor, but others do not have to recognize it as payment.
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It isn't your money. They own it, you just get to use it. They can take it anytime they want just like they can take your auto anytime they want. And for the same reasons.

You signed away ownership of your auto to the state when yo applied for a state title. That is where they get the legal authority to impound your auto for simply parking it in the wrong place.

If it was "your" auto they would have no right to impound it.

Your so full of shit it is'nt funny..... The gov't does'nt OWN my cars.... I DO!

The cant just come and take it!!!!

Gawd.... where did you go to school? Or did you even bother?

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