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Does the money you earn belong to you or the state?

The money I earn is an exchange. The government owns the tender, but I can use it to pay public or private debts. I own the labor the money represents. I can take anything in exchagne for my labor, but others do not have to recognize it as payment.

Finally some intellegence walks in the room!
A portion belongs to the state. That's the cost of living in a society. Unless you move to Antarctica, the state/country you live in is going to tax you. And rightfully so.
You're a fool.

If the state can tell you how much you get to keep and how much is extorted from you, then the presumption is that it's ALL the property of the state.

Ownership = Control.

You're such a fucking idiot. How did you get to work today (that is, if you are employable)? Did you drive on a road? Did it magically appear while you were wanking off to Michele Bachmann?

No. It was created through taxation. As is the water coming out your toilet to flush away your shame, and the electricity you use to blow up your plastic sex partner.

Living in a society is not free. When are you fucking moron wingnuts going to grasp this simple fact?

He schooled you and you don't even know it.

Sucks to be you.
It is your money but you belong to a society.

You live in a local community where you have to pay to support schools, police, fire, local roads....

You live in a state where you have to pay for universities, hospitals, highways, bridges, social programs..

You live in a country where you pay for the nations defense, social security, welfare...

As a member of the society you get to elect representatives who decide how those taxes get spent. If you don't like it you can elect someone else or move to a different society

Within the boundaries of the constitution... which lays out in enumerated powers what government can do.. whether a majority of people or representatives want to do it or not

And we simply were not set up in the constitution to have government with ever expanding power nor government taking care of personal responsibilities of citizens or the businesses/endeavors they run

16th Amendment

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration
Yeah and?...At any rate or percentage no matter how unreasonable?
Question ...why is it you favor high taxes?
I've been railing against deficit spending despite the CinC for many, many years...

Obamascare is a joke...

Then you must consider Bush, Bush and Reagan jokes too.
Why, those people never introduced or insisted we needed socialized medicine. Nor did they take over two car companies an insurance company, threaten to place government controls on wages and a whole host of other marxist-statist shit.
I will quote my good friend The T...

And under what auspices of the US Constitution allowed for 'Socialist' programs.

Government is tasked with Roads, bridges, public safety (Which includes Police/Fire Rescue and safeguarding liberty).

Not much else.

The Money earned by a person's sweat equity belongs to them...period.

You idiots are bound and determined to let the gov't make all your decisions for you.... You are not true Americans IMO.... you're drones waiting to be told what to do.

I'll tell ya what to do..... go jump in a lake.

Sorry Charlie, But I am no librul, no Obamabot and no democrap.

But the fact of the matter is that you own no money and you never will.

This is an extremely important central concept in understanding the way our legal system really works and you are absolutely resistant to groking it because you live in a partisan maze.

Gold is the currency of Kings. Silver is the currency of gentlemen. Barter is the currency of peasants. Debt backed paper is the currency of slaves.

Your sacred debt backed paper money is the currency of slaves and you fight an impossibly uphill battle claiming to own it. Nothing could be more ironic or humiliating.

"How eager they are to be slaves"~ Tiberius/ Roman Emporer
It isn't your money. They own it, you just get to use it. They can take it anytime they want just like they can take your auto anytime they want. And for the same reasons.

You signed away ownership of your auto to the state when yo applied for a state title. That is where they get the legal authority to impound your auto for simply parking it in the wrong place.

If it was "your" auto they would have no right to impound it.

Your so full of shit it is'nt funny..... The gov't does'nt OWN my cars.... I DO!

The cant just come and take it!!!!

Gawd.... where did you go to school? Or did you even bother?

You don't have a friggin CLUE!

Read your automobile title, right now.
The very top line lists the state in which you register it as the legal owner of the title. They assign a proxy ownership to you. But they own your auto and they can tell you where you can and can't park it, charge you for it's use, impound it at will all because you signed over legal ownership when you applied for a title with the state.

NONE of that would be within the state's legal rights if you still owned your auto.

You just have no idea whatsoever how the world really works!
I will quote my good friend The T...

And under what auspices of the US Constitution allowed for 'Socialist' programs.

Government is tasked with Roads, bridges, public safety (Which includes Police/Fire Rescue and safeguarding liberty).

Not much else.

The Money earned by a person's sweat equity belongs to them...period.

You idiots are bound and determined to let the gov't make all your decisions for you.... You are not true Americans IMO.... you're drones waiting to be told what to do.

I'll tell ya what to do..... go jump in a lake.

Sorry Charlie, But I am no librul, no Obamabot and no democrap.

But the fact of the matter is that you own no money and you never will.

This is an extremely important central concept in understanding the way our legal system really works and you are absolutely resistant to groking it because you live in a partisan maze.

Gold is the currency of Kings. Silver is the currency of gentlemen. Barter is the currency of peasants. Debt backed paper is the currency of slaves.

Your sacred debt backed paper money is the currency of slaves and you fight an impossibly uphill battle claiming to own it. Nothing could be more ironic or humiliating.

"How eager they are to be slaves"~ Tiberius/ Roman Emporer
I think you are just trying to be controversial. I think this because you are part of the same system you criticise.
You sit there thinking you have some sort of moral superiority and act as if you are outside the system. You're not unless you've eschewed cash and live 100% on the barter system.
You sit back and criticize everything and stand for nothing.
NTW if it isn't my money then why don't you take your best effort to come into my home and take what you say does not belong to me.
I'll let you know ahead of time, you had better get your affairs in order before you make the trip. Because you won't be going back.
Oh and hey genius.....The governemnt cannot simply take away anything without due process. That is, since you like quoting the US Constitution...( in your case out of context)..
Lastly, The US Constitution is not a bludgeon that can be used by government. The US Constitution was written for the specific purpose of limiting the power of government.
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I've been railing against deficit spending despite the CinC for many, many years...

Obamascare is a joke...

Then you must consider Bush, Bush and Reagan jokes too.
Why, those people never introduced or insisted we needed socialized medicine. Nor did they take over two car companies an insurance company, threaten to place government controls on wages and a whole host of other marxist-statist shit.

No but they ran the deficits up to records. Meanwhile Clinton actually reduced the deficits.

If you are opposed to deficits then Obama, Bush, Reagan and Bush all suck. While Clinton alone is your kinda guy!
I think you are just trying to be controversial. I think this because you are part of the same system you criticise.
You sit there thinking you have some sort of moral superiority and act as if you are outside the system. You're not unless you've eschewed cash and live 100% on the barter system.
You sit back and criticize everything and stand for nothing.

Sorry, chump, but I am amazed at how impossibly ill informed people are about the basic civics of their own nation.

The feds own my money too. Duh!

But if you get off your partisan horse you might learn some profound lessons about how the world really works.
I think you are just trying to be controversial. I think this because you are part of the same system you criticise.
You sit there thinking you have some sort of moral superiority and act as if you are outside the system. You're not unless you've eschewed cash and live 100% on the barter system.
You sit back and criticize everything and stand for nothing.
NTW if it isn't my money then why don't you take your best effort to come into my home and take what you say does not belong to me.
I'll let you know ahead of time, you had better get your affairs in order before you make the trip. Because you won't be going back.
Oh and hey genius.....The governemnt cannot simply take away anything without due process. That is, since you like quoting the US Constitution...( in your case out of context)..
Lastly, The US Constitution is not a bludgeon that can be used by government. The US Constitution was written for the specific purpose of limiting the power of government.


I could'nt have said it better!
The governemnt cannot simply take away anything without due process.

Of course not, so they are fully equipped to take away your money with taxation process, take away your real estate with eminent domain process and take away your gold with a simple recall like they did in 1933.

Gold confiscation in 1933; avoiding gold confiscation today

They always have a due process to take anything they want, esp when you help them by signing away your rights.
You're a fool.

If the state can tell you how much you get to keep and how much is extorted from you, then the presumption is that it's ALL the property of the state.

Ownership = Control.

You're such a fucking idiot. How did you get to work today (that is, if you are employable)? Did you drive on a road? Did it magically appear while you were wanking off to Michele Bachmann?

No. It was created through taxation. As is the water coming out your toilet to flush away your shame, and the electricity you use to blow up your plastic sex partner.

Living in a society is not free. When are you fucking moron wingnuts going to grasp this simple fact?

He schooled you and you don't even know it.

Sucks to be you.

In what way?
The governemnt cannot simply take away anything without due process.

Of course not, so they are fully equipped to take away your money with taxation process, take away your real estate with eminent domain process and take away your gold with a simple recall like they did in 1933.

Gold confiscation in 1933; avoiding gold confiscation today

They always have a due process to take anything they want, esp when you help them by signing away your rights.

Then maybe we should wise up and take away their power :)
I think you are just trying to be controversial. I think this because you are part of the same system you criticise.
You sit there thinking you have some sort of moral superiority and act as if you are outside the system. You're not unless you've eschewed cash and live 100% on the barter system.
You sit back and criticize everything and stand for nothing.

Sorry, chump, but I am amazed at how impossibly ill informed people are about the basic civics of their own nation.

The feds own my money too. Duh!

But if you get off your partisan horse you might learn some profound lessons about how the world really works.

Chump?...are you sure you want to start a war of insults?...Should you think of going in that direction, I will warn you I am cruel crude and nothing is out of bounds.
There are no rules in a street fight. And you are about to start one.
Keep it civil.....You've been warned.. 'Nuff said.

Back to subject matter. You are acting like a know-it-all. In fact you are psoting as though you have access to an inner sanctum. I think you are embelishing. I also think you are taking facts and using your own interpretations.
You have posted things such as what appears on the top of a car title. I just looked at one of mine and it says no such thing about the state owning my vehicle. If what you claim is true then any official representing the state could in theory( yours) come to my home and without warning confiscate my vehicle at any time.
Or are you now going to back off and make statements that indicate I am now taking YOU out of context?
Which is it?
The money I earn belongs to me... the state just thinks its theirs.

It is criminal what is going on with our taxes!

If I knew they were actually doing good things with my taxes, I wouldnt mind it so much. They are just taking it from me and giving it to folks who didnt earn it, and in some cases are just plain too lazy to go to school and get a good education so they can earn their own.

I am sick of it!

I planned my life from the time I was old enough to think about those sort of things, and to see my hard earned money go to studying how monkeys react to large amounts of cocaine.... I get a little pissed.

I think it is okay to be beyond a 'little pissed', because it has gotten to this:

Does the money you earn belong to you or the state? or does the ownership pass to the state somewhere at some income level?

It currently passes to the state at some level and some percentage and some type of income and some type of deductions and exemptions.

Folks keep on saying that reducing tax rates from 35 to 30 is a "giveaway" on high incomes. Since the person earned it in some fashion, how does that 5% belong to the state so that they could "give it away?"

The gov. has services rendered that must be paid, and some owe far more for services rendered, while some have no services rendered, and some receive a few services rendered, but they all pay taxes.
I think you are just trying to be controversial. I think this because you are part of the same system you criticise.
You sit there thinking you have some sort of moral superiority and act as if you are outside the system. You're not unless you've eschewed cash and live 100% on the barter system.
You sit back and criticize everything and stand for nothing.

Sorry, chump, but I am amazed at how impossibly ill informed people are about the basic civics of their own nation.

The feds own my money too. Duh!

But if you get off your partisan horse you might learn some profound lessons about how the world really works.

Chump?...are you sure you want to start a war of insults?...Should you think of going in that direction, I will warn you I am cruel crude and nothing is out of bounds.
There are no rules in a street fight. And you are about to start one.
Keep it civil.....You've been warned.. 'Nuff said.

Back to subject matter. You are acting like a know-it-all. In fact you are psoting as though you have access to an inner sanctum. I think you are embelishing. I also think you are taking facts and using your own interpretations.
You have posted things such as what appears on the top of a car title. I just looked at one of mine and it says no such thing about the state owning my vehicle. If what you claim is true then any official representing the state could in theory( yours) come to my home and without warning confiscate my vehicle at any time.
Or are you now going to back off and make statements that indicate I am now taking YOU out of context?
Which is it?

you are tarded.

You're such a fucking idiot. How did you get to work today (that is, if you are employable)? Did you drive on a road? Did it magically appear while you were wanking off to Michele Bachmann?

No. It was created through taxation. As is the water coming out your toilet to flush away your shame, and the electricity you use to blow up your plastic sex partner.

Living in a society is not free. When are you fucking moron wingnuts going to grasp this simple fact?

He schooled you and you don't even know it.

Sucks to be you.

In what way?

He was absolutely right while you were absolutely wrong.

"Schooled"; look it up.

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