Does the national anthem offend some Democrats these days?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

If you cocksuckers turn it into something despicable the way you did with the Gadsden flag, probably people will learn to hate it.
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

Anthems and flags are rather.... simple. They're there to get emotional people all emotional, rather than getting them to use their brains.
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

Anthems and flags are rather.... simple. They're there to get emotional people all emotional, rather than getting them to use their brains.

All because you say so huh?
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

If you cocksuckers turn it into something despicable the way you did with the Gadsden flag, probably people will learn to hate it. was the Gadsen flag turned into something despicable...I gotta hear this..don’t be embarrassed...please reply with that retarded answer you have. Thanks in advance
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

Yes, yes it does.....hell EVERYTHING that is American, the fascists hate.
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

Anthems and flags are rather.... simple. They're there to get emotional people all emotional, rather than getting them to use their brains.

All because you say so huh?

No, because that's how it works.

You know what manipulation is? Well, flags are part of that manipulation. Get people flag waving. Do what China does and ban anything negative towards the flag. Stop people thinking negative thoughts about it.

You can get people to do fucking anything. Like die in far off countries for NOTHING. Like Vietnam.
I stand for it in respect. I will not put my hand over my heart however. You tell me to do that you have a nasty fight on your hands.
Neither the anthem nor the flag are offensive per se.

What IS offensive is using either or both to manipulate anyone for a political purpose, such as using them to create a situation in which a political rival must refuse them, recognizing that it is a political rouse, so this refusal can be videotaped for use in attack ads, or singing the anthem or displaying the flag while committing a crime.
Yes, folks like Kapernick & such tell us it's offensive and stuff, so they bend over for it due they're tarded.

Here's one for Kap supporters, you know who you are. White Lives Matter bitches, time to protest stuff, rip shit down like we're less intelligent than apes as well,
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

Anthems and flags are rather.... simple. They're there to get emotional people all emotional, rather than getting them to use their brains.

What brains would you be speaking of since Dims don't have them.
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

Stupid thing to claim.
Way too many Democrats get triggered by way too many things these days. I think they all need counseling, maybe even a padded room.
There's a north Korean defector in the news today who came to the US to attend an ivy league university. She says the America hate by staff and students is so off the charts even north Korea isn't that crazy. :oops:
I've noticed a bit of growing hostility towards the symbolism of the flag....Evidenced here:
Could the same be true of the anthem?
If so, there couldn't have been too many Dems at this game.

If you cocksuckers turn it into something despicable the way you did with the Gadsden flag, probably people will learn to hate it.

When you use the Gadsden flag against fellow Americans then yeah, people get put off by it.

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