Does this board really need a 100 different forums?

I used to be a member of a star trek forum/message board, but it shut down probably a decade ago.

I'm still registered on one. But hardly anyone gets on there anymore. I log on once in a blue moon to see if it's picked up traffic, but the last time I checked this summer, I think it had 3 active members.
It's 100% necessary. You can't have something like the Garage touching Religion in the same manner that you can't have peas touching............well, anything really. They shouldn't even be on a plate.
To be honest folks. I basically answer the latest posts on the right to get the ball rollin. It is a pain in the ass to scroll down 50 boards to see what is going on unless I have a specific reason or start a thread

But that is me. I'm a lazy fuck around here. Yer damned lucky if I read your posts. Not out of conceit, but out of all the bullshit and nonsense you have to sift through
There's still some forums missing.
Maybe needs 110 forums?

No. I've scientifically determined the ideal number to be 266.

13 for the Harvest Moon.
16 for the Vernal Equinox.
22 for election season.
9 for May Day.
and 126 more just to keep track of the many idiosyncratic moods and passions of Joe The Cowboy President.

(And if anyone adds these numbers up out of total anal retentiveness to see that they don't make 266, all I can say in my defense is this is the new CRT math. :smoke:)
To be honest folks. I basically answer the latest posts on the right to get the ball rollin. It is a pain in the ass to scroll down 50 boards to see what is going on unless I have a specific reason or start a thread

But that is me. I'm a lazy fuck around here. Yer damned lucky if I read your posts. Not out of conceit, but out of all the bullshit and nonsense you have to sift through
I used to be a member of a star trek forum/message board, but it shut down probably a decade ago.

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