Does this make ANY sense?

You trust a criminal government to determine who is impaired. LMFAO!!!

Why do you want an Orwellian society? Are you stupid?
You trust a criminal government to determine who is impaired. LMFAO!!!

Why do you want an Orwellian society? Are you stupid?
Gipper, the government you hate so much specified citing people on SSI who haven't the mental capacity to cash their own checks or handle their own money. If they have to be so protected, I'd hardly call that Orwellian. And somehow I don't think you would either, you just like to argue. But since you mention it, you wanna talk criminal gov'rnints? Boy, have I got one for you.....
You trust a criminal government to determine who is impaired. LMFAO!!!

Why do you want an Orwellian society? Are you stupid?
Gipper, the government you hate so much specified citing people on SSI who haven't the mental capacity to cash their own checks or handle their own money. If they have to be so protected, I'd hardly call that Orwellian. And somehow I don't think you would either, you just like to argue. But since you mention it, you wanna talk criminal gov'rnints? Boy, have I got one for you.....
When will you come to understand that if you let government in the door, they fuck up everything. How much evidence do you need to understand this reality?
You trust a criminal government to determine who is impaired. LMFAO!!!

Why do you want an Orwellian society? Are you stupid?
Gipper, the government you hate so much specified citing people on SSI who haven't the mental capacity to cash their own checks or handle their own money. If they have to be so protected, I'd hardly call that Orwellian. And somehow I don't think you would either, you just like to argue. But since you mention it, you wanna talk criminal gov'rnints? Boy, have I got one for you.....
When will you come to understand that if you let government in the door, they fuck up everything. How much evidence do you need to understand this reality?
And yet you support Trump. Evidence? How much do you need? Discrediting and threatening our judicial over judgements he doesn't like? Literally sniveling over journalist reports..REPORTS..either for reporting HIS OWN comments or not reporting massacres like Bowling Green, KY? Getting in pissing contests over crowd sizes while the world looks to him for leadership? You know if he gets his way plenty of the freedoms you enjoy are going the way of the dodo. He elevated the king of fake news, kicking aside NSC and Intel officials to subordinate positions. And look at how many prefer the fake over the realities. Pizzagate indeed! Russia? Where's that at?

I often wondered how a great land of beautiful forests and rivers, and great seats of learning with world class universities and gemutlecheit (sp?) could turn into a land we all learned to hate. I'm beginning to understand. A man stood up and gave them a sense of 'special-ness', over time squelched all opposition, including judicial, and gave them a scapegoat for their troubled situation. And this grew on them as he grew in power. I can't help thinking about that as I watch nearly every institution in our land be accused of, judicial, 5th estate, opposing party and candidates. Where's Robbie the Robot when we need him?
You trust a criminal government to determine who is impaired. LMFAO!!!

Why do you want an Orwellian society? Are you stupid?
Gipper, the government you hate so much specified citing people on SSI who haven't the mental capacity to cash their own checks or handle their own money. If they have to be so protected, I'd hardly call that Orwellian. And somehow I don't think you would either, you just like to argue. But since you mention it, you wanna talk criminal gov'rnints? Boy, have I got one for you.....
When will you come to understand that if you let government in the door, they fuck up everything. How much evidence do you need to understand this reality?
And yet you support Trump. Evidence? How much do you need? Discrediting and threatening our judicial over judgements he doesn't like? Literally sniveling over journalist reports..REPORTS..either for reporting HIS OWN comments or not reporting massacres like Bowling Green, KY? Getting in pissing contests over crowd sizes while the world looks to him for leadership? You know if he gets his way plenty of the freedoms you enjoy are going the way of the dodo. He elevated the king of fake news, kicking aside NSC and Intel officials to subordinate positions. And look at how many prefer the fake over the realities. Pizzagate indeed! Russia? Where's that at?

I often wondered how a great land of beautiful forests and rivers, and great seats of learning with world class universities and gemutlecheit (sp?) could turn into a land we all learned to hate. I'm beginning to understand. A man stood up and gave them a sense of 'special-ness', over time squelched all opposition, including judicial, and gave them a scapegoat for their troubled situation. And this grew on them as he grew in power. I can't help thinking about that as I watch nearly every institution in our land be accused of, judicial, 5th estate, opposing party and candidates. Where's Robbie the Robot when we need him?
WTF was that? Gibberish?

I voted Trump because the other choice was horrible.
This is NRA driven not necessarily GOP driven.

But the GOP will bow to the NRA every time.

But that's still better than what BHO was doing or what Hillary would have done regarding guns.

So it is still the lesser of two weevils.

Who really cares if mentally retarded or senile wacko's off-themselves with guns ??

Who cares ??
This is NRA driven not necessarily GOP driven.

But the GOP will bow to the NRA every time.

But that's still better than what BHO was doing or what Hillary would have done regarding guns.

So it is still the lesser of two weevils.

Who really cares if mentally retarded or senile wacko's off-themselves with guns ??

Who cares ??

If one of those wackos decides to take a trip to the nearest school or house of worship or club and decides to take 20-30 people down with them, I think we'll care then.

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