Does this mean house democrats are still racists...?

By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.

Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.
Not till your kind labeled anyone racist for disagreeing with Obama. You started that bullshit, now you don't like it used against you.

Clarence Thomas predates Obama by a very long time. Conservatives were calling liberals racist back then for opposing Thomas. Thomas even did himself.
By your 'reasoning', Republicans will be racist when they don't nominate Ben Carson for president -

which they won't.

Why is the GOP racist?
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.

Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.
Not till your kind labeled anyone racist for disagreeing with Obama. You started that bullshit, now you don't like it used against you.

I didn't start anything.
Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.

I'll make that argument.

And the argument is based upon the context; wherein the 'calling of racism' is a JOKE... which stems from the Left's chronic brays that Republicans hate The Brown Clown, because he's BROWN. Choosing to ignore THE CLOWN PART...

(Gilligan, that means that the phrase: The Brown Clown is not designed to denigrate brown people, but instead the clownish brown person, at issue. THINK! It will eventually come to you.)
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.

Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.
Not till your kind labeled anyone racist for disagreeing with Obama. You started that bullshit, now you don't like it used against you.

Clarence Thomas predates Obama by a very long time. Conservatives were calling liberals racist back then for opposing Thomas. Thomas even did himself.
Liberals called Thomas names like uncle tom and ridiculed him for no other reason because he wasn't liberal. Same with Condi Rice.
Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.

I'll make that argument.

And the argument is based upon the context; wherein the 'calling of racism' is a JOKE... which stems from the Left's chronic brays that Republicans hate The Brown Clown, because he's BROWN. Choosing to ignore THE CLOWN PART...

(Gilligan, that means that the phrase: The Brown Clown is not designed to denigrate brown people, but instead the clownish brown person, at issue. THINK! It will eventually come to you.)

I have no idea what that word salad means. I can post this as the first example:

Seven ridiculous beliefs of Ben Carson US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

FIRST response to criticism of Ben Carson is by the RWnut Rabbi playing the racecard. Accusing liberals of being racist for criticizing Ben Carson.
So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.

Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.
Not till your kind labeled anyone racist for disagreeing with Obama. You started that bullshit, now you don't like it used against you.

Clarence Thomas predates Obama by a very long time. Conservatives were calling liberals racist back then for opposing Thomas. Thomas even did himself.
Liberals called Thomas names like uncle tom and ridiculed him for no other reason because he wasn't liberal. Same with Condi Rice.

Really? Which Senators in the Thomas hearings called him and Uncle Tom?
I have no idea what that word salad means. ...


But the main thing to remember is how important it is that you continue to participate in things you've no means to understand.

It's not always about you, Gilligan.

Usually, it's about your ignorance and your inability to hide it.
People here have suddenly realized you can oppose the Presidents policies and not be racist a miracle before our very eyes.

Then why do 99% of the RW'ers on this board think it's racist to disagree with Ben Carson?
For the same reason 99% of the LW'ers on this board think it's racist to disagree with President Obama I suspect you already know the answer.
As of right now, Carson has my vote.

So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.

Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.
Not till your kind labeled anyone racist for disagreeing with Obama. You started that bullshit, now you don't like it used against you.

Clarence Thomas predates Obama by a very long time. Conservatives were calling liberals racist back then for opposing Thomas. Thomas even did himself.

That's because liberals were espousing Racism... in their contest of Clarence Thomas. At least as liberals DEFINE Racism.
Libs have played the racist card out. It means nothing.

That's what happens with Relativism. Whatever it adopts is rendered meaningless. This being due to relativism rejecting the objective meaning of anything. The only thing anything means to the Left, is what the Left needs it to mean.
So I guess that means that only the 90% of Republicans who support someone else are racist.
Not really, only in looney liberal land you can be racist for disagreeing with a black person. I mean I was never considered racist till 2009. Imagine that.

Do you want to argue that no liberals ever get called racist for disagreeing with Ben Carson, or Herman Cain, or any of the other blacks on the right?

Go ahead, make that claim.
Not till your kind labeled anyone racist for disagreeing with Obama. You started that bullshit, now you don't like it used against you.

Clarence Thomas predates Obama by a very long time. Conservatives were calling liberals racist back then for opposing Thomas. Thomas even did himself.

That's because liberals were espousing Racism... in their contest of Clarence Thomas. At least as liberals DEFINE Racism.

And liberals were not opposing him because he's ultra-conservative?

lol, then what racism was at work when liberals opposed Robert Bork for the court?

eh, genius?
Liberals called Thomas names like uncle tom and ridiculed him for no other reason because he wasn't liberal. Same with Condi Rice.

Really? Which Senators in the Thomas hearings called him and Uncle Tom?
Senators? I thought he said liberals, like you.

Clarence Thomas said THIS during the hearings:

"And from my standpoint, as a black American, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you. You will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate rather than hung from a tree."

There's your black victimology race card played to the hilt by a CONSERVATIVE BLACK MAN.
And liberals were not opposing him because he's ultra-conservative?

lol, then what racism was at work when liberals opposed Robert Bork for the court?

eh, genius?
Take the same rationale and apply it to Republicans v Obama.

But NOOO! That's racism!

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