Does This Mean That The Jews Are The Antichrists?

Topic Old Testament New Testament
Messiah to be the seed of the Woman Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4
Messiah to be the seed of Abraham Genesis 12:3; 18:18 Luke 3:23,34
Matthew 1:1-2
Acts 3:25
Galatians 3:16
Messiah to be of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:33
Matthew 1:1-2
Messiah to be of the seed of Jacob Numbers 24:17, 19 Matthew 1:1-2
Luke 3:34
Messiah to be of the seed of David Psalm 132:11
Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15
Isaiah 11:10
Matthew 1:6
Luke 1:32-33
Acts 2:29-30
Romans 1:3
Messiah to be a prophet like Moses Deut. 18:15, 19 Matthew 21:11
John 6:14
John 1:45
Acts 3:22-23
Messiah to be the Son of God Psalm 2:7
Proverbs 30:4
Luke 1:32
Matthew 3:17
Messiah to be raised from the dead Psalm 16:10 Acts 13:35-37
Messiah to experience crucifixion Psalm 22:1-31
Psalm 69:21
Matthew 27:34-50
John 19:28-30
Messiah to be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18, 21
Messiah to ascend to heaven Psalm 68:18 Luke 24:51
Acts 1:9
Homage and tribute paid to Messiah by great kings Psalm 72:10-11 Matthew 2:1-11
Messiah to be a priest like Melchizedek Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 5:5-6
Messiah to be at the right hand of God Psalm 110:1 Matthew 26:64
Hebrews 1:3
Messiah, the stone which the builders rejected, to become the head cornerstone Psalm 118:22-23
Isaiah 8:14-15
Isaiah 28:16
Matthew 21:42-43
Acts 4:11
Romans 9:32-33
Ephesians 2:20
1 Peter 2:6-8
Messiah to be born of a virgin Isaiah Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-35
Galilee to be the first area of Messiah's ministry Isaiah 9:1-8 Matthew 4:12-16
Messiah will be meek and mild Isaiah 42:2-3
Isaiah 53:7
Matthew 12:18-20
Matthew 26:62-63
Messiah will minister to the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1
Isaiah 49:1-8
Matthew 12:21
Messiah will be smitten Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67
Matthew 27:26, 30
Messiah to suffer, die and rise again Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The four gospels
The new and everlasting Covenant Isaiah 55:3-4
Jeremiah 31:31-33
Matthew 26:28
Mark 14:24
Luke 22:20
Hebrews 8:6-13
Messiah as the right arm of God Isaiah 59:16
Isaiah 53:1
John 12:38
Messiah as intercessor Isaiah 59:16 Hebrews 9:15
Twofold mission of the Messiah Isaiah 61:1-11 Luke 4:16-21
Messiah will perform miracles Isaiah 35:5-6 John 11:47
Matthew 11:3-6
Messiah is called "The Lord" Jeremiah 23:5-6 Acts 2:36
The time of Messiah's coming prophesied Daniel 9:24-26 Galatians 4:4
Ephesians 1:10
Bethlehem to be the place of Messiah's birth Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1
Luke 2:4-6
Messiah will enter the Temple with authority Malachi 3:1 Matthew 21:12
Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-10
Messiah will be pierced Zechariah 12:10
Psalm 22:16
John 19:34, 37
Messiah to be forsaken by his disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 26:31, 56
The coming of the Holy Spirit in the days of the Messiah Joel 2:28-29 Acts 2:16-18
Opposition of the nations; Messiah's final victory over death Psalm 2:2
Isaiah 25:8
Revelation 19:19
1 Corinthians 15:54
Revelation 7:17; 21:4
The glorious Messiah; Messiah as King Isaiah 63:1
Psalm 2:6-9
Revelation 19:11-16
Revelation 19:15-16
Submission of all nations to Messiah's rule Isaiah 2:4
Micah 4:1-4
Revelation 12:5
The Gentiles shall seek the Messiah of Israel Isaiah 11:10 Romans 11:25

Stupid sub human goyim

Jesus Did Not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? One of the central themes of biblical prophecy is the promise of a future age of perfection characterized by universal peace and recognition of God. (Isaiah 2:1-4, 32:15-18, 60:15-18; Zephaniah 3:9; Hosea 2:20-22; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-4; Zechariah 8:23, 14:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34)

Specifically, the Bible says he will:

  1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
  2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
  3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
  4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).
If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the Messiah.

Because no one has ever fulfilled the Bible's description of this future King, Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth, Bar Cochba and Shabbtai Tzvi have been rejected.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming. Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright; in the Bible no concept of a second coming exists.


2) Jesus Did Not Embody the Personal Qualifications of Messiah

A. Messiah as Prophet

The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses. (Targum - Isaiah 11:2; Maimonides - Yad Teshuva 9:2)

Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry, a situation which has not existed since 300 BCE. During the time of Ezra, when the majority of Jews remained in Babylon, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets ― Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended, and thus could not be a prophet.

B. Descendent of David

Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)

The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father ― and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

C. Torah Observance

The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus contradicts the Torah and states that its commandments are no longer applicable. For example, John 9:14 records that Jesus made a paste in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), "He does not observe Shabbat!"


3) Mistranslated Verses "Referring" to Jesus

Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text ― which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation.

A. Virgin Birth

The Christian idea of a virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an "alma" as giving birth. The word "alma" has always meant a young woman, but Christian theologians came centuries later and translated it as "virgin." This accords Jesus' birth with the first century pagan idea of mortals being impregnated by gods.

B. Suffering Servant

Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the "suffering servant."

In actuality, Isaiah 53 directly follows the theme of chapter 52, describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people. The prophecies are written in the singular form because the Jews ("Israel") are regarded as one unit. Throughout Jewish scripture, Israel is repeatedly called, in the singular, the "Servant of God" (see Isaiah 43:8). In fact, Isaiah states no less than 11 times in the chapters prior to 53 that the Servant of God is Israel.

When read correctly, Isaiah 53 clearly [and ironically] refers to the Jewish people being "bruised, crushed and as sheep brought to slaughter" at the hands of the nations of the world. These descriptions are used throughout Jewish scripture to graphically describe the suffering of the Jewish people (see Psalm 44).

Isaiah 53 concludes that when the Jewish people are redeemed, the nations will recognize and accept responsibility for the inordinate suffering and death of the Jews.


4) Jewish Belief is Based Solely on National Revelation

Throughout history, thousands of religions have been started by individuals, attempting to convince people that he or she is God's true prophet. But personal revelation is an extremely weak basis for a religion because one can never know if it is indeed true. Since others did not hear God speak to this person, they have to take his word for it. Even if the individual claiming personal revelation performs miracles, they do not prove he is a genuine prophet. All the miracles show ― assuming they are genuine ― is that he has certain powers. It has nothing to do with his claim of prophecy.

Judaism, unique among all of the world's major religions, does not rely on "claims of miracles" as the basis for its religion. In fact, the Bible says that God sometimes grants the power of "miracles" to charlatans, in order to test Jewish loyalty to the Torah (Deut. 13:4).

Of the thousands of religions in human history, only Judaism bases its belief on national revelation ― i.e. God speaking to the entire nation. If God is going to start a religion, it makes sense He'll tell everyone, not just one person.

Maimonides states (Foundations of Torah, ch. 8):

The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the miracles he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on seeing miracles, he has lingering doubts, because it is possible the miracles were performed through magic or sorcery. All of the miracles performed by Moses in the desert were because they were necessary, and not as proof of his prophecy.
What then was the basis of [Jewish] belief? The Revelation at Mount Sinai, which we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, not dependent on the testimony of others... as it says, "Face to face, God spoke with you..." The Torah also states: "God did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us ― who are all here alive today." (Deut. 5:3)

Judaism is not miracles. It is the personal eyewitness experience of every man, woman and child, standing at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago.

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

I just love howthe sub human goyim try to teach US jews our torah

Jesus Did Not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? One of the central themes of biblical prophecy is the promise of a future age of perfection characterized by universal peace and recognition of God. (Isaiah 2:1-4, 32:15-18, 60:15-18; Zephaniah 3:9; Hosea 2:20-22; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-4; Zechariah 8:23, 14:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34)

Specifically, the Bible says he will:

  1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
  2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
  3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
  4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).
If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the Messiah.

Because no one has ever fulfilled the Bible's description of this future King, Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth, Bar Cochba and Shabbtai Tzvi have been rejected.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming. Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright; in the Bible no concept of a second coming exists.


2) Jesus Did Not Embody the Personal Qualifications of Messiah

A. Messiah as Prophet

The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses. (Targum - Isaiah 11:2; Maimonides - Yad Teshuva 9:2)

Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry, a situation which has not existed since 300 BCE. During the time of Ezra, when the majority of Jews remained in Babylon, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets ― Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended, and thus could not be a prophet.

B. Descendent of David

Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)

The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father ― and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

C. Torah Observance

The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus contradicts the Torah and states that its commandments are no longer applicable. For example, John 9:14 records that Jesus made a paste in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), "He does not observe Shabbat!"


3) Mistranslated Verses "Referring" to Jesus

Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text ― which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation.

A. Virgin Birth

The Christian idea of a virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an "alma" as giving birth. The word "alma" has always meant a young woman, but Christian theologians came centuries later and translated it as "virgin." This accords Jesus' birth with the first century pagan idea of mortals being impregnated by gods.

B. Suffering Servant

Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the "suffering servant."

In actuality, Isaiah 53 directly follows the theme of chapter 52, describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people. The prophecies are written in the singular form because the Jews ("Israel") are regarded as one unit. Throughout Jewish scripture, Israel is repeatedly called, in the singular, the "Servant of God" (see Isaiah 43:8). In fact, Isaiah states no less than 11 times in the chapters prior to 53 that the Servant of God is Israel.

When read correctly, Isaiah 53 clearly [and ironically] refers to the Jewish people being "bruised, crushed and as sheep brought to slaughter" at the hands of the nations of the world. These descriptions are used throughout Jewish scripture to graphically describe the suffering of the Jewish people (see Psalm 44).

Isaiah 53 concludes that when the Jewish people are redeemed, the nations will recognize and accept responsibility for the inordinate suffering and death of the Jews.


4) Jewish Belief is Based Solely on National Revelation

Throughout history, thousands of religions have been started by individuals, attempting to convince people that he or she is God's true prophet. But personal revelation is an extremely weak basis for a religion because one can never know if it is indeed true. Since others did not hear God speak to this person, they have to take his word for it. Even if the individual claiming personal revelation performs miracles, they do not prove he is a genuine prophet. All the miracles show ― assuming they are genuine ― is that he has certain powers. It has nothing to do with his claim of prophecy.

Judaism, unique among all of the world's major religions, does not rely on "claims of miracles" as the basis for its religion. In fact, the Bible says that God sometimes grants the power of "miracles" to charlatans, in order to test Jewish loyalty to the Torah (Deut. 13:4).

Of the thousands of religions in human history, only Judaism bases its belief on national revelation ― i.e. God speaking to the entire nation. If God is going to start a religion, it makes sense He'll tell everyone, not just one person.

Maimonides states (Foundations of Torah, ch. 8):

The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the miracles he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on seeing miracles, he has lingering doubts, because it is possible the miracles were performed through magic or sorcery. All of the miracles performed by Moses in the desert were because they were necessary, and not as proof of his prophecy.
What then was the basis of [Jewish] belief? The Revelation at Mount Sinai, which we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, not dependent on the testimony of others... as it says, "Face to face, God spoke with you..." The Torah also states: "God did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us ― who are all here alive today." (Deut. 5:3)

Judaism is not miracles. It is the personal eyewitness experience of every man, woman and child, standing at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago.
Topic Old Testament New Testament
Messiah to be the seed of the Woman Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4
Messiah to be the seed of Abraham Genesis 12:3; 18:18 Luke 3:23,34
Matthew 1:1-2
Acts 3:25
Galatians 3:16
Messiah to be of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:33
Matthew 1:1-2
Messiah to be of the seed of Jacob Numbers 24:17, 19 Matthew 1:1-2
Luke 3:34
Messiah to be of the seed of David Psalm 132:11
Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15
Isaiah 11:10
Matthew 1:6
Luke 1:32-33
Acts 2:29-30
Romans 1:3
Messiah to be a prophet like Moses Deut. 18:15, 19 Matthew 21:11
John 6:14
John 1:45
Acts 3:22-23
Messiah to be the Son of God Psalm 2:7
Proverbs 30:4
Luke 1:32
Matthew 3:17
Messiah to be raised from the dead Psalm 16:10 Acts 13:35-37
Messiah to experience crucifixion Psalm 22:1-31
Psalm 69:21
Matthew 27:34-50
John 19:28-30
Messiah to be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18, 21
Messiah to ascend to heaven Psalm 68:18 Luke 24:51
Acts 1:9
Homage and tribute paid to Messiah by great kings Psalm 72:10-11 Matthew 2:1-11
Messiah to be a priest like Melchizedek Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 5:5-6
Messiah to be at the right hand of God Psalm 110:1 Matthew 26:64
Hebrews 1:3
Messiah, the stone which the builders rejected, to become the head cornerstone Psalm 118:22-23
Isaiah 8:14-15
Isaiah 28:16
Matthew 21:42-43
Acts 4:11
Romans 9:32-33
Ephesians 2:20
1 Peter 2:6-8
Messiah to be born of a virgin Isaiah Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-35
Galilee to be the first area of Messiah's ministry Isaiah 9:1-8 Matthew 4:12-16
Messiah will be meek and mild Isaiah 42:2-3
Isaiah 53:7
Matthew 12:18-20
Matthew 26:62-63
Messiah will minister to the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1
Isaiah 49:1-8
Matthew 12:21
Messiah will be smitten Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67
Matthew 27:26, 30
Messiah to suffer, die and rise again Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The four gospels
The new and everlasting Covenant Isaiah 55:3-4
Jeremiah 31:31-33
Matthew 26:28
Mark 14:24
Luke 22:20
Hebrews 8:6-13
Messiah as the right arm of God Isaiah 59:16
Isaiah 53:1
John 12:38
Messiah as intercessor Isaiah 59:16 Hebrews 9:15
Twofold mission of the Messiah Isaiah 61:1-11 Luke 4:16-21
Messiah will perform miracles Isaiah 35:5-6 John 11:47
Matthew 11:3-6
Messiah is called "The Lord" Jeremiah 23:5-6 Acts 2:36
The time of Messiah's coming prophesied Daniel 9:24-26 Galatians 4:4
Ephesians 1:10
Bethlehem to be the place of Messiah's birth Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1
Luke 2:4-6
Messiah will enter the Temple with authority Malachi 3:1 Matthew 21:12
Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-10
Messiah will be pierced Zechariah 12:10
Psalm 22:16
John 19:34, 37
Messiah to be forsaken by his disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 26:31, 56
The coming of the Holy Spirit in the days of the Messiah Joel 2:28-29 Acts 2:16-18
Opposition of the nations; Messiah's final victory over death Psalm 2:2
Isaiah 25:8
Revelation 19:19
1 Corinthians 15:54
Revelation 7:17; 21:4
The glorious Messiah; Messiah as King Isaiah 63:1
Psalm 2:6-9
Revelation 19:11-16
Revelation 19:15-16
Submission of all nations to Messiah's rule Isaiah 2:4
Micah 4:1-4
Revelation 12:5
The Gentiles shall seek the Messiah of Israel Isaiah 11:10 Romans 11:25

Stupid sub human goyim

Jesus Did Not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? One of the central themes of biblical prophecy is the promise of a future age of perfection characterized by universal peace and recognition of God. (Isaiah 2:1-4, 32:15-18, 60:15-18; Zephaniah 3:9; Hosea 2:20-22; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-4; Zechariah 8:23, 14:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34)

Specifically, the Bible says he will:

  1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
  2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
  3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
  4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).
If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the Messiah.

Because no one has ever fulfilled the Bible's description of this future King, Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth, Bar Cochba and Shabbtai Tzvi have been rejected.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming. Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright; in the Bible no concept of a second coming exists.


2) Jesus Did Not Embody the Personal Qualifications of Messiah

A. Messiah as Prophet

The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses. (Targum - Isaiah 11:2; Maimonides - Yad Teshuva 9:2)

Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry, a situation which has not existed since 300 BCE. During the time of Ezra, when the majority of Jews remained in Babylon, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets ― Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended, and thus could not be a prophet.

B. Descendent of David

Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)

The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father ― and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

C. Torah Observance

The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus contradicts the Torah and states that its commandments are no longer applicable. For example, John 9:14 records that Jesus made a paste in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), "He does not observe Shabbat!"


3) Mistranslated Verses "Referring" to Jesus

Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text ― which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation.

A. Virgin Birth

The Christian idea of a virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an "alma" as giving birth. The word "alma" has always meant a young woman, but Christian theologians came centuries later and translated it as "virgin." This accords Jesus' birth with the first century pagan idea of mortals being impregnated by gods.

B. Suffering Servant

Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the "suffering servant."

In actuality, Isaiah 53 directly follows the theme of chapter 52, describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people. The prophecies are written in the singular form because the Jews ("Israel") are regarded as one unit. Throughout Jewish scripture, Israel is repeatedly called, in the singular, the "Servant of God" (see Isaiah 43:8). In fact, Isaiah states no less than 11 times in the chapters prior to 53 that the Servant of God is Israel.

When read correctly, Isaiah 53 clearly [and ironically] refers to the Jewish people being "bruised, crushed and as sheep brought to slaughter" at the hands of the nations of the world. These descriptions are used throughout Jewish scripture to graphically describe the suffering of the Jewish people (see Psalm 44).

Isaiah 53 concludes that when the Jewish people are redeemed, the nations will recognize and accept responsibility for the inordinate suffering and death of the Jews.


4) Jewish Belief is Based Solely on National Revelation

Throughout history, thousands of religions have been started by individuals, attempting to convince people that he or she is God's true prophet. But personal revelation is an extremely weak basis for a religion because one can never know if it is indeed true. Since others did not hear God speak to this person, they have to take his word for it. Even if the individual claiming personal revelation performs miracles, they do not prove he is a genuine prophet. All the miracles show ― assuming they are genuine ― is that he has certain powers. It has nothing to do with his claim of prophecy.

Judaism, unique among all of the world's major religions, does not rely on "claims of miracles" as the basis for its religion. In fact, the Bible says that God sometimes grants the power of "miracles" to charlatans, in order to test Jewish loyalty to the Torah (Deut. 13:4).

Of the thousands of religions in human history, only Judaism bases its belief on national revelation ― i.e. God speaking to the entire nation. If God is going to start a religion, it makes sense He'll tell everyone, not just one person.

Maimonides states (Foundations of Torah, ch. 8):

The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the miracles he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on seeing miracles, he has lingering doubts, because it is possible the miracles were performed through magic or sorcery. All of the miracles performed by Moses in the desert were because they were necessary, and not as proof of his prophecy.
What then was the basis of [Jewish] belief? The Revelation at Mount Sinai, which we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, not dependent on the testimony of others... as it says, "Face to face, God spoke with you..." The Torah also states: "God did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us ― who are all here alive today." (Deut. 5:3)

Judaism is not miracles. It is the personal eyewitness experience of every man, woman and child, standing at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago.

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

The mission of Jews for Judaism is to strengthen and preserve Jewish identity through education and counseling that counteracts deceptive cults and missionaries and promotes critical thinking. -

Jews For Judaism Home
I've heard it said before. I don't go one way or the other on it. I don't live in Israel...but if it focuses people on doing what is right for the right of God and Love of His people..then I see no harm in it. No one is forced to accept it...unlike some other groups I could mention.


And who are "God's people?"

Christians always seem to overlook these scriptures:

Romans 9:6: "Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. FOR THEY ARE NOT ALL ISRAEL, WHICH ARE OF ISRAEL:"

This scripture tells us that not all Israelites are the true Israel. The scripture says that the true Israel is Christi and those who believe in him:

Galatians 3:16, 29: "(16)Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. (29)And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise."

God's people are Chrsit and those who believe in him.

Mate; there's crap in every strata of every group, church, think tank, boy scouts brigade etc etc etc. Not every person who presents as "Christian" is as they seem. Why is this news to you? Hell will have as many CINOs as any other group. One thing is very true; can't fool the Boss!!

Topic Old Testament New Testament
Messiah to be the seed of the Woman Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4
Messiah to be the seed of Abraham Genesis 12:3; 18:18 Luke 3:23,34
Matthew 1:1-2
Acts 3:25
Galatians 3:16
Messiah to be of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:33
Matthew 1:1-2
Messiah to be of the seed of Jacob Numbers 24:17, 19 Matthew 1:1-2
Luke 3:34
Messiah to be of the seed of David Psalm 132:11
Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15
Isaiah 11:10
Matthew 1:6
Luke 1:32-33
Acts 2:29-30
Romans 1:3
Messiah to be a prophet like Moses Deut. 18:15, 19 Matthew 21:11
John 6:14
John 1:45
Acts 3:22-23
Messiah to be the Son of God Psalm 2:7
Proverbs 30:4
Luke 1:32
Matthew 3:17
Messiah to be raised from the dead Psalm 16:10 Acts 13:35-37
Messiah to experience crucifixion Psalm 22:1-31
Psalm 69:21
Matthew 27:34-50
John 19:28-30
Messiah to be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18, 21
Messiah to ascend to heaven Psalm 68:18 Luke 24:51
Acts 1:9
Homage and tribute paid to Messiah by great kings Psalm 72:10-11 Matthew 2:1-11
Messiah to be a priest like Melchizedek Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 5:5-6
Messiah to be at the right hand of God Psalm 110:1 Matthew 26:64
Hebrews 1:3
Messiah, the stone which the builders rejected, to become the head cornerstone Psalm 118:22-23
Isaiah 8:14-15
Isaiah 28:16
Matthew 21:42-43
Acts 4:11
Romans 9:32-33
Ephesians 2:20
1 Peter 2:6-8
Messiah to be born of a virgin Isaiah Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-35
Galilee to be the first area of Messiah's ministry Isaiah 9:1-8 Matthew 4:12-16
Messiah will be meek and mild Isaiah 42:2-3
Isaiah 53:7
Matthew 12:18-20
Matthew 26:62-63
Messiah will minister to the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1
Isaiah 49:1-8
Matthew 12:21
Messiah will be smitten Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67
Matthew 27:26, 30
Messiah to suffer, die and rise again Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The four gospels
The new and everlasting Covenant Isaiah 55:3-4
Jeremiah 31:31-33
Matthew 26:28
Mark 14:24
Luke 22:20
Hebrews 8:6-13
Messiah as the right arm of God Isaiah 59:16
Isaiah 53:1
John 12:38
Messiah as intercessor Isaiah 59:16 Hebrews 9:15
Twofold mission of the Messiah Isaiah 61:1-11 Luke 4:16-21
Messiah will perform miracles Isaiah 35:5-6 John 11:47
Matthew 11:3-6
Messiah is called "The Lord" Jeremiah 23:5-6 Acts 2:36
The time of Messiah's coming prophesied Daniel 9:24-26 Galatians 4:4
Ephesians 1:10
Bethlehem to be the place of Messiah's birth Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1
Luke 2:4-6
Messiah will enter the Temple with authority Malachi 3:1 Matthew 21:12
Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-10
Messiah will be pierced Zechariah 12:10
Psalm 22:16
John 19:34, 37
Messiah to be forsaken by his disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 26:31, 56
The coming of the Holy Spirit in the days of the Messiah Joel 2:28-29 Acts 2:16-18
Opposition of the nations; Messiah's final victory over death Psalm 2:2
Isaiah 25:8
Revelation 19:19
1 Corinthians 15:54
Revelation 7:17; 21:4
The glorious Messiah; Messiah as King Isaiah 63:1
Psalm 2:6-9
Revelation 19:11-16
Revelation 19:15-16
Submission of all nations to Messiah's rule Isaiah 2:4
Micah 4:1-4
Revelation 12:5
The Gentiles shall seek the Messiah of Israel Isaiah 11:10 Romans 11:25

Stupid sub human goyim

Jesus Did Not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? One of the central themes of biblical prophecy is the promise of a future age of perfection characterized by universal peace and recognition of God. (Isaiah 2:1-4, 32:15-18, 60:15-18; Zephaniah 3:9; Hosea 2:20-22; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-4; Zechariah 8:23, 14:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34)

Specifically, the Bible says he will:

  1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
  2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
  3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
  4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).
If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the Messiah.

Because no one has ever fulfilled the Bible's description of this future King, Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth, Bar Cochba and Shabbtai Tzvi have been rejected.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming. Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright; in the Bible no concept of a second coming exists.


2) Jesus Did Not Embody the Personal Qualifications of Messiah

A. Messiah as Prophet

The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses. (Targum - Isaiah 11:2; Maimonides - Yad Teshuva 9:2)

Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry, a situation which has not existed since 300 BCE. During the time of Ezra, when the majority of Jews remained in Babylon, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets ― Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended, and thus could not be a prophet.

B. Descendent of David

Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)

The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father ― and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

C. Torah Observance

The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus contradicts the Torah and states that its commandments are no longer applicable. For example, John 9:14 records that Jesus made a paste in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), "He does not observe Shabbat!"


3) Mistranslated Verses "Referring" to Jesus

Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text ― which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation.

A. Virgin Birth

The Christian idea of a virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an "alma" as giving birth. The word "alma" has always meant a young woman, but Christian theologians came centuries later and translated it as "virgin." This accords Jesus' birth with the first century pagan idea of mortals being impregnated by gods.

B. Suffering Servant

Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the "suffering servant."

In actuality, Isaiah 53 directly follows the theme of chapter 52, describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people. The prophecies are written in the singular form because the Jews ("Israel") are regarded as one unit. Throughout Jewish scripture, Israel is repeatedly called, in the singular, the "Servant of God" (see Isaiah 43:8). In fact, Isaiah states no less than 11 times in the chapters prior to 53 that the Servant of God is Israel.

When read correctly, Isaiah 53 clearly [and ironically] refers to the Jewish people being "bruised, crushed and as sheep brought to slaughter" at the hands of the nations of the world. These descriptions are used throughout Jewish scripture to graphically describe the suffering of the Jewish people (see Psalm 44).

Isaiah 53 concludes that when the Jewish people are redeemed, the nations will recognize and accept responsibility for the inordinate suffering and death of the Jews.


4) Jewish Belief is Based Solely on National Revelation

Throughout history, thousands of religions have been started by individuals, attempting to convince people that he or she is God's true prophet. But personal revelation is an extremely weak basis for a religion because one can never know if it is indeed true. Since others did not hear God speak to this person, they have to take his word for it. Even if the individual claiming personal revelation performs miracles, they do not prove he is a genuine prophet. All the miracles show ― assuming they are genuine ― is that he has certain powers. It has nothing to do with his claim of prophecy.

Judaism, unique among all of the world's major religions, does not rely on "claims of miracles" as the basis for its religion. In fact, the Bible says that God sometimes grants the power of "miracles" to charlatans, in order to test Jewish loyalty to the Torah (Deut. 13:4).

Of the thousands of religions in human history, only Judaism bases its belief on national revelation ― i.e. God speaking to the entire nation. If God is going to start a religion, it makes sense He'll tell everyone, not just one person.

Maimonides states (Foundations of Torah, ch. 8):

The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the miracles he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on seeing miracles, he has lingering doubts, because it is possible the miracles were performed through magic or sorcery. All of the miracles performed by Moses in the desert were because they were necessary, and not as proof of his prophecy.
What then was the basis of [Jewish] belief? The Revelation at Mount Sinai, which we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, not dependent on the testimony of others... as it says, "Face to face, God spoke with you..." The Torah also states: "God did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us ― who are all here alive today." (Deut. 5:3)

Judaism is not miracles. It is the personal eyewitness experience of every man, woman and child, standing at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago.

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

What a waste of an excellent post by a start that shows you have schmuck tendencies!!! Sub-human goyim?? Are you a Poster Child for Hamas...damn foolish!!

Man you just make things up; bring your evidence if you are being truthful.

I just did:

Blessing to Egypt, Assyria, Israel
…In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance

In that day.
At no time in history has Israel been a blessing to Assyria, (Parts of Egypt and Iraq, Turkey, and Iran). Nor have they ever been considered a third party or part of that group.
That happens when the Lord returns. If all the Jews are dead then you would have Egypt and Assyria, with no third.
It is a future event and Israel is alive and well and not just included, but a blessing. Christ brings with Him, peace on earth. And replaces hate with love.

Our Talmud states :

Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. :ack-1::laugh2:

Gittin 57a: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung.
Topic Old Testament New Testament
Messiah to be the seed of the Woman Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4
Messiah to be the seed of Abraham Genesis 12:3; 18:18 Luke 3:23,34
Matthew 1:1-2
Acts 3:25
Galatians 3:16
Messiah to be of the tribe of Judah Genesis 49:10 Luke 3:33
Matthew 1:1-2
Messiah to be of the seed of Jacob Numbers 24:17, 19 Matthew 1:1-2
Luke 3:34
Messiah to be of the seed of David Psalm 132:11
Jeremiah 23:5; 33:15
Isaiah 11:10
Matthew 1:6
Luke 1:32-33
Acts 2:29-30
Romans 1:3
Messiah to be a prophet like Moses Deut. 18:15, 19 Matthew 21:11
John 6:14
John 1:45
Acts 3:22-23
Messiah to be the Son of God Psalm 2:7
Proverbs 30:4
Luke 1:32
Matthew 3:17
Messiah to be raised from the dead Psalm 16:10 Acts 13:35-37
Messiah to experience crucifixion Psalm 22:1-31
Psalm 69:21
Matthew 27:34-50
John 19:28-30
Messiah to be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18, 21
Messiah to ascend to heaven Psalm 68:18 Luke 24:51
Acts 1:9
Homage and tribute paid to Messiah by great kings Psalm 72:10-11 Matthew 2:1-11
Messiah to be a priest like Melchizedek Psalm 110:4 Hebrews 5:5-6
Messiah to be at the right hand of God Psalm 110:1 Matthew 26:64
Hebrews 1:3
Messiah, the stone which the builders rejected, to become the head cornerstone Psalm 118:22-23
Isaiah 8:14-15
Isaiah 28:16
Matthew 21:42-43
Acts 4:11
Romans 9:32-33
Ephesians 2:20
1 Peter 2:6-8
Messiah to be born of a virgin Isaiah Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25
Luke 1:26-35
Galilee to be the first area of Messiah's ministry Isaiah 9:1-8 Matthew 4:12-16
Messiah will be meek and mild Isaiah 42:2-3
Isaiah 53:7
Matthew 12:18-20
Matthew 26:62-63
Messiah will minister to the Gentiles Isaiah 42:1
Isaiah 49:1-8
Matthew 12:21
Messiah will be smitten Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67
Matthew 27:26, 30
Messiah to suffer, die and rise again Isaiah 52:13-53:12 The four gospels
The new and everlasting Covenant Isaiah 55:3-4
Jeremiah 31:31-33
Matthew 26:28
Mark 14:24
Luke 22:20
Hebrews 8:6-13
Messiah as the right arm of God Isaiah 59:16
Isaiah 53:1
John 12:38
Messiah as intercessor Isaiah 59:16 Hebrews 9:15
Twofold mission of the Messiah Isaiah 61:1-11 Luke 4:16-21
Messiah will perform miracles Isaiah 35:5-6 John 11:47
Matthew 11:3-6
Messiah is called "The Lord" Jeremiah 23:5-6 Acts 2:36
The time of Messiah's coming prophesied Daniel 9:24-26 Galatians 4:4
Ephesians 1:10
Bethlehem to be the place of Messiah's birth Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1
Luke 2:4-6
Messiah will enter the Temple with authority Malachi 3:1 Matthew 21:12
Messiah will enter Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-10
Messiah will be pierced Zechariah 12:10
Psalm 22:16
John 19:34, 37
Messiah to be forsaken by his disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 26:31, 56
The coming of the Holy Spirit in the days of the Messiah Joel 2:28-29 Acts 2:16-18
Opposition of the nations; Messiah's final victory over death Psalm 2:2
Isaiah 25:8
Revelation 19:19
1 Corinthians 15:54
Revelation 7:17; 21:4
The glorious Messiah; Messiah as King Isaiah 63:1
Psalm 2:6-9
Revelation 19:11-16
Revelation 19:15-16
Submission of all nations to Messiah's rule Isaiah 2:4
Micah 4:1-4
Revelation 12:5
The Gentiles shall seek the Messiah of Israel Isaiah 11:10 Romans 11:25

Stupid sub human goyim

Jesus Did Not Fulfill the Messianic Prophecies

What is the Messiah supposed to accomplish? One of the central themes of biblical prophecy is the promise of a future age of perfection characterized by universal peace and recognition of God. (Isaiah 2:1-4, 32:15-18, 60:15-18; Zephaniah 3:9; Hosea 2:20-22; Amos 9:13-15; Micah 4:1-4; Zechariah 8:23, 14:9; Jeremiah 31:33-34)

Specifically, the Bible says he will:

  1. Build the Third Temple (Ezekiel 37:26-28).
  2. Gather all Jews back to the Land of Israel (Isaiah 43:5-6).
  3. Usher in an era of world peace, and end all hatred, oppression, suffering and disease. As it says: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall man learn war anymore." (Isaiah 2:4)
  4. Spread universal knowledge of the God of Israel, which will unite humanity as one. As it says: "God will be King over all the world ― on that day, God will be One and His Name will be One" (Zechariah 14:9).
If an individual fails to fulfill even one of these conditions, then he cannot be the Messiah.

Because no one has ever fulfilled the Bible's description of this future King, Jews still await the coming of the Messiah. All past Messianic claimants, including Jesus of Nazareth, Bar Cochba and Shabbtai Tzvi have been rejected.

Christians counter that Jesus will fulfill these in the Second Coming. Jewish sources show that the Messiah will fulfill the prophecies outright; in the Bible no concept of a second coming exists.


2) Jesus Did Not Embody the Personal Qualifications of Messiah

A. Messiah as Prophet

The Messiah will become the greatest prophet in history, second only to Moses. (Targum - Isaiah 11:2; Maimonides - Yad Teshuva 9:2)

Prophecy can only exist in Israel when the land is inhabited by a majority of world Jewry, a situation which has not existed since 300 BCE. During the time of Ezra, when the majority of Jews remained in Babylon, prophecy ended upon the death of the last prophets ― Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.

Jesus appeared on the scene approximately 350 years after prophecy had ended, and thus could not be a prophet.

B. Descendent of David

Many prophetic passages speak of a descendant of King David who will rule Israel during the age of perfection. (Isaiah 11:1-9; Jeremiah 23:5-6, 30:7-10, 33:14-16; Ezekiel 34:11-31, 37:21-28; Hosea 3:4-5)

The Messiah must be descended on his father's side from King David (see Genesis 49:10, Isaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:17; Ezekiel 34:23-24). According to the Christian claim that Jesus was the product of a virgin birth, he had no father ― and thus could not have possibly fulfilled the messianic requirement of being descended on his father's side from King David. (1)

According to Jewish sources, the Messiah will be born of human parents and possess normal physical attributes like other people. He will not be a demi-god, (2) nor will he possess supernatural qualities.

C. Torah Observance

The Messiah will lead the Jewish people to full Torah observance. The Torah states that all mitzvot remain binding forever, and anyone coming to change the Torah is immediately identified as a false prophet. (Deut. 13:1-4)

Throughout the New Testament, Jesus contradicts the Torah and states that its commandments are no longer applicable. For example, John 9:14 records that Jesus made a paste in violation of Shabbat, which caused the Pharisees to say (verse 16), "He does not observe Shabbat!"


3) Mistranslated Verses "Referring" to Jesus

Biblical verses can only be understood by studying the original Hebrew text ― which reveals many discrepancies in the Christian translation.

A. Virgin Birth

The Christian idea of a virgin birth is derived from the verse in Isaiah 7:14 describing an "alma" as giving birth. The word "alma" has always meant a young woman, but Christian theologians came centuries later and translated it as "virgin." This accords Jesus' birth with the first century pagan idea of mortals being impregnated by gods.

B. Suffering Servant

Christianity claims that Isaiah chapter 53 refers to Jesus, as the "suffering servant."

In actuality, Isaiah 53 directly follows the theme of chapter 52, describing the exile and redemption of the Jewish people. The prophecies are written in the singular form because the Jews ("Israel") are regarded as one unit. Throughout Jewish scripture, Israel is repeatedly called, in the singular, the "Servant of God" (see Isaiah 43:8). In fact, Isaiah states no less than 11 times in the chapters prior to 53 that the Servant of God is Israel.

When read correctly, Isaiah 53 clearly [and ironically] refers to the Jewish people being "bruised, crushed and as sheep brought to slaughter" at the hands of the nations of the world. These descriptions are used throughout Jewish scripture to graphically describe the suffering of the Jewish people (see Psalm 44).

Isaiah 53 concludes that when the Jewish people are redeemed, the nations will recognize and accept responsibility for the inordinate suffering and death of the Jews.


4) Jewish Belief is Based Solely on National Revelation

Throughout history, thousands of religions have been started by individuals, attempting to convince people that he or she is God's true prophet. But personal revelation is an extremely weak basis for a religion because one can never know if it is indeed true. Since others did not hear God speak to this person, they have to take his word for it. Even if the individual claiming personal revelation performs miracles, they do not prove he is a genuine prophet. All the miracles show ― assuming they are genuine ― is that he has certain powers. It has nothing to do with his claim of prophecy.

Judaism, unique among all of the world's major religions, does not rely on "claims of miracles" as the basis for its religion. In fact, the Bible says that God sometimes grants the power of "miracles" to charlatans, in order to test Jewish loyalty to the Torah (Deut. 13:4).

Of the thousands of religions in human history, only Judaism bases its belief on national revelation ― i.e. God speaking to the entire nation. If God is going to start a religion, it makes sense He'll tell everyone, not just one person.

Maimonides states (Foundations of Torah, ch. 8):

The Jews did not believe in Moses, our teacher, because of the miracles he performed. Whenever anyone's belief is based on seeing miracles, he has lingering doubts, because it is possible the miracles were performed through magic or sorcery. All of the miracles performed by Moses in the desert were because they were necessary, and not as proof of his prophecy.
What then was the basis of [Jewish] belief? The Revelation at Mount Sinai, which we saw with our own eyes and heard with our own ears, not dependent on the testimony of others... as it says, "Face to face, God spoke with you..." The Torah also states: "God did not make this covenant with our fathers, but with us ― who are all here alive today." (Deut. 5:3)

Judaism is not miracles. It is the personal eyewitness experience of every man, woman and child, standing at Mount Sinai 3,300 years ago.

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus

Jesus is far from done. He is coming back in great glory...just watch... better yet, repent before it is too late. Read the NT.
Man you just make things up; bring your evidence if you are being truthful.

I just did:

Blessing to Egypt, Assyria, Israel
…In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance

In that day.
At no time in history has Israel been a blessing to Assyria, (Parts of Egypt and Iraq, Turkey, and Iran). Nor have they ever been considered a third party or part of that group.
That happens when the Lord returns. If all the Jews are dead then you would have Egypt and Assyria, with no third.
It is a future event and Israel is alive and well and not just included, but a blessing. Christ brings with Him, peace on earth. And replaces hate with love.

Our Talmud states :

Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. :ack-1::laugh2:

Gittin 57a: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung.

How often has that
Man you just make things up; bring your evidence if you are being truthful.

I just did:

Blessing to Egypt, Assyria, Israel
…In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance

In that day.
At no time in history has Israel been a blessing to Assyria, (Parts of Egypt and Iraq, Turkey, and Iran). Nor have they ever been considered a third party or part of that group.
That happens when the Lord returns. If all the Jews are dead then you would have Egypt and Assyria, with no third.
It is a future event and Israel is alive and well and not just included, but a blessing. Christ brings with Him, peace on earth. And replaces hate with love.

Our Talmud states :

Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. :ack-1::laugh2:

Gittin 57a: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung.

How often are you going to flame that dreck?? It's OLD...and debunked many times over the years.

Jesus In The Talmud

That you wish to shame yourself in this manner is a poor reflection on your balance!

Man you just make things up; bring your evidence if you are being truthful.

I just did:

Blessing to Egypt, Assyria, Israel
…In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance

In that day.
At no time in history has Israel been a blessing to Assyria, (Parts of Egypt and Iraq, Turkey, and Iran). Nor have they ever been considered a third party or part of that group.
That happens when the Lord returns. If all the Jews are dead then you would have Egypt and Assyria, with no third.
It is a future event and Israel is alive and well and not just included, but a blessing. Christ brings with Him, peace on earth. And replaces hate with love.

Our Talmud states :

Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. :ack-1::laugh2:

Gittin 57a: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung.

How can you not be a fraud???You know that these don't refer to Jesus and yet you peddle them?? Where did you get that rubbish? Why are you lying that the Talmud even refers to Jesus??

Isaiah 19:25

Egypt is referred to 750 times. And in the future the Lord Himself shall bless it. The words He will use are these:
"Blessed be Egypt", then He will refer to them as "HIS PEOPLE". Either you are wrong, or Isaiah is.

I don't know what you have against the Jews, or some of them, but it isn't a position that Christ shares. He loves all of us, and doesn't hold grudges.

Not only that but you can expect the boundaries to change in the Middle East. New Jerusalem is almost the size of the U.S. and no complaints:

..that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him.
Eph.1:10 ;)

Nothing that you cited changes Rev. 7. Out of millions of Jews, only 144,000 of them will be saved. That tells us that they are not all "God's people."

Romans 9:6: "Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:"

I have nothing against the Jews...I am just against blind support of the Jews in the name of race (because they are the Jews.) I think that that is RACIST & against the Bible (New Testament (Gal. 3:28.))
Last edited:
Man you just make things up; bring your evidence if you are being truthful.

I just did:

Blessing to Egypt, Assyria, Israel
…In that day Israel will be the third party with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth, whom the LORD of hosts has blessed, saying, "Blessed is Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My inheritance

In that day.
At no time in history has Israel been a blessing to Assyria, (Parts of Egypt and Iraq, Turkey, and Iran). Nor have they ever been considered a third party or part of that group.
That happens when the Lord returns. If all the Jews are dead then you would have Egypt and Assyria, with no third.
It is a future event and Israel is alive and well and not just included, but a blessing. Christ brings with Him, peace on earth. And replaces hate with love.

Our Talmud states :

Sanhedrin 106a . Says Jesus' mother was a whore: "She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters." Also in footnote #2 to Shabbath 104b it is stated that in the "uncensored" text of the Talmud it is written that Jesus mother, "Miriam the hairdresser," had sex with many men. :ack-1::laugh2:

Gittin 57a: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung.
Isaiah 19:25

Egypt is referred to 750 times. And in the future the Lord Himself shall bless it. The words He will use are these:
"Blessed be Egypt", then He will refer to them as "HIS PEOPLE". Either you are wrong, or Isaiah is.

I don't know what you have against the Jews, or some of them, but it isn't a position that Christ shares. He loves all of us, and doesn't hold grudges.

Not only that but you can expect the boundaries to change in the Middle East. New Jerusalem is almost the size of the U.S. and no complaints:

..that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him.
Eph.1:10 ;)

Nothing that you cited changes Rev. 7. Out of millions of Jews, only 144,000 of them will be saved. That tells us that they are not all "God's people."

Romans 9:6: "Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:"

I have no idea what the romans 9.6 ---but when quoting the book of revulsions----keep in mind that the writings attributed to a
JOHN------are actually of unknown authorship and---according to scholars were written by
person who never met Jesus-----and like
more than one century later--or more---

that "JOHN" is not a person------it is a kind of
generic attribution
Isaiah 19:25

Egypt is referred to 750 times. And in the future the Lord Himself shall bless it. The words He will use are these:
"Blessed be Egypt", then He will refer to them as "HIS PEOPLE". Either you are wrong, or Isaiah is.

I don't know what you have against the Jews, or some of them, but it isn't a position that Christ shares. He loves all of us, and doesn't hold grudges.

Not only that but you can expect the boundaries to change in the Middle East. New Jerusalem is almost the size of the U.S. and no complaints:

..that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him.
Eph.1:10 ;)

Nothing that you cited changes Rev. 7. Out of millions of Jews, only 144,000 of them will be saved. That tells us that they are not all "God's people."

Romans 9:6: "Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel:"

I have nothing against the Jews...I am just against blind support of the Jews in the name of race (because they are the Jews.) I think that that is RACIST & against the Bible (New Testament (Gal. 3:28.))

It changes everything. 144,000 males cannot reproduce. You believe there is an end to Israel. The opposite is true. Nothing you have posted says that only 144,000 Messianic Jews are left. In fact, the Bible says that among Israel's enemies, there will be those who realize that they are Jewish and resume fighting for Israel instead of against Israel.
So, How do you pick the ones to support, and which do you discard? Why not let God sort that out while you follow His instruction. He didn't say, "I will bless those who partially bless you, or that bless some of you".

With the trauma the inhabitants of this earth are about to go through, you worry that too many Jews might make it?

Bless Israel, and it's people. period.
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are we still quoting the book of revulsions-----
com'on------Ezekiel was mushroom galvanized
too.-------thing POETIC symbolism----the stuff
you did ---in the 1960s TOKED UP
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus
Now, delta, you are still mad your people made you miss your Messiah.
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus
If indeed you are Jewish, you evidently do not speak for all Jews. You should change that to "Some Jews..." or "Most Jews..." or "A large number of Jews..."
Statement of Faith - Who We Are - About Jews for Jesus - Jews for Jesus

They're all over the place.
Branches - Jews for Jesus
Very nice, I did not know about this Christian denomination. Jewish and Christian, very nice.
Besides... don't you think that if God is, She's way bigger than ALL of the ancient stories, let alone any one of them? :dunno:
That is something way to many people don't comprehend.

If there is a God, then we have no way to think like God thinks. We know a lot about this planet, but we have around 2/3rds of it that we really have not explored, we know a lot about our bodies and brains, but we can't cure certain diseases, and we only run on about 10% of our brain. We have detailed pictures of almost every planet in this solar system, but there are more solar systems out there, than we can possible count.

We are young in this universe. We really don't know anything, and in truth, we never will, unless this planet stands for an eternity.
We Jews don't believe Jesus was the Jewish Messiah because of Jewish messianic prophecies detailing what the messiah will be and do. Not out of any personal grudge or 'we don't like this Jesus guy.'

Can read all the scriptural evidence proving Jesus was NOT the prophecized Jewish messiah here (fair warning, if Christian, probably shouldn't read it, will only only make ya hate yourself for being stupid:)

Why Jews Don t Believe In Jesus why Jews reject Jesus
If indeed you are Jewish, you evidently do not speak for all Jews. You should change that to "Some Jews..." or "Most Jews..." or "A large number of Jews..."
Statement of Faith - Who We Are - About Jews for Jesus - Jews for Jesus

They're all over the place.
Branches - Jews for Jesus
Very nice, I did not know about this Christian denomination. Jewish and Christian, very nice.
The separation between Jews and Christians is about as wide as a RCH.....if you know what I mean! I wanted so much to marry a darling little Jewish girl and her family would not have it as I was a protestant Methodist at the time. I would have converted in a flash!

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