Does Trump owe the Bank of China a half billion dollars? Or more?

I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.
That's what happens when from 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China, Over 42,000 factories were closed down. Tax cuts in trillions with most going to the top 1%. Two unpaid for wars. Blocking health care for maimed soldiers coming back from overseas.

The GOP has controlled the budget process except for only a couple of months in both Obama's terms.

And what does the GOP think of the debt?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

I'm very aware of all of that, dipshit. I've criticized the Republicans repeatedly for their failures. The difference between you and me is I call out everyone on their fuck ups, while you're nothing more than a dishonest and dishonest POS party hack.
That's what happens when from 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China, Over 42,000 factories were closed down. Tax cuts in trillions with most going to the top 1%. Two unpaid for wars. Blocking health care for maimed soldiers coming back from overseas.

The GOP has controlled the budget process except for only a couple of months in both Obama's terms.

And what does the GOP think of the debt?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

I'm very aware of all of that, dipshit. I've criticized the Republicans repeatedly for their failures. The difference between you and me is I call out everyone on their fuck ups, while you're nothing more than a dishonest and dishonest POS party hack.
Hmm, yea, OK, let's take an "honest" look at that. It seemed to me you blamed Obama for 10 trillion in debt when the budget is controlled by a congress that would see the country go down before they would support anything Obama did.

FACT SHEET: The Obama Administration’s Unprecedented Trade Enforcement Record | United States Trade Representative

Imagine where the economy would be if Obama hadn't won again and again at the WTO protecting US Steel, Rubber and farming.

Those were things the GOP weren't able to block. But they would have. Tell me you already knew all that stuff and you might be called a liar.
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I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.
Perhaps he was looking for links where Trump stiffs his employees? Who knows? Trump supporters don't want to know the truth.

Funny, they believe such nonsense as Obama was born in Kenya, but refuse to believe the truth that Trump has enormous debts, had been through 6 bankruptcies and stiffs his employees. Things easy to look up and find out.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.
Perhaps he was looking for links where Trump stiffs his employees? Who knows? Trump supporters don't want to know the truth.

Funny, they believe such nonsense as Obama was born in Kenya, but refuse to believe the truth that Trump has enormous debts, had been through 6 bankruptcies and stiffs his employees. Things easy to look up and find out.

True. They look past the faults and only see the authoritarian daddy that will straighten out the perceived mess giving no accounting to how badly that will turn out if he wins.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.
Perhaps he was looking for links where Trump stiffs his employees? Who knows? Trump supporters don't want to know the truth.

Funny, they believe such nonsense as Obama was born in Kenya, but refuse to believe the truth that Trump has enormous debts, had been through 6 bankruptcies and stiffs his employees. Things easy to look up and find out.

True. They look past the faults and only see the authoritarian daddy that will straighten out the perceived mess giving no accounting to how badly that will turn out if he wins.
Out of all his lies and fake promises, the most ridiculous is the one where he promises high paying jobs needing no skills. It's such a clear swindle. And yet his base laps it up. I really don't get it.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.
"stories?".....aint that kinda like the "stories" coming out of hillaries camp?....neither one of these 2 asswipes should be were they are now.....but i know the crazy left and right diehard party people can give a dam....
Since Trump refuses to release his tax returns or any information as to who he owes money, speculating that Trump owes a lot to China and other nations is reasonable when you consider the huge debt his businesses carries. It is likely that his debts are in the billions. It is also highly unlikely that NY banks are carrying that debt. The very nature of Trump's business where he attains mortgages on property that significantly exceed the purchase price make them very risky which means Trump must look for financing in places he may not want made public.

The ties to China may come through his son-in-law and the EB5 visa program. Google it. It's interesting.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.
Perhaps he was looking for links where Trump stiffs his employees? Who knows? Trump supporters don't want to know the truth.

Funny, they believe such nonsense as Obama was born in Kenya, but refuse to believe the truth that Trump has enormous debts, had been through 6 bankruptcies and stiffs his employees. Things easy to look up and find out.

True. They look past the faults and only see the authoritarian daddy that will straighten out the perceived mess giving no accounting to how badly that will turn out if he wins.
Out of all his lies and fake promises, the most ridiculous is the one where he promises high paying jobs needing no skills. It's such a clear swindle. And yet his base laps it up. I really don't get it.
And that is his appeal to the uneducated. As one that has worked in heavy industry for the last 50 years, I can tell you that there are almost no jobs left for the unskilled that pay much more than minimum wage. And there are skilled jobs at high wages going begging. But there are still those that believe that they should not have to do any kind of learning beyond grade school to get a job. Totally out of touch with reality in this day and age.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.

This does look like one of the things he is hiding. This is going to play big in the next three months. The call for his tax returns will become too loud to ignore.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.

This does look like one of the things he is hiding. This is going to play big in the next three months. The call for his tax returns will become too loud to ignore.
The only reason for Trump to keep his tax returns secret is they will not help in this campaign. He says this is his 7th year of being audited. From personal experience, I can tell you the IRS does not audit year after year unless they believe there are significant problems. Audits are time consuming and costly for the IRS.

If Trump was not basing his qualifications for office solely on his success in business, I would not be that concerned. However, this is his only qualification for the office, I think Americans really need to know exactly how he makes his money and who he is indebted to.
Perhaps he was looking for links where Trump stiffs his employees? Who knows? Trump supporters don't want to know the truth.

Funny, they believe such nonsense as Obama was born in Kenya, but refuse to believe the truth that Trump has enormous debts, had been through 6 bankruptcies and stiffs his employees. Things easy to look up and find out.

True. They look past the faults and only see the authoritarian daddy that will straighten out the perceived mess giving no accounting to how badly that will turn out if he wins.
Out of all his lies and fake promises, the most ridiculous is the one where he promises high paying jobs needing no skills. It's such a clear swindle. And yet his base laps it up. I really don't get it.
And that is his appeal to the uneducated. As one that has worked in heavy industry for the last 50 years, I can tell you that there are almost no jobs left for the unskilled that pay much more than minimum wage. And there are skilled jobs at high wages going begging. But there are still those that believe that they should not have to do any kind of learning beyond grade school to get a job. Totally out of touch with reality in this day and age.
Those are the Trump supporters.
You leftist government leeches are sickening. You deranged tards would sell away every last freedom we have for a fuckin nickel.
Worthless traitors.
If you don't have examples you might as well be standing there braying like the mule you are.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.

This does look like one of the things he is hiding. This is going to play big in the next three months. The call for his tax returns will become too loud to ignore.
The only reason for Trump to keep his tax returns secret is they will not help in this campaign. He says this is his 7th year of being audited. From personal experience, I can tell you the IRS does not audit year after year unless they believe there are significant problems. Audits are time consuming and costly for the IRS.

If Trump was not basing his qualifications for office solely on his success in business, I would not be that concerned. However, this is his only qualification for the office, I think Americans really need to know exactly how he makes his money and who he is indebted to.
Unfortunately Republicans simply don't care. It's a classic case of victims defending the swindler until they realize they have been swindled.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.

The US owes china 1.2 trillion. What were you blabbering about?
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.

This does look like one of the things he is hiding. This is going to play big in the next three months. The call for his tax returns will become too loud to ignore.
The only reason for Trump to keep his tax returns secret is they will not help in this campaign. He says this is his 7th year of being audited. From personal experience, I can tell you the IRS does not audit year after year unless they believe there are significant problems. Audits are time consuming and costly for the IRS.

If Trump was not basing his qualifications for office solely on his success in business, I would not be that concerned. However, this is his only qualification for the office, I think Americans really need to know exactly how he makes his money and who he is indebted to.
Unfortunately Republicans simply don't care. It's a classic case of victims defending the swindler until they realize they have been swindled.
Did Rachel tell you that?
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.

I love this coming from a guy who will never criticize Obama....on any issue..dean you're such a small mind.....and would you link the article...or is that too hard for you?
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.

The US owes china 1.2 trillion. What were you blabbering about?
A country owing money is very slightly different than a person owing a half billion.

Try to figure out why.
I'm sure everyone has heard the stories coming out that Trump owes at least twice what he says he owes. Most of it to foreign countries. No wonder he won't release his tax returns.

The bottom line is: Would you want a president who is in hoc to foreign countries anywhere from over a half billion to possibly billions? I thought he was this great businessman. Is that why he talks about the country stiffing it's debtors?

I know crazy right wingers don't care. He's their Messiah. He wouldn't possible stiff them the way he's stiffed his employees. Oh, but then there's Hillary's emails. Perhaps we need to see Trump's emails? Try to figure out how he got in so much debt. After all, he won't release his Tax returns.

I love this coming from a guy who will never criticize Obama....on any issue..dean you're such a small mind.....and would you link the article...or is that too hard for you?
Here, pick out your own link Tool.

There's only around 74 million.


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