Does Trump represent the USA

Even if only 3.5 years, I bet it will feel like 35 years to the Democrats.

This 1st 6 months has blown by pretty fast without Trump being able to accomplish anything of significance. If he ends up being impeached for treason, Gorsuch will soon follow in impeachment and it will be like the orange dookie pile was never elected at all.

You're quite the dreamer. Well keep hoping and dreaming.
Even if only 3.5 years, I bet it will feel like 35 years to the Democrats.

This 1st 6 months has blown by pretty fast without Trump being able to accomplish anything of significance. If he ends up being impeached for treason, Gorsuch will soon follow in impeachment and it will be like the orange dookie pile was never elected at all.

You're quite the dreamer. Well keep hoping and dreaming.
Will do. You'll thank me one day.
The butthurt leftists need to get over it. Trump is going to be here for quite a while, so don't burn yourselves out.
The US will be much better off when Trump is no longer President. I am not counting on the Democrats, they are inept. I am counting on Trump and the idiots around him to continue to not perform, break laws and provide a case for impeachment.
They did not turn out and a huge group of disgusting individuals were empowered by Trump. The results Trump
Maybe if the Democrats had not been saying shit like this about Trump supporters including the Democratic nominee the result would not have been Trump. If the left is looking to label people disgusting maybe they should start with the person in mirror.
I agree that calling all Trump supporter disgusting is not correct and a negative. But some Trump supporters are disgusting based on statements they make.
At this point and on this site, I will call people disgusting who I think are disgusting.
My biggest complaint about Trump is not his politics. I find him to be an absolute disgusting human being lacking the morals, values and empathy that make up good people. I find the majority of the USA are good people. That's why Trump being the face of America is a travesty.
So if Trumps 62 million votes equals 19% of the US population then Clintons 65 million would equal 22% of US population which means she really didn't represent the USA either and makes one wonder how that other 59% of the US population feel.
Good point

And what percentage of Americans voted for Mafia boss Hillary? Subtract the millions of Mexican nationals before answering.
Even if only 3.5 years, I bet it will feel like 35 years to the Democrats.

This 1st 6 months has blown by pretty fast without Trump being able to accomplish anything of significance. If he ends up being impeached for treason, Gorsuch will soon follow in impeachment and it will be like the orange dookie pile was never elected at all.

Gorsuch on the court, the Constitution sage for a generation? Oh you Nazis have lost big.
Heartland American here.

1) Whenever Trump displays what might be called a personality disorder, I always remember who might have been President, if Trump had not come along. A DEPRAVED, dishonest, incompetent, life-long coat-tail riding Liar, who fucked up every job her pussy-lovin Southern White Boy Political Genius ever got her...which is every job she ever had.

2) When he pisses off the corrupt New York Media, at which he seems to excel, I figure he is doing the job we sent him to do.

I am a proud Deplorable. I am not embarrassed. I am laughing at you Cocksuckers and Marxists who are having an apoplectic fit over everything/everyday/everyhour...most recently because our president chatted with Russia's President at a dinner party attended by the Rest of the World.

Fuck you sick CoastalCocksucker/RottingCity/Bolshevik/Numbskulls.
^ This dumb motherfucker MACAULEY would sacrifice the nation just to spite his own countrymen :rolleyes:

He would oppose you Nazi scum, as every decent American must. Your evil cause is lost, you have awakened the patriots.
Yeah we wanted healthcare and equality for all. How evil of us. Congrats on Russia getting your hero elected to punish the majority of the nation, you disgraceful cu.nt

Equality for all huh?
Yet the party is pushing for popular vote which would represent only 2 States,
New York and California the most populated States.
I am guessing this is one of the moron Trump supporters who claimed the NPR tweets of the Declaration of Independence were propaganda against Trump

I need not guess that you are a Nazi who is waging civil war against the Constitution of the United States, along with your treasonous party.
This dude is whacked, but I think he knows it
Even if only 3.5 years, I bet it will feel like 35 years to the Democrats.

This 1st 6 months has blown by pretty fast without Trump being able to accomplish anything of significance. If he ends up being impeached for treason, Gorsuch will soon follow in impeachment and it will be like the orange dookie pile was never elected at all.

Gorsuch on the court, the Constitution sage for a generation? Oh you Nazis have lost big.

That's why the left thinks they have to stop him now. Can you imagine what's going to happen to their world if any more SC judges are replaced within the next few years?
Even if only 3.5 years, I bet it will feel like 35 years to the Democrats.

This 1st 6 months has blown by pretty fast without Trump being able to accomplish anything of significance. If he ends up being impeached for treason, Gorsuch will soon follow in impeachment and it will be like the orange dookie pile was never elected at all.

Gorsuch on the court, the Constitution sage for a generation? Oh you Nazis have lost big.

That's why the left thinks they have to stop him now. Can you imagine what's going to happen to their world if any more SC judges are replaced within the next few years?
I would love to see judge nap on the SCOTUS
Trump was elected President. He received 62 million votes; 19% of the US population.
Does he represent the values of the US population?
I do not think so. He lies, he bully's, he disrespects, he focuses on his own needs above all others. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself.
He has used those characteristics to earn billions and gain power. He used the characteristics to be voted President of the USA; arguably the most powerful position in the world.

But he does not represent USA values. He does not even represent the values of all of the 19% of the population who voted for him.

He is an embarrassment, he is not an example of USA values but he is our President.

He represents those who voted and handed Trump more electoral votes than the bitch . If people don't bother to vote, they can shut the fuck up.

He is doing what people expected. Shame that some Repubs are acting like assholes and changing their minds on issues that they claimed to support.

Obama didn't represent us. He was kinder to the radical Muslims than to the average American. Many black folks, including professors, have blasted Obama for not helping them when he had the chance. Instead, he chose to go along with the race baiters and make things worse and he didn't do a damn thing to help minorities get out of poverty or improve schools. No surprise there considering the condition of many Chicago area schools after years of Obama helping them.

Trump is doing as expected No surprises there. He won because people were sick of the way things were and knew Hillary would be more of the same. The political correctness, the embracing of radical Islamists, the racial and class tensions, the constant rioting by thugs from the BP to OWS, the increased welfare class, less middle class jobs and higher taxes helped Trump win.
You are correct. People were so disgusted by politics (not Obama) and Hillary was not a good candidate. They did not turn out and a huge group of disgusting individuals were empowered by Trump. The results Trump

The fact is that this was not a pro-Trump vote. It was a choice between who you hate the least. Voters decided Trump was the least hated. A number of Democrat groups did not turn out for Clinton.
The fact is that this was not a pro-Trump vote. It was a choice between who you hate the least. Voters decided Trump was the least hated. A number of Democrat groups did not turn out for Clinton.

In exit polls and others, people weren't saying that he was the one they hated the least. While Hillary was scary with her talk of open borders, one world government and her intentions to fight against the 2nd amendment every chance she got, I don't know that another Dem could have beat Trump.

People clearly wanted change instead of the status quo.
Trump was elected President. He received 62 million votes; 19% of the US population.
Does he represent the values of the US population?
I do not think so. He lies, he bully's, he disrespects, he focuses on his own needs above all others. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself.
He has used those characteristics to earn billions and gain power. He used the characteristics to be voted President of the USA; arguably the most powerful position in the world.

But he does not represent USA values. He does not even represent the values of all of the 19% of the population who voted for him.

He is an embarrassment, he is not an example of USA values but he is our President.

If not Trump, then who is?

Trump won 30 of 50 states.

Trump very well represents Americans that are sick and tired of globalism and trade policies favoring foreign countries, as well as people who are fed up with Washington incompetence and corruption, which is exactly what Hillary stood for.
The fact is that this was not a pro-Trump vote. It was a choice between who you hate the least. Voters decided Trump was the least hated. A number of Democrat groups did not turn out for Clinton.

In exit polls and others, people weren't saying that he was the one they hated the least. While Hillary was scary with her talk of open borders, one world government and her intentions to fight against the 2nd amendment every chance she got, I don't know that another Dem could have beat Trump.

People clearly wanted change instead of the status quo.
People wanted to blow up the status quo and Trump is doing that.
When he is all done I predict the blown up status quo will be worse than the status quo for the vast majority of Trump voters
Trump was elected President. He received 62 million votes; 19% of the US population.
Does he represent the values of the US population?
I do not think so. He lies, he bully's, he disrespects, he focuses on his own needs above all others. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself.
He has used those characteristics to earn billions and gain power. He used the characteristics to be voted President of the USA; arguably the most powerful position in the world.

But he does not represent USA values. He does not even represent the values of all of the 19% of the population who voted for him.

He is an embarrassment, he is not an example of USA values but he is our President.
President of the Electoral College of the U.S. Trump is a mockery, who's existence in his position is almost enough on its own to justify whatever position our country's enemies hold against us.
Putin is a big winner because of Trump's election.
The Western alliance represented by NATO is a big loser.
China is a big winner.

How so?
Trump was elected President. He received 62 million votes; 19% of the US population.
Does he represent the values of the US population?
I do not think so. He lies, he bully's, he disrespects, he focuses on his own needs above all others. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself.
He has used those characteristics to earn billions and gain power. He used the characteristics to be voted President of the USA; arguably the most powerful position in the world.

But he does not represent USA values. He does not even represent the values of all of the 19% of the population who voted for him.

He is an embarrassment, he is not an example of USA values but he is our President.

If not Trump, then who is?

Trump won 30 of 50 states.

Trump very well represents Americans that are sick and tired of globalism and trade policies favoring foreign countries, as well as people who are fed up with Washington incompetence and corruption, which is exactly what Hillary stood for.
I do not disagree with what you say but there is the real world and the world the way you would like it. Globalization is a fact of life. Every major economy in the world takes advantage of a global economy. The two countries in recent years that wanted to provide a nationalist economy were Brazil and Venezuela. The results speak for themselves.
Trump was elected President. He received 62 million votes; 19% of the US population.
Does he represent the values of the US population?
I do not think so. He lies, he bully's, he disrespects, he focuses on his own needs above all others. He has no loyalty to anyone but himself.
He has used those characteristics to earn billions and gain power. He used the characteristics to be voted President of the USA; arguably the most powerful position in the world.

But he does not represent USA values. He does not even represent the values of all of the 19% of the population who voted for him.

He is an embarrassment, he is not an example of USA values but he is our President.
President of the Electoral College of the U.S. Trump is a mockery, who's existence in his position is almost enough on its own to justify whatever position our country's enemies hold against us.
Putin is a big winner because of Trump's election.
The Western alliance represented by NATO is a big loser.
China is a big winner.

How so?
Russia is strengthened by NATO becoming weaker. Trump has questioned NATO and all it's member.
As the USA pulls away from it's alliances with western countries, China becomes stronger along with being a conduit to North Korea. The US needs China on north Korea more than China needs the USA.
Russia and China are already forming new alliances to fill the void as the US pulls back on it's commitments around the world.
This dude is whacked, but I think he knows it

To which "dude" are you referring Brown Shirt?

Tell me, in what way do you fascist democrats differ from the Nazi party of the 1920's?

You, like they have violent Brown Shirts engaging in Kristalnacht to deny liberty to the enemies of your party;


You, like they use your jackbooted thugs to silence speech that does not conform to the party mandates:

You, like they are violent Antisemites;



If the Swastika fits, wear it Brown Shirt.... :eusa_whistle:
I do not disagree with what you say but there is the real world and the world the way you would like it. Globalization is a fact of life. Every major economy in the world takes advantage of a global economy. The two countries in recent years that wanted to provide a nationalist economy were Brazil and Venezuela. The results speak for themselves.

A global economy does not need a global dictatorship as you leftists advocate for. In fact it is the diversity of skills that makes a global economy work. In fact, if you were able to turn the Soros Reich you fight for into the global dictatorship you dream of, the advantages of a global economy would be lost. Cheap wages in China have little value if the proles in America are paid no more than they.

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