Does your freedom of speech mean you can throw rocks and bottles at the police?


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Are you allowed to violate curfew ordinances and riot, loot, and burn because you are protesting against social injustice? Peaceful and lawful protests are one thing, but what if it isn't lawful and you are damaging public and private property? Attacking the police or federal agents is against the law, you know that right? So is damaging gov't property, be it federal, state, or local. So, does your right to protest mean you get to do pretty much whatever you want, even to the extent of arbitrarily declaring a certain area free of gov't control?

Personally, I don't think so. It ain't like we have the Gestapo arresting and executing people left and right. We don't have gulags and concentration camps where dissidents are sent to be exterminated or at best live out a tortuous and short life. This is America and we all have the same basic civil rights; true, it ain't a perfect judicial system, human behavior being what it is. But by an large it's about as fair as it gets, and I don't think there's another country on earth that tries to ensure the rights of the accused as much as we do. So I'm not seeing any possible justification for what's going on in our big cities night after night.

I believe that your freedom of speech has it's limits, just like every other right you have. IMHO, your freedom of speech stops when you attack somebody else, a cop or agent or anyone else. Your freedom of speech stops when you damage or destroy someone else's property, including gov't property. When you engage in such activity, you are now a criminal and should be treated as a person suspected of criminal activity. IOW, arrested and detained. In the case of mobs, I believe tear gas and other non-lethal forms of crowd control are appropriate. Your right to protest stops when you violate the laws that are in place to keep the peace and good order.
Apparently freedom of speech means you can burn and spit on the American flag....but dare touch a Pride Flag and it's a felony hate crime.
You can call white people Cracker and honey or whatever you please all day long, but call a black person the wrong name and it's a hate crime....prison
Yeah, something is wrong.

The Devil is in the details
If you're exercising your freedoms and someone makes you fear for your life, you might have to fight them

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