Doesn’t it bother republicans that the US is so drastically behind in testing?

Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

How can you test for a virus that is self-mutating i.e always changing? This is a bio-weapon that was accidentally or intentionally released no matter how you slice it and I wouldn't trust the "We have a vaccine for it" bullshit regardless of how they package it.
Does it bother me that there was a royal fuck up with the testing kits?

Yes it does.

Do I blame Trump for it?

No...and I don't see how anybody could.

But Trump got involved and 2 weeks later there was a million new test kits delivered to all 50 states...another million test kits in the pipeline being delivered...and 4 million more due out by the end of this week.

I've never heard that it's any presidents duty to personally inspect virus test kits. But once it was known...Super-Trump was on the job!

Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?
I just heard CNN discussing the coronavirus and the fact that even after a person recovers - they are left with 30% less lung capacity. That's scary.
You need to change the channel … CNN pumps up their ratings by getting not-too-brights to set their own hair on fire and they are not above lying or misleading to serve their bottom line. In fact, lying and misleading are CNN's stock-in-trade.
Posters like you are what is wrong with our society...

You blame Trump every chance you get and not once have you brought up the mere fact China knew about this Virus since December and did very little to alert the World until one of their own Doctor's that died from the virus blew the whistle...

We are a Nation of over three hundred million people with Fifty States in our Union where as Vietnam population is around a hundred million in a country that is small in land mass...

I know your simple mind can not understand stand America is a Republic and the President along with Congress and States and Local Governments have been working daily to fix issues and get things done.

Now what I love is you used Vietnam and not China because you know your beloved Communist country is what caused all this...

Also Tests are becoming more available and you will get tested soon for the virus but they should also give you a sanity test because many times your nonsense you spew show you unhinged...

I came on to answer a message to me and read this thread and needed to respond to those like you!

So if you want to be outraged then get mad at China and their willingness to infect the World and stop blaming everyone else!
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

I don't even know anybody who has it. Does it bother you that you always sound like the village idiot?
Oh gee I was dying to hear your useless anecdotal perspective on this! Nothing to see here folks! DTMB doesn’t know anyone with the virus. There is no crisis!

More than likely, you will know more than one person in the coming months.
Does it not bother democrats that they claim Trump has failed, yet we are far behind in cases?

And the testing is behind because their communist infiltrated failure of an agency failed again, as expected.
Thanks to President Trump's plan to fight the Corona Virus, a new testing method has just been released. The new test can be done without leaving the house, so no doctor's office or hospital visit is necessary.

In order to participate in this new testing method, just mail a sample of your stool to this address:

Nancy Pelosi
90 7th Street
Suite 2-800
San Francisco, CA 94103

The results should take about two days after receipt, and you will be notified of the results by mail.

It was a joke, ok? :laugh:
Do not bother testing people. Infect the whole country to hasten the development of population immunity so we can put this behind us and get back to work.
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

How can you test for a virus that is self-mutating i.e always changing? This is a bio-weapon that was accidentally or intentionally released no matter how you slice it and I wouldn't trust the "We have a vaccine for it" bullshit regardless of how they package it.
Why do you automatically believe any conspiracy theory?
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

How can you test for a virus that is self-mutating i.e always changing? This is a bio-weapon that was accidentally or intentionally released no matter how you slice it and I wouldn't trust the "We have a vaccine for it" bullshit regardless of how they package it.
Why do you automatically believe any conspiracy theory?

Any conspiracy theory? Not everything is a conspiracy but there are indeed "conspiracies" and if you have done the reading and researching that I have, you would know about biological warfare and that U.N treaties barring such experimentation isn't worth the paper it is written on. Ever read Dr. Mary's Monkey? Ever heard of Plum Island? The medical labs in Bethesda, Maryland that was tied directly to the anthrax attacks on postal facilities after 9/11/01??????

Yeah, I didn't think STFU and open your mind instead of your cyber-mouth and you just might learn something instead of knee-jerking in a lame attempt to score worthless partisan points.
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

How can you test for a virus that is self-mutating i.e always changing? This is a bio-weapon that was accidentally or intentionally released no matter how you slice it and I wouldn't trust the "We have a vaccine for it" bullshit regardless of how they package it.
Why do you automatically believe any conspiracy theory?

So you're buying the "bat soup" theory?
No because when you take the population of the country Into account and then the number of deaths and cases of the virus it is an extremely small percent. I’m sure the number of cases of the virus is more than what we have heard but it is highly doubtful it’s anywhere high enough to justify this hysteria.
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?
I think it bothers you that the US is behind other countries in body bags.
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

How can you test for a virus that is self-mutating i.e always changing? This is a bio-weapon that was accidentally or intentionally released no matter how you slice it and I wouldn't trust the "We have a vaccine for it" bullshit regardless of how they package it.
Why do you automatically believe any conspiracy theory?

So you're buying the "bat soup" theory?

Please, if you are going to lie to me? At least put some effort into it. Being lied to is one thing...having my intelligence mocked simply insults!
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

How can you test for a virus that is self-mutating i.e always changing? This is a bio-weapon that was accidentally or intentionally released no matter how you slice it and I wouldn't trust the "We have a vaccine for it" bullshit regardless of how they package it.
Why do you automatically believe any conspiracy theory?

So you're buying the "bat soup" theory?

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