Doesn’t it bother republicans that the US is so drastically behind in testing?

Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

You dumb fuck, S Korea tested tons of people and only got a 4% positive. Also many of their tests were flawed and gave unreliable results, the same in China. Do you want fast, or accurate? Oh right, you're a fucking commie, all you want to do is bitch.

Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

I don't even know anybody who has it. Does it bother you that you always sound like the village idiot?
Oh gee I was dying to hear your useless anecdotal perspective on this! Nothing to see here folks! DTMB doesn’t know anyone with the virus. There is no crisis!

More than likely, you will know more than one person in the coming months.
Was it a crisis when ISIS was allowed to fester? Was it a crisis when the H1N1 came across the southern border that wasn't walled, and started killing children? Not by that brown turd Oblummer.. Nope you libs still love the faggot even today..
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?

I think you should lick and many public urinals as possible and then get tested. Tell us how it goes. :D
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?
You authoritarians love your nanny state FDA, which sits on its wasteful ass holding up approval of tests. Take your fucking medicine.

To Government: The Cause of...aaaand solution to.....all of life's problems.
Fucking Vietnam has tested way more people than we have.

See the amount of deaths from the virus WILL get higher. There’s no reason to think otherwise. It blows my mind that anyone has to explain that. The fewer the tests, the more people will be infected putting the LIVES of the elderly and those with prior conditions at risk.

Are republicans incapable of thinking for themselves? Trump tells them the virus isn’t a big deal so they just decide he’s right. Why do they listen to a toddler stuck inside the body of a grown man?
no it doesn't .....
“Doesn’t it bother republicans that the US is so drastically behind in testing?”

If it does, they’d never acknowledge it.

Republicans would never say or do anything that might be perceived as critical of Trump or jeopardize his reelection chances.
Solution: Get rid of the FDA.

BOOM. Problem solved.

While we're at it, get rid of:

The Department of Education (scam)
The Chemical Safety Board
The Corporation for National and Community The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (commie scam)
The Institute of Museum and Library Services
The Legal Services Corporation
The National Endowment for the Arts (huge fucking scam)
The National Endowment for the Humanities
The Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (bamboozle hoodwink flimflam scam)
The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (1. Fuck Woodrow Wilson. 2. Commie Think Tank. 3. Fuck Woodrow Wilson)

Government is the problem.

It doesn't bother me because testing is silly and useless.

There is no standardization of the available tests, as they come from different laboratories. Too many of them are returning false positives so in order to prevent overloading the medical facilities, the patient's travel history has to be considered in the decision to treat or not.

Like the poster above me said, it's an issue with the FDA. They're a huge bureaucracy that's still packed full of Obama-era do nothings, who just get paid to hold down a chair in an office.
Trump is now blaming President Obama for the lack of coronavirus testing - even after Trump fired the Pandemic Response Team in 2018 that President Obama had created. Holy shit...
Doesn’t it bother republicans that the US is so drastically behind in testing?
Let's hold off until we can be sure everyone in California and New York are sick. When we no longer see any posts from you at all and just hear a faint gurgling at your keyboard, we'll know it time to start testing. Ourselves.
It doesn't bother me because testing is silly and useless.

There is no standardization of the available tests, as they come from different laboratories. Too many of them are returning false positives so in order to prevent overloading the medical facilities, the patient's travel history has to be considered in the decision to treat or not.

Like the poster above me said, it's an issue with the FDA. They're a huge bureaucracy that's still packed full of Obama-era do nothings, who just get paid to hold down a chair in an office.

You knocked that out of the park and the ball still hasn't landed.......

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