Doesn’t it bother republicans that Trump’s policy ideas lack any nuance or complexity?

The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

Doesn't it bother you Communists that after two years, not a HINT of collusion found? No charges of Obstruction, which are fucking stupid. I mean, you've been lied to by your Commissars, are you too fucking stupid to grasp it, or too fucking docile to care?
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

Come on now? 'Nuance'?

You gotta use words that ALL Trumpbots actually know.

The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

Doesn't it bother you Communists that after two years, not a HINT of collusion found? No charges of Obstruction, which are fucking stupid. I mean, you've been lied to by your Commissars, are you too fucking stupid to grasp it, or too fucking docile to care?
Lol the evidence of collusion is pretty thick actually. Trump just got lucky that he didn’t break any laws in that regard. Who would have thought a sitting president would collude with a foreign enemy? That kind of thing seemed unthinkable to lawmakers apparently. Trump sets precedents like that.
You’ll always have that huh? Ridiculing a campaign slogan that is no longer relevant to anything. Of course, there’s still Hillary. She’s your favorite “whataboutism” out of them all.
You project as bad as any of the liberoidals here.

Do yourself a big fat favor...Google "self awareness" and think about it real hard.
Why would he need to do that? Your daily comments are definitional to that point. Lack of encephalon.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

Does it bother the Democrats that Trump has made the economy boom, made us far less dependent of overseas oil, slashed social spending while increasing military spending, is building a wall to protect us from foreign invasion, and is becoming one of the greatest presidents ever?

The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

Come on now? 'Nuance'?

You gotta use words that ALL Trumpbots actually know.

I just like confusing them as well.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

You want nuance, aka political shenanigans.

I'll settle for straight talk be it politically correct or not.

I realize Trump says dumb shit on occasion. He tweets like we troll each other. He often talks without thinking it through. Etc....
In other words he is just like us. Unfiltered and not afraid to speak his mind. How can you not find that refreshing after a lifetime of political condescension?

He's not perfect but he is FAR MORE INTERESTED in the welfare of average Americans than any president in recent history. The only president in my lifetime that I felt had any REAL compassion for people like you and me was Bush but he was a product of entitlement imo.
Lol what it god’s name makes you think Trump gives a shit about the welfare of the average American? What the hell could you possibly be talking about in terms of policy?
Ask the minorities who are no longer in the unemployment line. Ask the borderline poor folk who are no longer losing their tax return to an Obamacare fine because they made too much to qualify for subsidies but not enough to afford the overpriced minimum plans. Ask anyone who runs a small business, such as myself, who had a massive boon in business almost instantaneously after he won the presidency. Ask the families of people murdered at the hand of illegals whom his is desperately trying to help prevent happening to others.

There are many small things that when compiled into a total picture that show he either cares or his handlers do and he's just a dumb puppet. Do you think he is a puppet?
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

Doesn't it bother you Communists that after two years, not a HINT of collusion found? No charges of Obstruction, which are fucking stupid. I mean, you've been lied to by your Commissars, are you too fucking stupid to grasp it, or too fucking docile to care?
Lol the evidence of collusion is pretty thick actually. Trump just got lucky that he didn’t break any laws in that regard. Who would have thought a sitting president would collude with a foreign enemy? That kind of thing seemed unthinkable to lawmakers apparently. Trump sets precedents like that.

So, too fucking stupid... :thup:
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

You want nuance, aka political shenanigans.

I'll settle for straight talk be it politically correct or not.

I realize Trump says dumb shit on occasion. He tweets like we troll each other. He often talks without thinking it through. Etc....
In other words he is just like us. Unfiltered and not afraid to speak his mind. How can you not find that refreshing after a lifetime of political condescension?

He's not perfect but he is FAR MORE INTERESTED in the welfare of average Americans than any president in recent history. The only president in my lifetime that I felt had any REAL compassion for people like you and me was Bush but he was a product of entitlement imo.
Lol what it god’s name makes you think Trump gives a shit about the welfare of the average American? What the hell could you possibly be talking about in terms of policy?
Ask the minorities who are no longer in the unemployment line. Ask the borderline poor folk who are no longer losing their tax return to an Obamacare fine because they made too much to qualify for subsidies but not enough to afford the overpriced minimum plans. Ask anyone who runs a small business, such as myself, who had a massive boon in business almost instantaneously after he won the presidency. Ask the families of people murdered at the hand of illegals whom his is desperately trying to help prevent happening to others.

There are many small things that when compiled into a total picture that show he either cares or his handlers do and he's just a dumb puppet. Do you think he is a puppet?
Lol wait I’m sorry—tax returns for poor people? You mean the bill he sponsored that eliminated deductions poor people rely on? You do know tax returns were way less this year for the poor right? Facts are hard to swallow, but they are for your own good!
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
Finally a President that you liberals understand. He President Trump is a genius because when someone like Booooosh, would talk, you libtards would have the "Deer in the Headlights" look, then call Boooosh a moron for how he talked. But this president has got your attention while speaking at your school grade level. Maybe you can now see that Making America Great Again, is much better than dying in 12 years because AOC wants to take your car, airplane, hamburger, gas grill, electricity and babies away from you...
"Trump is a genius" LMFAO!
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

You want nuance, aka political shenanigans.

I'll settle for straight talk be it politically correct or not.

I realize Trump says dumb shit on occasion. He tweets like we troll each other. He often talks without thinking it through. Etc....
In other words he is just like us. Unfiltered and not afraid to speak his mind. How can you not find that refreshing after a lifetime of political condescension?

He's not perfect but he is FAR MORE INTERESTED in the welfare of average Americans than any president in recent history. The only president in my lifetime that I felt had any REAL compassion for people like you and me was Bush but he was a product of entitlement imo.
Lol what it god’s name makes you think Trump gives a shit about the welfare of the average American? What the hell could you possibly be talking about in terms of policy?
Ask the minorities who are no longer in the unemployment line. Ask the borderline poor folk who are no longer losing their tax return to an Obamacare fine because they made too much to qualify for subsidies but not enough to afford the overpriced minimum plans. Ask anyone who runs a small business, such as myself, who had a massive boon in business almost instantaneously after he won the presidency. Ask the families of people murdered at the hand of illegals whom his is desperately trying to help prevent happening to others.

There are many small things that when compiled into a total picture that show he either cares or his handlers do and he's just a dumb puppet. Do you think he is a puppet?
Lol wait I’m sorry—tax returns for poor people? You mean the bill he sponsored that eliminated deductions poor people rely on? You do know tax returns were way less this year for the poor right? Facts are hard to swallow, but they are for your own good!
Poor people don't Itemize dumbass. Poor people don't own homes.

If people failed to alter their w2's to accommodate the new tax codes how is that Trumps fault?
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

No. Straight up is fine by me.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
Just another worthless leftist traitor hack thread with, of course, no links. Just butthurt rant. Nothing here, folks.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
Just another worthless leftist traitor hack thread with, of course, no links. Just butthurt rant. Nothing here, folks.
I don't think Billy is a hack. He's just a really stupid uninformed tool.
Doesn't it bother democrats that Pelosi's policy ideas lack any nuance or complexities?
She shows the complete lack of being able to follow a simple script as when she tried to accept the speakership.
She talked about impeachment then waffled then said no plans.
She and others backed the New Green Deal then dropped it like a hot potato.
Accused the Republicans of not wanting to talk about DACA then dropped that also.
Need someone list all her and the democratic failings? Yet for some reason people still claim that their political party is so much better.
Lol got our attention? Trump’s stupidity got him elected. Obviously it is republican stupidity because we knew better than to vote for someone who talks like a 5th grader.


Correction. It was progressive stupidity that got Trump elected because no one was stupid enough to vote for the progressive swamp rat the Democrats wanted. Now look over here while it happens again in the 2020 election.



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