Doesn’t it bother republicans that Trump’s policy ideas lack any nuance or complexity?

What policy ideas?

Forcing innocent people, including children, who are fleeing danger, who have the right to asylum, under our constitution, back into a burning building?

What other policy do they have?

Fleeing danger? More like racing towards the freebies and entitlements promised to them by commie leftards. Poorly educated, poorly skilled and dependent on "gubermint"....the three prerequisites for leftard ism.
Nope, you just described Red States.
There seems to be alot of progressive socialists who flee those blue states for red states and turn the areas they move to blue. Drop the chemicals on them I say.
What policy ideas?

Forcing innocent people, including children, who are fleeing danger, who have the right to asylum, under our constitution, back into a burning building?

What other policy do they have?

Fleeing danger? More like racing towards the freebies and entitlements promised to them by commie leftards. Poorly educated, poorly skilled and dependent on "gubermint"....the three prerequisites for leftard ism.
Nope, you just described Red States.

So, that lie you Stalinists told for years about Americans somehow consuming more federal dollars than the Marxists never did make sense. I mean, where are all the crony groups like Solyndra, Tesla, SpaceX?

In 2004, the Soros international Communist conspiracy released programming to the mindless drones of the left that updated their firmware to have them tell a lie that "red states" which was a relatively new term, and highly ironic - this idea that the Communists were "blue" while the Americans "red." The lie which was programmed into you and the other mindless automatons that make up the Soros army is that "red states" are net consumers of federal dollars and "blue states" are net producers.

Instantly this doesn't pass the "sniff test," the idea that states which have budgets for the entire state that are a small fraction of the welfare budget for New York City alone were somehow consuming more tax dollars made little sense to anyone capable of thought, which excludes the democrats and other Marxist morons.

So how does this lie work? Well it doesn't, not really. But the lie is based on the idea that PERCENT OF STATE REVENUE somehow matters. California consumes some 280 times more federal money than Montana, BUT Montana has a tiny budget and the California budget is massive. So the Soros traitors took the position that AS A PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL BUDGET Montana receives more money. Of course they never programmed mindless maggots like you with that detail, your job is to bleat "Blue states good, red states bad."

But that was 2004 - even THAT hasn't been true since 2009, when Comrade Obama became Premier. Obama funneled money to his cronies as fast as his gay little paws would let him.

CURRENTLY, Against a national average of $1,935 in intergovernmental spending per American, red states receive just $1,879. Blue states get considerably more, at $2,124 per resident.

The WAY that you Marxists get away with your lies is by good men not challenging you.

Are Red States Tax Takers And Blue States Tax Makers?
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The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.

Is this another one of those "Billionaires are stupid / I'm smarter than a billionaire" threads?
Question Billy.....if you wanted to secure your property line to stop trespassers wouldn't you start with a fence / wall?
Lol why would anyone say “I’m smarter than a billionaire”? Liberals never say this. For the most part, billionaires are quite intelligent. I mean there’s no denying that. Unfortunately, for Trump, he is one of the dumb ones. Why? A. I think it’s questionable to even call him a billionaire but B) even if he truly was a billionaire, there’s no reason to be impressed because daddy gave him millions of dollars to start businesses. Why would anyone be impressed with a businessman born with a silver spoon up his ass? The only impressive billionaires are the ones who are self made.

"The only impressive billionaires are the ones who are self made."
And, they don't go around bragging about either their intelligence or their wealth.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. Ironic, because progs don't know what walls are for.

An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico). As I was saying.

Speaking of that...I can't wait

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. Amazing how Trump can only discuss the border while he's accomplished more than the last three POTUS combined in just two years.

And because he’s a whiny little bitch Irony

desperate to be liked by everyone Interesting considering he calls you guys out easily and doesn't support mass immigration. You sure he wants to be liked by everyone? Hasn't worked with you. What happened to your "critical thought"?

he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. Neat

I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. More irony.

It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals. Projection.
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
The greatest hallmark of ingenuity; is simplicity. So actually the simplest answer is usually the best. A la Occam’s razor...
The shit he says is something an 8 year old could come up with. 8 year olds know what walls are for instance. An 8 year old who would do a faux election to be president as a school project’s best idea for immigration would be a big ole wall! They stop stuff! Of course any rational adult that is at least a little informed on the issues would know a wall is a useless gesture that would only succeed in commerce ceasing at the border (yeah the kind that helps both US and Mexico).

Speaking of that...

Trump now wants to shut down the US border, because of course he does. It’s the only policy he is capable of discussing in any detail. He’s too much of a moron to discuss any subject with a hint of complexity or nuance. And because he’s a whiny little bitch desperate to be liked by everyone, he ups the hyperbole to make sure his base still loves him. I’m sure his supporters will cheer, but deep down they know Trump is a useless sack of shit. It’s just too hard to admit that to anyone especially liberals.
NO, it DOESN'T bother me one iota that SOME of Trump's idea's are simple, without complexity. That's because Democrats often make simple issues into complex ones, often to hide what they really are up to. Often these issues are simple ones requiring just common sense, simple solutions.

This is how Trump turned a SINKING GDP left to him by Obama (2.3% to 1.8), and raised it to a 4.2% GDP growth. By enacting simple things like cutting the corporate tax in half, enacting massive amounts of business deregulation, and no longer allowing China to have unrestricted access to our wealthy and massive market.

In turn, he brought about all-time records in low unemployment,and all time high in Americans working, and an alltime high in the median income ($61,400/yr).

Whenever discussing these issues, liberals often delve into senseless and needless complexity, to try to confuse and induce the public, into believing only THEY have the right answers. Problem for them is, the time when the economy is booming is now, and during the past 2 years.

And it's all a very SIMPLE scenario (common sense) :biggrin:

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