DOJ Confirms-Will Probe "Impropriety, Political Motivation" Of Obama FBI Spying On Trump


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
The machine is bigger than all of us. Not sure anything will ever be done. But I hold hope that justice will prevail

Update: Just a few hours after President Trump "hereby demanded" that the DoJ investigate whether or not the "FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump campaign for Political Purposes," Axios' Jonathan Swan reports that Justice has confirmed a probe has begun. DoJ's Sarah Isgur Flores:

"The Department has asked the Inspector General to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

As always, the Inspector General will consult with the appropriate U.S. Attorney if there is any evidence of potential criminal conduct."

The Deputy Attorney General issued the following statement:

“If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action.

The liberal media is in full panic, meltdown mode, exclaiming that Trump has "interfered" with the investigation...

DoJ Confirms Inspector General Will Probe "Impropriety, Political Motivation" Of Obama FBI Spying On Trump
And when this is shown to be as nuts as that investigation into all that claimed illegal voting, the right will cry that the Deep State prevented an accurate result.
The machine is bigger than all of us. Not sure anything will ever be done. But I hold hope that justice will prevail

Update: Just a few hours after President Trump "hereby demanded" that the DoJ investigate whether or not the "FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump campaign for Political Purposes," Axios' Jonathan Swan reports that Justice has confirmed a probe has begun. DoJ's Sarah Isgur Flores:

"The Department has asked the Inspector General to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

As always, the Inspector General will consult with the appropriate U.S. Attorney if there is any evidence of potential criminal conduct."

The Deputy Attorney General issued the following statement:

“If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action.

The liberal media is in full panic, meltdown mode, exclaiming that Trump has "interfered" with the investigation...

DoJ Confirms Inspector General Will Probe "Impropriety, Political Motivation" Of Obama FBI Spying On Trump
You came late to the party. The lies by Trump and Nunes have already been exposed. There were no spies planted by the FBI. The guy is an informant. And like Matt Miller said, this is probably the most despicable act by Trump yet. He is compromising national security and the life of the informant and his family in this manufactured scandal. Sewer line, meet the Republican party. This is truly unbelievable. Talk about shitting on the oath of office. That is an understatement.

FBI used informant after multiple Trump camp Russia contacts
If your side is right you have nothing to fear. Right?
I'm not fearing anything. People know who's telling the truth and who isn't. And as long as you stay on the side that is the truth, there is no "if".
Then you should be quaking in yer boots!
Quaking about what? The fact that I proved Trump and Nunes were lying about the FBI spying on Trump with a spy, and you haven't proved otherwise? If you had that capability you would have already presented it to us.

The only thing quaking, are the quakes around the liars with the Trump team.
Like I said in the other thread. It is not a stretch to assume Obama had his stamp of approval here. He was obsessed with the opposition. He had his IRS go after conservatives and their political groups like the one I'm part of, Americans for Prosperity.


Deflect deflect deflect, thats all this orange nightmare ass does. He knows good and gotdamn well the truth of what happened. I'm so sick of Trump.
The machine is bigger than all of us. Not sure anything will ever be done. But I hold hope that justice will prevail

Update: Just a few hours after President Trump "hereby demanded" that the DoJ investigate whether or not the "FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump campaign for Political Purposes," Axios' Jonathan Swan reports that Justice has confirmed a probe has begun. DoJ's Sarah Isgur Flores:

"The Department has asked the Inspector General to expand the ongoing review of the FISA application process to include determining whether there was any impropriety or political motivation in how the FBI conducted its counterintelligence investigation of persons suspected of involvement with the Russian agents who interfered in the 2016 presidential election.

As always, the Inspector General will consult with the appropriate U.S. Attorney if there is any evidence of potential criminal conduct."

The Deputy Attorney General issued the following statement:

“If anyone did infiltrate or surveil participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes, we need to know about it and take appropriate action.

The liberal media is in full panic, meltdown mode, exclaiming that Trump has "interfered" with the investigation...

DoJ Confirms Inspector General Will Probe "Impropriety, Political Motivation" Of Obama FBI Spying On Trump
if it doesn't, we're fucked.

and all those who think this is a good thing just realize you're only getting the bar at right and wrong very low for your personal views. times will change, they always do. but we seldom get back freedoms the gov has taken and in order to feel "smug" right now, you want to find obama and our own gov for many admins back innocent of any wrong doing when it's really looking like we need an enema in the worst way up there and to fine tune the constitution to not allow career politicians again.
Like I said in the other thread. It is not a stretch to assume Obama had his stamp of approval here. He was obsessed with the opposition. He had his IRS go after conservatives and their political groups like the one I'm part of, Americans for Prosperity.


obama is a control freak. anyone giving him a pass at having knowledge of this topic would never give trump that same pass. obama is a crafty little shit that will wordsmith his way around problems. trump just makes up ego inflating crap around how he presents things. it would be easier to get away with things under trump in a gov sense cause he doesn't play that game much.

obama? he was the game for 8 years.
It's absolutely amazing how President Trump knows and speaks the truth weeks or months before it comes out. The pattern is so predictable. POTUS says "Trump Tower was wiretapped", (remember Admiral Mike Rogers and why Trump's transition HQ moved from Trump Tower to golf course in NJ). The leftist media attack him as paranoid and a liar attacking our patriotic institutions that keep us safe. Months later, leftist lies are being exposed and things start to leak out, with eventually the whole truth of the matter comes out. To cover lies, media tries to quibble but eventually prints a retraction on page 34 or on their web site with no link to the home page. Then they move on the the next attack.

Of course Obama new everything about spying on Trump, because he ordered it. I said it year ago, when that Kenyan prick said "Donald Trump WILL NOT be President of the United States, and whole leftist media keep repeating it, something was up. Something...
It's absolutely amazing how President Trump knows and speaks the truth weeks or months before it comes out. The pattern is so predictable. POTUS says "Trump Tower was wiretapped", (remember Admiral Mike Rogers and why Trump's transition HQ moved from Trump Tower to golf course in NJ). The leftist media attack him as paranoid and a liar attacking our patriotic institutions that keep us safe. Months later, leftist lies are being exposed and things start to leak out, with eventually the whole truth of the matter comes out. To cover lies, media tries to quibble but eventually prints a retraction on page 34 or on their web site with no link to the home page. Then they move on the the next attack.

Of course Obama new everything about spying on Trump, because he ordered it. I said it year ago, when that Kenyan prick said "Donald Trump WILL NOT be President of the United States, and whole leftist media keep repeating it, something was up. Something...
the circle of lies is coming out piece by piece and many on the left are in a panic.

they need to stop justifying it cause all that is doing is saying trump can do it too. yet if/when he does, it then becomes a foul.

can't have it both ways.
Yeah "del", you can put funny smiley on every Trump supporting post, but that about it.

It's not going to be funny when report comes out saying that community organizer is up to his flap ears in this spying scandal.

Former CIA director Brennan threatening Ryan and McConnell to stop the probe? Spook got spooked. Now, that's funny.
If your side is right you have nothing to fear. Right?
I'm not fearing anything. People know who's telling the truth and who isn't. And as long as you stay on the side that is the truth, there is no "if".
Then you should be quaking in yer boots!
Clint Watts gives a perfect explanation as to exactly how the FBI pursues an informant as it relates to any presidential candidate. The fact that Trump is pretending is hair is on fire about this, just tells us exactly how desperate he is. The FBI did exactly what they were supposed to do. They went specifically by protocol, and Trump can save the false outrage. Everyone is on to him.FBI doesn't open investigations for political reasons: Analyst
It's absolutely amazing how President Trump knows and speaks the truth weeks or months before it comes out. The pattern is so predictable. POTUS says "Trump Tower was wiretapped", (remember Admiral Mike Rogers and why Trump's transition HQ moved from Trump Tower to golf course in NJ). The leftist media attack him as paranoid and a liar attacking our patriotic institutions that keep us safe. Months later, leftist lies are being exposed and things start to leak out, with eventually the whole truth of the matter comes out. To cover lies, media tries to quibble but eventually prints a retraction on page 34 or on their web site with no link to the home page. Then they move on the the next attack.

Of course Obama new everything about spying on Trump, because he ordered it. I said it year ago, when that Kenyan prick said "Donald Trump WILL NOT be President of the United States, and whole leftist media keep repeating it, something was up. Something...
the circle of lies is coming out piece by piece and many on the left are in a panic.

they need to stop justifying it cause all that is doing is saying trump can do it too. yet if/when he does, it then becomes a foul.

can't have it both ways.
The Sheep were explained exactly what happened, and this manufactured scandal has no legs. Clint Watts explains exactly what the role of the FBI was/is in this instance, and that is exactly how they proceeded; FBI doesn't open investigations for political reasons: Analyst

There is nothing to investigate, and Trump is pursuing an impeachable offense, trying to cook up a scenario that doesn't exist. And, by means of him trying to officially call on the DOJ and FBI to investigate this as a political matter, while Trump himself is under criminal investigation, is in fact impeachable as an abuse of power.

This abuse of power not only compromises national security, he is also compromising the safety of the informant and his or her family. What happened to "protect and serve"?

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