DOJ gives new reason for Trump Raid.... It never was about "nuclear paperwork".. Oh Really?

Now this comes as no Suprise... They found no nuclear paperwork...
NOW WAIT HERE BOB, you mean I waded through ten threads and 500 posts here ragging about Trump The Horrid Criminal stealing nuclear secrets for nothing? I want restitution!

So now the reason has to change... Now it's that Trump was hording documents that cleared him of wrongdoing, and THEY WANTED THEM.
But . . but, if I were Trump, I'd want documents that cleared me of wrongdoing too! That's called EV-I-DENCE.

WTF??? Now declassified papers that prove Trumps innocence is a problem.??
Tell me.

This excuse makes no sense...
Because they are bald-faced LYING.

It is his right to retain papers that prove his innocence.
Only is a free republic.
This story is exploding...
This is not going to end well for the FBI and DOJ.

Honestly Bob, what kind of government RAID'S A PRESIDENT'S HOME, then has no plan to even explain why they did it than to say if they reveal the one document telling all, it would harm too much of their intelligence agencies?

Never thought in my life I'd hear that coming from OUR government.

Maybe these agencies NEED a little exposing!
House republicans are demanding all information...WOW.... This thing is red hot....

LEMME GUESS-- -- -- the search affidavit contains information too sensitive to allow congressional republicans to see! Yeah . . that's it! :th_waiting:
The AG hasn't divulged. Not even to the Intelligence Committee who has filed for the DOJ to share. We, the public have no idea either. Do you understand that?
Somebody better do something quick or do know what happened in the old days, right?

Or are you American? If these motherfuckers plan on framing Trump for treason they have a hard row to hoe. A hard and long row.
He better have, Trump has been already slandered 5,000 times here about stealing nuclear secrets!
Now what would Trump do with nuclear secrets? Give our missile tech to China? Clinton already did that. Drone tech? Obama did that. Trump might try to save America from what all the previous traitorous shitbags have done. :aargh:
Guess what? You asked the OP for info he can't offer.

I dida whata humpa? Time to stop the bullshit. YOU CANNOT RAID A PRESIDENT'S HOUSE GOING THROUGH EVERY ROOM, EVERY DRAWER OF THEIR HOUSE RANSACKING THE PLACE TAKING WHATEVER YOU WANT THEN SAY: "Sorry, we can't tell you why, not even Congress, it's too classified and might hurt our ability to conduct similar future investigations!"

Not in any form of constitutional; free republic!
Somebody better do something quick or do know what happened in the old days, right?

Or are you American? If these motherfuckers plan on framing Trump for treason they have a hard row to hoe. A hard and long row.
You're as dumb as the others.
You're as dumb as the others.
Hokay IQ 99.
Trump has nothing to gain from being a traitor to America like Clinton and Obama were. Probably the Bushes, too. He volunteered for the job. Did they? hmm?
All 4 sold us out in one way or another and Trump tried to fix some of what they did and you scream bloody hell about it the entire time like a fucking dipshit. I'm sorry, you might the 1st I put on ignore for being dumber than a bag of rocks. But mean tweets that trigger fuckfaces!

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I dida whata humpa? Time to stop the bullshit. YOU CANNOT RAID A PRESIDENT'S HOUSE GOING THROUGH EVERY ROOM, EVERY DRAWER OF THEIR HOUSE RANSACKING THE PLACE TAKING WHATEVER YOU WANT THEN SAY: "Sorry, we can't tell you why, not even Congress, it's too classified and might hurt our ability to conduct similar future investigations!"

Not in any form of constitutional; free republic!
Retard. It shows.

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