DOJ gives new reason for Trump Raid.... It never was about "nuclear paperwork".. Oh Really?

i see you are blinded by the dembot cult…i’m sure MSDnC told you all this
If it’s so obvious, you should be able to state why. The fact that you can’t demonstrates it’s only obvious when that’s what you’re already decided to believe.
Now this comes as no Suprise... They found no nuclear paperwork... So now the reason has to change... Now it's that Trump was hording documents that cleared him of wrongdoing, and THEY WANTED THEM.

WTF??? Now declassified papers that prove Trumps innocence is a problem.??

This excuse makes no sense... It is his right to retain papers that prove his innocence. They just exposed that they had no PROBABLE CAUSE TO OBTAIN THE WARRANT> RELEASE THE AFFIDAVIT!!!!

Did you type this fictional story and randomly pick a link? You guys really are morons.
I dida whata humpa? Time to stop the bullshit. YOU CANNOT RAID A PRESIDENT'S HOUSE GOING THROUGH EVERY ROOM, EVERY DRAWER OF THEIR HOUSE RANSACKING THE PLACE TAKING WHATEVER YOU WANT THEN SAY: "Sorry, we can't tell you why, not even Congress, it's too classified and might hurt our ability to conduct similar future investigations!"

Not in any form of constitutional; free republic!
The warrant was unconstitutional. Read the fourth amendment,

Amendment IV​

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The Warrant was so broad that it included the box next to the box that had one paper in it. This clearly violates the Fourth amendment clause of specificity. The word "particularly" means to be exact in one's actions, deliberate, logical. This warrant was a collect everything and the DOJ has stated that. Under the US constitution this is not allowed.
it’s not a game…pointing out the obvious
“Obvious” actually means “thing I believe because I want to believe”.

There’s no critical thinking. Just inventing your own little narrative for convenience.
“Obvious” actually means “thing I believe because I want to believe”.

There’s no critical thinking. Just inventing your own little narrative for convenience.
when you say critical thinking, you mean spin…

cause that’s what the demafasict propagandist have to do to get you to avoid the obvious
The warrant was unconstitutional. Read the fourth amendment,

Amendment IV​

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. The Warrant was so broad that it included the box next to the box that had one paper in it. This clearly violates the Fourth amendment clause of specificity. The word "particularly" means to be exact in one's actions, deliberate, logical. This warrant was a collect everything and the DOJ has stated that. Under the US constitution this is not allowed.

But Bob! The warrant did that! It DID describe the particular place to be searched, ALL OF TRUMP'S PROPERTY!
And it DID describe the things to be seized: ANYTHING THEY FIND THAT THEY WANT TO TAKE!

Including Melania's thong underwear.

So naturally they don't want to reveal the affidavit--- doing so would bring to light how far down the garden path to fascist-dictatorial powers they have gone and don't want to give up! Absolute power is like a drug corrupting absolutely.
Wait a minute… mean all those News stories about “nuclear documents” was…….FAKE a NEWS???
spooks are working overtime propagadizing Americans. from the msm to places like this. Most Democrats here are spooks or paid by spooks. Very few real Americans are actually Democrats.
Only if you live in the Trump bubble.

Trump took classified documents. He didn’t give them back. The FBI took them back. It’s incredibly simple. No need for grand conspiracies.

We wouldn’t have really known about it except Trump decided to announce it.
And in doing so, the FBI raided an ex President's home...something that hasn't been done in over two hundred years! Not to Obama...not to Bush...not to Reagan...not even to Nixon! Incredibly simple? Incredibly provocative is more like it. If the DOJ doesn't have some serious evidence that a SERIOUS crime had been committed by Trump then this fiasco is going to blow up in their faces!
He’s no right. The warrant specific what they were going to take. They didn’t take anything they wanted.
With all due respect, Marener...that warrant was the most non specific warrant I've ever seen! It basically gave the FBI carte blanche to take anything in Trump's home! That's not's what you want a pet judge to give you if you're going on a major fishing expedition!
And in doing so, the FBI raided an ex President's home...something that hasn't been done in over two hundred years! Not to Obama...not to Bush...not to Reagan...not even to Nixon! Incredibly simple? Incredibly provocative is more like it. If the DOJ doesn't have some serious evidence that a SERIOUS crime had been committed by Trump then this fiasco is going to blow up in their faces!
Trump is the dumbest fucking man to be president in over two hundred years.

Trump needs to follow the laws like the rest of us. If you or me had highly classified info in our closet, we’d have the book thrown at us.
Trump is the dumbest fucking man to be president in over two hundred years.

Trump needs to follow the laws like the rest of us. If you or me had highly classified info in our closet, we’d have the book thrown at us.
Trump is a freaking MENSA candidate compared to the idiot we have in the Oval Office right now, Marener! If you can't see THAT then you're not worthy of debate!
Trump is the dumbest fucking man to be president in over two hundred years.

Trump needs to follow the laws like the rest of us. If you or me had highly classified info in our closet, we’d have the book thrown at us.
but your cult leader clinton didn’t…wonder why?
Trump is the dumbest fucking man to be president in over two hundred years.

Trump needs to follow the laws like the rest of us. If you or me had highly classified info in our closet, we’d have the book thrown at us.
If you or I had the authority to declassify material then they could no more charge us than they can Trump!

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