DOJ gives new reason for Trump Raid.... It never was about "nuclear paperwork".. Oh Really?

I dida whata humpa? Time to stop the bullshit. YOU CANNOT RAID A PRESIDENT'S HOUSE GOING THROUGH EVERY ROOM, EVERY DRAWER OF THEIR HOUSE RANSACKING THE PLACE TAKING WHATEVER YOU WANT THEN SAY: "Sorry, we can't tell you why, not even Congress, it's too classified and might hurt our ability to conduct similar future investigations!"

Not in any form of constitutional; free republic!
As his name implies, he’s perfectly fine with the state doing whatever the hell it wants. He’ll never put up a fight.
Now this comes as no Suprise... They found no nuclear paperwork... So now the reason has to change... Now it's that Trump was hording documents that cleared him of wrongdoing, and THEY WANTED THEM.

WTF??? Now declassified papers that prove Trumps innocence is a problem.??

This excuse makes no sense... It is his right to retain papers that prove his innocence. They just exposed that they had no PROBABLE CAUSE TO OBTAIN THE WARRANT> RELEASE THE AFFIDAVIT!!!!

I said. Bunch of Fed Bois sitting around saying, "what would sound legit to liberal wine women in Dubuque? Oh YEAH, NuCLeaR CoDes!!!!"

The number of these women under the FBI tweets saying, "Thank you for your service" and blah blah blah is pukeworthy. These were the people heiling all over Nazi Germany back in the day. Sheep.
The House GOP is going to be all over this next January when they become the majority. I'm guessing a lot of evidence is going to go up in smoke between now and then and memories are suddenly going to go blank. I can't remember, I don't recall, what was the question again?

Vintage Peter Gabriel

The AG hasn't divulged. Not even to the Intelligence Committee who has filed for the DOJ to share. We, the public have no idea either. Do you understand that?
I never said that. I asked why are their so many threads about Trump have nuclear secrets at his home and why are you denying the topic has never been discussed and used by you leftists to attack Trump.
As the faces continue to come forward the demafasict propagandist narrative falls apart and the reality of the Stalinist regime and behavior becomes apparent

of course the dembot cultist could careless
Ah -- we are no longer at war with Eurasia, we are now at war with Eastasia.

Now is the time for all good Democrat proles to insist we have always been at war with Eastasia.
It’s amazing you guys think executing a search warrant is some incredible, unprecedented and unforgivable violation of privacy.

As if search warrants aren’t executed on a daily basis in this country.
It’s amazing you guys think executing a search warrant is some incredible, unprecedented and unforgivable violation of privacy.

As if search warrants aren’t executed on a daily basis in this country.
Oh they are...however, more often then not used to collect evidence of a crime...not used to try and intimate or collect Op Research on political rivals.

That's what Stalinist tyrants do.
Oh they are...however, more often then not used to collect evidence of a crime...not used to try and intimate or collect Op Research on political rivals.

That's what Stalinist tyrants do.
If the FBI were trying to intimidate or collect op research on rivals, that would be terrible.

There’s zero reason to believe that’s what’s going on with Trump.
The OP is lying. It doesn't exist in the link.

Did the AG ever say there was "nuclear paperwork?"
The DOJ leaked that story to the Main Stream Media, OK and that was the narrative for the first week of this farce...that the FBI HAD to raid Mar A Lago because there were sensitive nuclear documents at risk there!!! OMG!!! Only now there aren't? Seriously?
hahaha there is every reason to believe it.
Only if you live in the Trump bubble.

Trump took classified documents. He didn’t give them back. The FBI took them back. It’s incredibly simple. No need for grand conspiracies.

We wouldn’t have really known about it except Trump decided to announce it.
Only if you live in the Trump bubble.

Trump took classified documents. He didn’t give them back. The FBI took them back. It’s incredibly simple. No need for grand conspiracies.

We wouldn’t have really known about it except Trump decided to announce it.
They aren't even trying to even really hide what they are's so obvious. At least when Obama was leaving office they made up a Russian hoax story as it's just....send the stormtroopers in, collect all the attorney client priv documents you can find.
They aren't even trying to even really hide what they are's so obvious. At least when Obama was leaving office they made up a Russian hoax story as it's just....send the stormtroopers in, collect all the attorney client priv documents you can find.
“It’s so obvious” only to those who are totally biased for Trump.

There’s nothing “obvious” about it and the fact that you can’t say why it’s obvious demonstrates that it’s not.
“It’s so obvious” only to those who are totally biased for Trump.

There’s nothing “obvious” about it and the fact that you can’t say why it’s obvious demonstrates that it’s not.
i see you are blinded by the dembot cult…i’m sure MSDnC told you all this

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