DOJ: No Miranda rights


<--- Pic is not me
Jan 23, 2010
Cincinnati, OH
ABC news just now

ON EDIT: (took me till 9:43 to get link up)

A senior Justice Department official told ABC News that federal law enforcement officials are invoking the public safety exception to the Miranda rights, so that Tsarnaev will be questioned immediately without having Miranda rights issued to him.

The federal government's high value detainee interrogation group will be responsible for questioning him.

The Miranda exemption exists to protect the public safety from another attack, according to the official.
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How is this different from a mass shooter?

Hmmm - well, he did use a WMD but, with a large magazine, so does a mass shooter.

He's a citizen.

I'm not the legal eagle the rw's here are so I really don't know. Whatever happens, the rw's will hate it.
He will get his Miranda rights....again and again

And on film
The federal courts' system has been far more efficient at prosecuting terrorists.

Just as soon as the doctors finish amputating his arms and legs, go ahead and Mirandize him.
So much evidence, there's no way he won't be convicted.
It's still developing per ABC and Drudge.

In the meantime keeping Tsarnaev alive tonight is the current agenda.
Citizens don't get Miranda rights?

Apparently they can be delayed in this case.

Determining ongoing threat? Not sure. I'm no lawyer.

Maybe because of his medical condition

No way are they going to screw up his Miranda right

ABC's report.

Read earlier today, and was reminded, that Eric Holder and the Obama admin. sought out this option back in the Faisal Shahzad days.

On edit:

Idiot Lindsey Graham tweeted he wanted the "enemy combatant" label slapped on the perp.
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A suspect who is severely injured cannot understand his rights. They will not read him his rights now because he is not of sound mind

There is no way they will screw up reading him his rights before he confesses
Apparently they can be delayed in this case.

Determining ongoing threat? Not sure. I'm no lawyer.

Maybe because of his medical condition

No way are they going to screw up his Miranda right

ABC's report.

Read earlier today, and was reminded, that Eric Holder and the Obama admin. sought out this option back in the Faisal Shahzad days.

On edit:

Idiot Lindsey Graham tweeted he wanted the "enemy combatant" label slapped on the perp.

I posted about graham on the Politics forum. You won't believe what that idiot said in his tweets. Just as we see here, the Constitution is a matter of convenience to Graham.
He will get his mirandas before he is questioned. Miranda warnings have nothing to do with arrest. Only questioning. That's why the start out with the right to remain silent.
He will get his mirandas before he is questioned. Miranda warnings have nothing to do with arrest. Only questioning. That's why the start out with the right to remain silent.

Oh for Pete's sake.

I guess this is your day to pretend to be an attorney?

You're wrong about this case. maybe you should go back to one of your other professions.
Old NYT story from 2010 (I assume before said law was passed?) ...

Article for 2010-

Holder Backs a Miranda Limit for Terror Suspects
Published: May 9, 2010

WASHINGTON &#8212; The Obama administration said Sunday it would seek a law allowing investigators to interrogate terrorism suspects without informing them of their rights, as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. flatly asserted that the defendant in the Times Square bombing attempt was trained by the Taliban in Pakistan.

Mr. Holder proposed carving out a broad new exception to the Miranda rights established in a landmark 1966 Supreme Court ruling. It generally forbids prosecutors from using as evidence statements made before suspects have been warned that they have a right to remain silent and to consult a lawyer.

He said interrogators needed greater flexibility to question terrorism suspects than is provided by existing exceptions.

I guess the law passed? :confused:
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