DOJ: We Will Conduct Our Own Investigation Into Jan 6 Events and Make Our Decision on Prosecution Regardless of Suggestions From Congress

Listening to today’s show. They promised groundbreaking new evidence. All I hear is a rerun.

Did they run out of money and couldn’t
bring their Hollywood producer back?
the jan 6 committee is a partisan farse
the doj will have to investigated for their faux russian collusion smear campaign crimes
I just watched the clip of their evidence....wel prepared.....yet......

I heard a lot of "I think" and a lot of "I assumed" and the best was with all of the video they had, despite hearing about all of the blood of police, there was not a single clip of a police officer bleeding.

And the best?

Trump was in the WH dining room at the time.

When iin actuality, as is customary with the SS during an incident, he was down in the WH bunker....where, yes, there are TV's and yes, there are bathrooms and yes, there is a kitchen and a dining table.

But no....he was not at a table for 30 eating shrimp and watching TV as they implied.

ANd Liz Cheney?

You lost. By a landslide. Get the fuck out of Washington already. You blew it because you had no spine when Trump insulted you. Wah Wah Wah......
Not Yet. They made that clear Simp.
Not today either, just the expected RECOMMENDATION to the DOJ for indictments.
Patience. I know you lack patience.
There is NO rush, just get it correct.

You're correct, no Indictment, no trial, no conviction today,
but it's ALL coming. Patience.

It's coming, so get your circle jerk together and create those talking points.

So which elections were stolen?
2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020,
just the AZ 2022.

So which ones do you have evidence of "Stolen Election"?
Which Elections have been PROVEN to be Stolen?
In other words the DOJ is preventing any investigation by the incoming republican house whose questions will all be answered with "can't comment on that because of on-going investigation".
Yep. The Reps can impeach them, but the Dems in the Senate will never remove them. Whoever boots Dementia Joe out the White House needs to clean house at the DOJ.
Bawling? You are a moron.

I‘m LMFAO at today’ Shit Show. What a crock. :auiqs.jpg:

Promised us groundbreaking new evidence, gave us a rerun.
And he was referred to DOJ for the criminal scoundrel that he is, Trump asslicker.

You're laughing? Sure you are.
Real hearings don’t have Hollywood producers, Dumbass.
Legal hearings allow the accused to defend himself. Genuine Grand Jury meetings are kept secret from the public. Legal trials have a jury chosen by both sides. That is 3 strikes on the Pelosi Propaganda.

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