DOMA ruled unconstitutional

I noted that "Let's see here: UnkDoosh and buggerreb are trying to gang up on me. That will take 1/4 of my concentration to turn them into fail." Then you complained about me. You are so witless. buggerreb, you can only carry your points by doing them the right way, but yet you refuse to do so.

Thus, you continue to fail. It is what it is.

Jake I'll let you off the hook if you start a thread about the 9th and 10th amendments. You can use a link to support your claim.
You are on the hook, buggerreb, ever since you posted the inane and insane Hitler thread. :lol:
The video and the evidence you presented made us all howl with laughter, because it disproved the OP.

It was a massive fail.
Yes, you were a massive fail, bigrebnc, as you normally are. Nothing you say takes away that you fail on the Board.
Yes, you define yourself perfectly: a failure seeing himself as a success.

"The couples argued that the power to define and regulate marriage had been left to the states for more than 200 years before Congress passed DOMA"

gotta love real conservatism. :thup:

Seems anyone is capable of real conservatism when it's convenient. :thup:
Yes, you define yourself perfectly: a failure seeing himself as a success.

He knows he has been schooled, owned and taken to the woodshed. He just won't admit it. No one can get slapped that many times and not know it.


He and his fellow troglodytes also clearly illustrate we are in as much need now of our Constitution and its case law as any time in this Nation’s history.

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